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Everything posted by scottsmm

  1. Hubert, because of the importance of my invasion island, let's just say the bombers didn't last to long. I of course sent over my best fighters, and without any protection those bombers where sitting ducks for my zeros.
  2. Guys, was I right when I was talking about the two stores that produce the game? Cause I'm not sure, and I don't want to be misleading.
  3. The other segmentation violations I got hit with where either when the US sub went southward near French Polynesia and it was something related I believe to create surfaces. Another one had to do with my battery on my laptop running so low that it shut itself off, which then lead to some create surfaces segmentation violation, but the fix to that is just don't let your battery run low like I did, or if it happens load your last save when charging your battery, and you won't hear from that again. my fix to the submarine was just to have an abundence of destroyers ready to greet it when it made it's trip there again. Let's just say it never made it and vanised in the vast pacific ocean .
  4. Oh by the way Hubert, it is a hard task assembling all the troops, planes, and ships all the way from Asia to spots in Hawaii, Midway, and Invasion island. Believe me not every player out there could do that, but after they did it, the actually invasion should go pretty smothly, because the AI just wastes all of it's ships before the invasion, and they evacuate those pesky aircraft of there's after landings.
  5. Hubert Cater, once I got the editor for my first game I spiced it up with that island, but I didn't know that there was some AI event that would ultimately continue bombing my Invasion called island, and it's port facilities. Besides that I set up a neutrality pact with China, created a ton of British Indian units in India, and prepared the Japs in Asia to fight for India, and Burma. Let's just say I was winning until a small little problem along the way. If anyone wants to try this mod out just send me a message. Although I couldn't blame you if you didn't want to try it, or didn't like it. It has quite a few intersting challenges with another one if you so chose being the invasion of Australia.
  6. Jon J rambo, I'm playing an AI game, but in all my years combined in playing SC games (besides PT) I can say I've suffered more segmentation violations in my one day of owning SC PT then all other SC games combined. I'm also being honest. I've been able to work around about 5/6 segmentation violations by either opening the autosave, or going back to my last saved turn, however I can't fix this segmentation violation by doing either of those. It's a real bummer , especially if Hubert wasn't here to resolve the problem .
  7. Please out of intrest here tell me if you were one turn away from taking San Francisco after a long hard fought campagin just to lose, because of a segmentation violation popup, and that's it. If this or anything else has happened to you (any form of a segmentation violation) please post a simple yes to this thread so I can better understand how many people have suffered from this very unfortunate bug. I'm sure the people working on this project will eventually get around to working on this, but it's extremely annoying for the time being. Besides that great job with the game and release. Happy Holidays.
  8. it takes a while for the games to arrive at your house. There are only two ship out warehouses that make this game in the entire world I believe one is in America the other is in Europe. As for digitial it asks you right after your purchase if you want to download it also creates an account for you, and sends you an email with download details. Hope this helps . If you need any further help contact the higher ups at battlefront.
  9. I find the AI too easy, but then when your one tile away from claiming victory in San Francisco and ultimately the war itself you get hit with segmenation violations so I guess for a lacking AI the machine never losses because of this
  10. Blashy, I'm not trying to hurt your feelings either, but this post was simply absurd with half of the things you mentioned. So if I hurt your feelings I'm sorry. Bill101, I think I could play this game for years on end, and I'd still not be able to understand the sanity of this person who made this post. Fact is this post is simply insane, and isn't in anyway good advice. Now with this being said I don't think Blashy is insane I just think this post by him was. Xwormwood, Thank you for seeing the craziness of this thread.
  11. I do agree however with 1,2,3,maybe 4, and 8. Everything else is absurd however.
  12. Why even bother to play if your simply going to hinder your own capabilities. This is simply 100% unreasonable for anyone that doesn't want to lose. I think you forgot one. Disband all units, and don't invest in any new units, and disband your new units that come by the production queue.
  13. 1. depends on the size of the island smaller islands lose supply values quicker, because they don't have as much natural resources to run off as the bigger islands do. 2. It could be completely surrendered as long as there are no enemy units on the island, because if it's just civilians there would be no way they would take that type of a beating. While if there are enemy units there you could allow zones to be given up where there wasn't a strong enough presence of enemy forces. 3. It should of course effect both offensive and defensive stats for the obvious reason that if you don't have any gas or ammunition your not going to be fighting a war as good as if you had them. 4. Morale should go down just as long as it's not Kamikaze units that are there, because there plan was to die anyway with supplies or without them. I personally place it in as a A/B doesn't have to be put in immedatly, but because of the historical nature of this event should definately be put in fairly soon before the SC team moves onto there next game. I suppose this question will show if we want a historical game, or if we want a "what if" game in which anything can happen. Anything being the key word.
