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Everything posted by scottsmm

  1. Sure doesn't take long to get hooked just like the rest of us eh Panzerkiller? What can I say everybody that was working on this title really outdid themselves. If people on this team ever went away from standard WWII, I'd like to see them go to the American Revoultion, but then again I'm biased because I would like to play a game in which I could lead to the creation of America. Nothing against the Brits though.
  2. Yes, I agree with Blashy on this one. Both of the Philippines campagins are simply to easy for one side. In the early one it's too easy for Japan, and later on it's too easy for the Americans.
  3. no, but if you hit this key on the computer(` accent button) it will show you offensive, and defensive characteristics of your units, and the AI's units.
  4. Panzerkiller, No, there isn't a map showing the victory cities, although you could go, and look at a map, by simply clicking on the map button. However it doesn't show the actual victory cities. You pretty much just have to memorize them (which isn't that hard). Hope this helps.
  5. It can grow very strong if you don't strike before Hitler's defeat. Before that you should be able to win.
  6. panzerkiller, You will soon find that you will become addicted overnight just like the rest of us.
  7. True. Remember Churchill, and his stubborness. Also what about after the Casablanca conference in which was when the great three decided on not accepting anything less then an unconditional surrender by the Axis powers.
  8. Germany, to a point was in the position your talking about, but not until 43', 44'. Before that Germany was capable of doing whatever she wanted, and unlike Japan, Germany had the privilege of deciding who of her enemies she could attack and how while Japan was limited in how, and who she could attack.
  9. Key word for Japan is QUICK. Everybody knew that Japan only had a limited ammount of time to win the war, and after that it was crapshoot.
  10. Blashy, you have been playing this game, and other games like this for quite awhile. Panzerkiller, on the other hand is just starting out. Therefore he should learn the basic scripts BEFORE he starts playing so that he will know what mistakes he should try to avoid. If he doesn't it might be awfully tough for him to pull out a victory (especially as Japan).
  11. I think everyone would agree on the need for long range aircraft. The possibilities are nearly endless.
  12. Panzerkiller, You might want to when you buy the game take a look at scripts, because it will be what your opponent the AI will be doing against you. It will also let you in on certain conditions that scripts need to have to actually happen. Two examples would be (as Japan) garrison 5 closest cities to the USSR. Otherwise the USSR activation will increase a few percentage points per turn. Another example is a unit script (for Japan) in which if the city of manila, isn't occupied then a special forces unit will come up to occupy it after it surrenders to Japan. Hope this helps.
  13. Panzerkiller, You should pay the most attention to British India, and China. That way you can secure Asia. Then move onto Australia + New Zealand, and America after that. Other then that xwormwood did a great job answering your questions.
  14. With the US, and UK industries later on in the war especially if the UK has the Dutch East Indies, I almost wonder if 1,000 mpp between the two could give Japan any breathing room. However I definitely agree with you that Diplomacy can be a gamble.
  15. Not to mention besides the rain there are crappy roads, and rails which makes movement, and attack (with land and air) rather hard. Even when the weather is good you still have the crappy roads and rail systems which always hinders any advance. Which makes me think that the Japs where crazy when they decided to attack at Imphal. Not complaining about this, because it's definitely historical, but you should always think what your supply values are when you decide to attack.
  16. Devils adjutant, Please tell me your not doing this, because of a game where playing right now. In which your Japan. By the way just do two aircraft strikes, and see what the casualties. I'm sure chances are that it will turn out rather historical. Besides that I'm in full agreement with Blashy, on this issue.
  17. The Japs only carried out two assaults though, and they didn't do as much damage as you probably do in you campagin. So I think it's rather fair, and if they did change it carrier's aircraft would become practically impervious to anything but another aircraft strike.
  18. What about simply transporting the units from Rangoon to India. That can be done. By the way the US & Canada can be taken it becomes a blood bath though, and you need much more then 6 armies, and 1 HQ. I usually go with about 3 tanks, 8 armies, 2 corps, 2 tactical bombers, 2 fighters, 3-4 HQ's, 5 special forces, and 1 artillery. Some aren't there for the immediate fighting, but will eventually get there. I also have every naval unit I have at my disposal. Probably like 10 aircraft carriers, 8 battleships, 5-6 cruisers, 3 subs, and 4 destroyers.
  19. Whenever you operationally move a corps, transport or amphibious transport a corps for Japan, guess how much it costs? 0 mpp. I think I'm going to use the editor, and build up an army of corps . I'm sure this error is, because of the fact the game planners decided on not letting Japan have corps so why bother with setting up a cost for all different types of movement for them. It's actually kind of nice to know this, and in a way is an advantage for Japan to stem the tide of play balance in a more equal way.
  20. Blashy, There is a really easy counter to what you just said, and that would be to either transport the troops from China (after it surrenders), or operationally move them near India. In which case a player could take out both India, and China, and therefore would then be able to hit the islands hard, and just maybe mainland USA...
  21. Oh whoops that was my bad. I don't know why I said Japanese DECISIVE victory. Happy new year to all.
  22. I'm not sure Blashy, but I think the actually monsoon season is more between 8-9 months then 6-8 months.
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