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Everything posted by scottsmm

  1. 1. Yes you can but a fortification already has special properties for air invasion that's why it's good to have if your the Axis. 2. I don't know you would have to ask HC about that. Although I don't think it's that big of deal. I hope that answsers your questions.
  2. The only way you could move either the Iceland or Canadian bomber is in the editor so Vincere how did you move it to the UK
  3. thanks i tried my best again and even kept a reserve force for my own battle of bulge but the Russians already were encircling Berlin I've come to the conclusion that it's impossible to win. i was talking about 44 not 40 or 41 but thanks anyway.
  4. ok thanks but are you suppose to send air units to the western front from the eastern front. Cause the allies have i think 6 fighters, 2 strategic bombers, and 2 tactical bombers against your 2 although they are better then the western allies. have you every used that strategy and won before
  5. ok thanks but are you suppose to send air units to the western front from the eastern front. Cause the allies have i think 6 fighters, 2 strategic bombers, and 2 tactical bombers against your 2 although they are better then the western allies. have you every used that strategy and won before
  6. I don't get how you can way this campaign as axis as in the first turn the western allies are going up against 1 strong army and one weak one (7th Army after attacks) while they have a tank group 4 armies and 5 corps, and in the eastern front the communist assholes destroy your important units and are about ready to destroy all your other units in the next three or four turns. Not to mention the western allies air power it's just impossible to win this as Axis. I can win everything else mini campagain or major campagian as axis or allies and 44 as allies but not with axis I can even win the D day campaign as the axis but not operation overload. Does anyone have any suggestions as they would be greatly apprecated.
  7. Decent strategy but if you start from 39 why not invade Great Britain and diplomatically invest in Turkey. It's a lot easier and saves a ton of MPPs along with the fact you gain them as an ally instead of an enemy.
  8. ok I believe you but I would much rather be in a ME-262 flying over a Russian AA defense position then being in any allied plane flying over any German AA position. even though Germany lost the war. Question for you how many planes did Germany shoot down in the entire war just wondering. I've heard from a few hundred thousand up to 1.2 million planes.
  9. What I'm going to do is just add those defenses in for Germany since in 1943, and most of 44 they had plenty of AA weapons to use while soviets never really had huge amounts so why So they be able to have just as much as Germany. Also I agree with Terif as it should be up to the player to decide if he wants to sacrifice naval movement for defensive positions.
  10. is it going to have global conflict in it or is it going to be modifications on errors that happen in the game.
  11. ya but then that means that sc2 WAW shouldn't really have been made in the first place and that sc3 should made maybe a few months from now. It's not the price it's just then you would be asking yourself why you got the expansion. when a few months after you got it something much better came out
  12. just wondering if their is going to be a new patch for WAW or a completely different game
  13. what about adding a new feature allowing you to make deals with the enemy majors a ceasefire if you will. For example if your Germany and crush the soviets in Barbarossa you could make a deal with them and they would give up territory so that they wouldn't lose the war. Or you could be losing and do the same thing. Engine= WAW or SC3. Design summary 1.Add another feature to the game that let's major countries a chance to come to an agreement and stop the war. 2.Assign values percentage to game engine that would allow it to work. almost like Diplomacy but a must stronger case in which the entire war could end for a few years. 3.Let both cpu and player be able to use this feature. 4.In order to gain territory you must put in coordinates for the territory that you want. Problem 1= might not be accurate and could cause crashing problems. Problem 2= might take an advanced cpu to fully understand this feature.
  14. I think sc3 for now is a little out of range time wise but I wonder if it would be a world one instead of just Europe
  15. I have to say at this rate their aren't going to be many bug fixes because you guys have done a great deal with this expansion which means I can't wait to see what you add on to it
  16. where can i find military_flag_sprites because all the orginally folders have nothing in them. Now I'm really confused.
  17. where can you find localiztaion and campagin int i copyed and pasted bitmaps and interface. thanks [ November 26, 2007, 05:01 PM: Message edited by: scottsmm ]
  18. what do you have to do to get Japan to actually remain as Japan and France to actually remain france
  19. I was just wondering why is france Japan and france estonia on sc2 v1.08 and is this going to be upgraded in the new patch WaW. ok thanks [ November 25, 2007, 01:09 PM: Message edited by: scottsmm ]
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