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Everything posted by scottsmm

  1. You know the same thing happend to me Arado234, when I tried to play SC2 Blitzkrieg, but that was just to try it out, and see how it worked. I got a new laptop with new settings, and I wanted to see what the game looked like on it. I then tried it on WAW, and was amazed at my new laptop, and the game of course. One major pain with my new laptop is it has Vista which is a major PAIN . I probably should have mentioned this early to you Hubert, but I had other issues with downloading WAW, PDE, (thanks madmatt you were a real help) and then SC2 Pacific theater so it just got put on the back burner for a while. This problem however didn't come up in any other games besides the base SC2 game. I also had directX9 if not DirectX10.
  2. Bill101, Whenever there are two capable air units to intercept an enemy unit it always depends on there readiness/morale. So it doesn't play much of a part in it, because it's the single deciding factor, just as long as there are two capable units ready to intercept the enemy unit. I think though that it goes by readiness first, and then morale decides it if readiness is tied.
  3. "I'm with you on this" Glad to see it Lampcord. I just wish you were "with me" on more then just this one.
  4. Kuniworth, Every battle between Germany and the USSR, there were always more casualties on the USSR side then the German side. It really didn't matter though to the Soviets, because they would simply replace all there losses with brand new conscripts, but Germany in mid to late 44' was running into a man shortage problem. It was at this point that 5 years of a long bloody war was taking it's tool on the German Civilians.
  5. Army group Center was destroyed basically on June 22, 1944. Does this date have a historic meaning or what (for Russia). Think about it Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Russia on this date, Hitler did the same, and the Russians repaid Germany for it on the same date. It should be a holiday for the Russians, because of what has happenend on that day.
  6. Your right. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the screenshot of Japan, and where all his units where compared to your own.
  7. Panzerkiller, I'm up for a game. If you could please send me your first turn as Japan with undo moves on. My email address is scottmmoore@verizon.net
  8. Stitch, you can definitely be funny sometimes, but unfortunately you need a little more then that to get this to go through. Blashy, If Hubert gets rid of HQ's all together all that will happen is he would have gotten rid of the most important unit in the game. I hope that will NEVER happen. Off subject your strategy against Colin was flawless, and I have to admit you changed my thinking on how the Allies should work to defeat Japan.
  9. bonenw, has a point Hubert as in one of my games against the AI the same thing happenend, but when I tried to take Hawaii out all the sudden the US went crazy, and began sending units everywhere. So you might want to try this bowenw just make sure your ready for the US, because you won't be complaining of minimal activity anymore.
  10. Ok Hubert, I wasn't totally sure on that. Although I do know they cause the game to crash (you know that from experiencing one though). Anyway thanks for helping me understand the SC game engine a little better.
  11. Thanks once again Hubert, It's just it's a shame though that it comes up in so many threads. I've counted 5 so far that the same problem has come up in. I thought the thread of segmentation violation was a good one .Just out of curiosity though are segmentation violations suppose to come up or not? In other words did you program them into the game to prevent people from manipulating the game and it's functions? One segmentation violation that is notorious with me is when you try having a minor paratrooper unit drop any where in the game (SC2, and WAW haven't tested it in the Pacific theater and in Patton drives east).
  12. Fuchu, Just thought I would say your not alone by any means. It was a real bummer for me when the game ended like that for me, because I was about to take San Francisco and end it. Although Mr Cater, helped out and I achieved my victory.
  13. Hi Willy, No, all that would change is plunder would go down, and units would be harder to destroy which wouldn't mean anything since your not fighting any units. Hope this helps.
  14. This is a good idea guys it's just that it will most likely never happen unfortunately. I'm not complaining by saying this, because the game is addictive enough as it is already if this went through though I might never get any sleep for the remainder of my life.
  15. I just had a fairly similar though about that, but I took it one step further in thinking of allowing an HQ to command specific units. Some command infantry, others command naval units, and some command air units.
  16. True, and it only got easier as the Axis faded away, but then again I believe there was still close to a million Japs left in China at the wars outcome. I'm not 100% sure of this statistic, but I am sure of there still being a sizable jap force in Asia in August of 1945.
  17. Colin, What if I can beam myself down... haha. Wish I actually could do that it would be pretty awesome, and definately come in handy.
  18. "Beam me down scotty" doesn't have anything to do with me right Colin?
  19. not sure, but what I am sure about is it would be better to disband a unit in that situation then to just continuely reinforce it, because the unit (HQ) doesn't fight back at ALL in Operation Z. So what would you rather do disband, and get something back for it, or continuely reinforce it with your mpps while your opponent AI or human uses it for target practice? Seems fairly obvious to me, but then again everyone has to make their own choices in the game. I know that sometimes on the internet things can get misintepreted so I just want to say that I'm not trying to be rude or mean in any way by this last post of mine.
  20. If it was me I would just disband the HQ. Although since it's the AI your right it will just continuely throw mpps at it until it runs out of mpps. I used this strategy a lot against the allies in DDay. All you had to do was leave an HQ hammer away at, and eventually it would bring there mpps below the ammount to reinforce a corps one point (then I destroyed them). Up to you Lampcord, ( If you want to help the AI out though destroy it immediately).
  21. Boy this topic has really taken off. From a newbie's question to the talking of the next game of the series. I guess were just going to have to wait, and see what Hubert Cater and company are going to put out there. Out of curiosity though who was the one that decided to move from traditional Europe to Asia and the Pacific? I forget who he is now. I'm pretty sure though it wasn't Hubert although of course he went along with the good idea. In other words who first mentioned the idea of the Pacific theater?
  22. I don't see any need to go back to hexes. The point my posts were trying to make was what if the SC team went away from WWII all together. In honesty though I think (think being the key word because I haven't been told anything from the SC team) that we will see a Global theater campagin before we will see anything else. It's just what comes after that... I suppose you could do a global post WWII campagin, but what's after that, and so on...
  23. Not sure if you could. I guess the key words would be Hubert helping you, and extensive work.
  24. yes, I'm sure it would be the easiest, but if you wanted to you probably could design a WWI campagin from the editor by yourself. So if that's the case people probably wouldn't be as interested in it, and then there is little reason to make it in the first place. Personally though I would much rather see a WWII global theater campagin before I see anything else come up from the SC team.
  25. Jon, In all truth there may be no air power, but there was no need for it in any of these pre- WW2 ideas.
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