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Everything posted by Arzok

  1. auto update ??? mods are not apply by auto update. You can use JSGME to install the mod safely.
  2. I made an "english" version of this mod, with more than 95% in english. ftp://ftp.reseau-js.com/sudden/TheatreOfWar/Eastern_Wind_Extension_Pack_v1.0_en.zip I made also a solo mission for this mod. http://www.39-45strategie.com/Telecharger-des-cartes.5367.0.html Mission number 27.
  3. I would like to make a trigger to resupply units near a supply truck or a supply building. I saw the new instruction "ReplenishAmmo " in the mission trigger reference help. -------------- ReplenishAmmo (objectType , objectVariable , [ ammoGroup ] ) It replenishes the ammo loadout for the ammo types from the list ammoGroup ammoGroup can be: HE AP SMOKE Example: ReplenishAmmo ( UNIT , 1 , HE, SMOKE ) -------------- I tried with the 76mm obr. ReplenishAmmo ( UNIT , 1 , HE ) =replenish ammo HEAT ReplenishAmmo ( UNIT , 1 , x , HE ) =replenish ammo HE ReplenishAmmo ( UNIT , 1 , x , x , HE ) =replenish ammo SMOKE ReplenishAmmo ( UNIT , 1 , HE , HE , HE ) =replenish ammo SMOKE, HE and HEAT You can replace HE by AP or SMOKE, same result :confused: you can replace x by 1, any number, letters without meanings : same result. And replennnish ammo means that the gun will have three times more HE shells (for exemple, if there is at the beginning 20 shells, after the instruction, there will be 60 shells :confused:). And I have not succeed to replennish AP shell ( or APCR...) Can you provide some help ?
  4. Just a precision, spare slots are not placeholders. You need to add spare slots AND placeholders. Perhaps it is the problem :confused:
  5. You are welcome ! And don't hesitate to ask questions here !
  6. You can try this : http://translate.google.fr/translate?hl=fr&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.39-45strategie.com%2FPartie-A.7174.0.html
  7. You can install this mod on 1.3.1 or 1.3.3, but you must play with the same version. We tried with Von Manstein, it does not work between battlefront version and steam version
  8. http://forum.jeux-strategie.com/index.php?showtopic=74103 It comes from the 1C russian site.
  9. In the properties of the mission, item 03.support Select a support The last properties is "cost". Set it to 1 I think (0, I am not sure it works). So you will have to kill one soldier to have support.
  10. +Same mods, it was the case (in fact, no mods). +Same prices unit costs : It is not possible to modify these values (unless by a mod), from what I know +Same prices in MP mission : In case of a new mission (new name, new folder), does it imply that the two (or more) players have to install the new MP mission ? It was not the case with TOW 1 (only the hoster)
  11. Yes, I have. It worked for one mission only, I don't know why. Same than you for the others. Sometimes, I have also the good price for a tank (for ex, 250). I select the tank, then the price is set to -1...
  12. I know how to change it. BUT it seems that there is a bug, so the modified mission does not work. I ask in this forum to have some support, but no response. So I give up with kursk.
  13. IF the property is set to true, the group should be in grey. No other specific things to do. You can send me the mission if you want, I will check. Another way is to see how it is done in other missions.
  14. Your trigger seems to be correct. If it does not work, the problem is not here. perhaps in the group definition. Do you hear the message 'reinforcements' ? Just test it with SendMessage ( "Reinforcements" , 15000 )
  15. Steam version is 1.3.3 Battlefront (mine) version is 1.3.1 So we can't play MP with my friend. Is there a way to solve this ?
  16. You have to make a sleeping group, then you can "awake" this group with : ReinforcementLand ( Group , "renfort_joueur" ) You can try to read this (translated from french)
  17. Here, you have a campaign (4 missions) for centauro. It is "The attack of Sened v1", number 25 http://www.39-45strategie.com/Telecharger-des-cartes.5367.0.html
  18. I have not seen this type of pb. Can you test your mission as a solo mission ? You will see if it can work outside of the campaign. Sometimes, some units can create problems. Try to suppress special units (from mod JSH). Then , I can test your mission, but only in three weeks, as I will be in holidays, without my computer !
  19. first you can make your mission as single missions. When they are OK, create a new folder in : F:\programme\Theatre of War 2\Missions with the nam of your campaign, for exemple : F:\programme\Theatre of War 2\Missions\mycampaign Copy all the single missions in this folder. then you need 2 files in this folder : campaig.xml text.utf8. you can copy a campaign.xml from another campaign, and modify it with notepad. You will have something like this : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Campaign> <Type>CAMPAIGN</Type> <SID>NLC_fr</SID> <UserCampaign>True</UserCampaign> <Mission> <Number>1</Number> <SID>NLC01</SID> <Name>NLC_01</Name> <Country>UK</Country> <Layer>NLC_01.mat</Layer> <Success>NLC02</Success> <Failed>MENU</Failed> </Mission> <Mission> <Number>2</Number> <SID>NLC02</SID> <Name>NLC_02</Name> <Country>UK</Country> <Layer>NLC_02.mat</Layer> <Success>NLC03</Success> <Failed>END</Failed> </Mission> name is the name of the folder of the mission. layer in not necessary I think. Success is the id name of the next mission. then open the first mission with the mission editor in the properties of the mission, you can select the campaign. Hope it will help !
  20. C:\programme\Theatre of War 2 Kursk 1943\Missions\SINGLE_MISSIONS
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