  14. Yes your right I thought about that, but I wanted to post a question which was only about opposing navies and carriers with only naval units. Also wanted to keep it simple, because if I threw that in everyone would begin weighing in there land combat attributes, and it would become too complicated .
  15. What do you think is the most effective counter against enemy carriers (keeping in mind cost, time to build, offensive and defensive capabilities of each) A. a sub B. Yamamoto class Battleship C. Another Carrier This is a simple, and easy question for those of you who complain about my long drawn out ones haha. My anwser would be B even though I'm sure most will say C.
  16. Same here you can always beat the AI. While when you begin playing other people all the sudden you find out there is a good chance that you could lose. Although after a couple of losses you'll find out exactly how good you really in other words it test you and makes you better. If you stay commited to just playing the AI though you don't really improve all that much something I've experienced first hand unfourtantly.
  17. Okay, apparently you guys aren't up for the idea. I don't see how though it would be complicated all you would have to do is have naval units surround an enemy island and that's it. When I'm talking about this though I'm talking about small islands Iwo Jima, Wake, or islands where you know that they can't create their own supply. I'm not talking about having a few Jap naval units around the west coast and having that hinder the US supply.
  18. good point I never expected to see so many russians in this theater of operations anyway. By the way LampCord congrats on your last second win, and merry christmas to all a good night.
  19. Merry christmas to you too. Yes to a point your right, but I'm not talking about naval bombardment of an island instead I'm talking about surrounding the island like in History with a naval flotilla, and cut off the supply to that island via a script in supply. Think about it I'm effectively saying that when I have navy guns surrounding an island I'm not going to let the enemy supply ships get through, and hence since it's an island the supply would plummet downward. Great examples of this are in Iwo Jima, Okinawa, battle of Japan (since over 90% of Japan is mountanious and therefore doesn't have natural resources)Just an idea that I think could easily be done, and when I get the game I'm definitely going to commit myself with what resources I have to create this scenario. I hope you understand the message I'm trying to convey to you and others, merry christmas, and good night.
  20. First off I'm sure when I get this game it's going to be great, but I feel like there is something missing, and that is a naval blockade. There are ways to blockade cities, fortresses, armies, air units, etc yet in History the most effective blockades especially when your talking about small islands with nothing but molten rock on them would be a naval blockade. I mean think about it for a second a lot of the supplies in the Pacific theater where brought in by boat for both sides. So then why in this great game that we are privileged to buy and play is there nothing called a naval blockade. I'm not complaining at all, but I just feel like it's missing and should be able to be used in this game via supply scripts. It's just something to think about I guess, and I hope the SC2 Pacific Theater people will take me seriously on this.Bottom line is great job creating this game, but I think there are ways you could improve it, and I'm sure you will. Other then that I would like to wish everyone from Hubert Cater to Bill 101 down a very merry christmas .
  21. I Can't wait to find out what this tactic is. I think I might have a guess at it, but dobut I'm actually correct with that guess. If you look at the production queue in the beginning of the game I think it's ridiculous, and I can only imagine what it looks like at this point it's as if America isn't fighting at all in Europe.
  22. retributar, it's pretty obvious the side that you prefer to play as. The reason for my post was mainly a gut feeling, because I believe 2 years ago they relased a patch for either WAW os SC2 Blitzkrieg (not sure which). Not to mention if they come out with a patch around christmas time it would be good buisness as it would fix most of the bugs in the game, and hence be more attractive to both new and experienced players of the SC2 series.
  23. forget images for a second, because we don't even now what the date is of the most recent turn. Which leads to my question of what is the date of the game right now?
  24. Out of curiosity is the first patch mainly fixing bugs, or is there going to be a little something special about this patch to ring in the holiday spirit (if it get's released in time).
  25. Blashy and Colin, if you are afraid to put up pics, because of the fear of giving info out to the enemy; why not just send them to the people who are interested via way of a private message here on battlefront. I suppose the other thing you could do would be to agree with Colin on how old an image can be, and then have both you and Colin post images of the epic battle .
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