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Everything posted by Arzok

  1. the best way is to open a MP mission for exemple, and to see how it is done. Some elements : open the mission editor In the mission tree, you have a sleeping group named Reinforcement (in grey) In this group, you have placeholders, so you will be able to select them in the OOB. You can see also the 'cost', that is the number of victory point needed. Then you have to put in the trigger ini for exemple, SupportGroupCall ( "Reinforcement1_rus", ENABLE , "rus" )
  2. Yes, and I am not sure, but before the patch, I think that scouting ability was higher than 0 (not sure of the value)
  3. you can't with the in game generator You must use the mission editor (that can be done after using the in game generator, just to put reinforcement)
  4. Here is an AAR of the a multiplayer mission played with Stimo yesterday. It is the new mission "hill". Some feedback to battlefront / 1C. Missions like that are wonderful. You can have reinforcements, lot of tanks... It took us 2 hours to play it, with a lot of fun ! Some problem and bugs : Once, I could see soldiers behind a hill !!! The mission took us 2 hours. You can set the time limit between 5 and 30 minutes, no more. But what can be done in 5 minutes ??? Even 30 minutes is not enough to appreciate TOW-Kursk The time limit should take the value 15 - 30 - 45 - 60 minutes !
  5. Other bug : Russian Scout squad have a scout level of 0 !
  6. Do you speak gently to your soldiers ? Most probably, they have no clear line of sight.
  7. YES !!! Very good news, and a lot of new units ²
  8. UP But we made some progress. I don"t know why, but , for most of the MP mission I changed, mission points are OK. BUT, the price of the units is not OK. Most of the price are at "-1". The more you take units, the more you have points :confused: Then you can select a tank, and the prices changed and are OK, then it comes back to "-1". No logic at all :mad:
  9. It is the same for multiplayer missions. You have reinforcement that need 4500 victory points. But the whole destruction of your opponent represents less than 4000 points !!! And once you have destroyed your opponent, you need no more tanks :confused:
  10. I agree ! Still a lot of bugs, and no news about something to solve these bugs and problems. Kursk could be a major game... with a little more work and with more communication !
  11. We had the same problem yesterday with Stimo. We search about firewall....etc.. Take some time ! But it works by IP , so it is a bug (another) of the multi player server :mad:
  12. again for friday 14 may, 20H GMT (22 h french hour) Seems that the multiplayer server does not work very well :mad:
  13. We played with Stimo ! But the server was done ! We plan to play again this "french" evening, 22H french hour, 20H GMT if I am right, 14H ETZ USA
  14. As Stimo said, we propose 9 o'clock GMT. For tonight, it was not possible, multiplayer server was not availaible :mad:
  15. We can try thursday or friday ? 13H30 french time - so if I made no mistake, it means 6H30 Central time zone for USA :eek:
  16. I will launch a MP mission with Kursk TODAY (wednesday). It will be at 21H30 french time, 15H30 Estern time zone, 14H30 Central T Z, etc. Sorry for last time, I made a mistake about the hour !!! We will stay open untill 21H45 !
  17. No problem ! You help me a lot for the Gavrus campaign. I re-used a lot of the work for this centauro campaign (especially text, that you help me to write in good english), so you contribute to this campaign also
  18. So no support from 1C/battlefront for multiplayer questions ? :confused:
  19. I installed it yesterday. Need to create a new profile, and all is working fine ! I conquered 50% of the trenches... The first map is very beautiful:) Thank you a lot for your work !
  20. Number 25 now I forgot to thank Knokke. Without him, I would not have been able to add images to the briefing. And he kindly converted the image in the right format
  21. You can fin here a new campaign for Centauro. It is the adaptation of the "Gavrus campaign". So READ CAREFULLY instructions, because it is not a classical campaign. Be sure that you take all the optionnal units in the selection screen, or it will not work properly :eek: I would like to thank Eniced and Alan123 for their help. Without them, it would have not be possible to finish this work ! In this page, it is the number 24, title "The attack of Sened", click on "télécharger" (that means DL) http://www.39-45strategie.com/Telecharger-des-cartes.5367.0.html Have fun
  22. tell us when you can (wich hour in the WE) ?
  23. it is off map, because the size of the map is to small for that type of artillery. So if they were on the map, they could not fire on the same map... if I am right :confused:
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