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Everything posted by scottsmm

  1. Never thought of it that way I always thought you were supposed to strike first with those units. Maybe it works that way for air units, but for artillery and SF's it wouldn't. There was truthfully a huge side motive for my decision on where I had my fleet, and that was done, because I wanted to end the game as early as possible. Mainly, because I was getting bogged down in other games/my MOD. All those factors added up to me not having much time to concentrate on my game with Jason. Although I was holding out quite good in India (he didn't get anywhere past Imphal), and China (where my line was beginning to crack at the very end of 43').
  2. abukede, Expecting you’re talking about the Jason I got to know over the last couple of months you’re right on the money. For someone who is supposedly a newbie he certainly doesn't act the part. In my game against him I tried to end it all in 43' which I could have done quite easily if I positioned my navy better or got any intelligence reports on his IJN. Out of curiosity though what did he do with his artillery/ air force. In other words did he strike with his air force before he attacked with his land units or after? That was mainly his only flaw in his game against me.
  3. What was the error message that you got when you tried to run it? I might have gotten it before, and what you would have to do to fix it (if it's the same problem I encountered) would be to completely reinstall the game, and then the patch. If you have Vista you might want to save it to c:/games instead of c:/programs, because of another problem that you might encounter. I wouldn’t recommend doing a complete reinstall though until you contact either Hubert or Bill. They usually can correct almost any problem with the game without having to go through the trouble of a complete reinstall of the game. Hope this helps, Scott
  4. Okay I didn't look at the ground too carefully I guess, minor misjudgment on my part.
  5. Hubert, If this is an error then you might want to check out what happens when Vandergrift is at Iwo in Motoyama, and has three bombers next to him. What you will find is even though Vandergrift has a supply of eight (Iwo recovered totally from scorched earth) is the bomber to the upper left of him has a supply of 5 where as the others have a supply of either 6 or 7. I changed the HQ mode and that didn't fix it. I tried every mode for at least three turns, and this problem remained. Unfortunately though I deleted the turn so I wouldn’t be able to send it to you to take a look.
  6. The day has come; it has finally been uploaded to the battlefront Repository. I'm considering adding it to CMMODS as well.
  7. He most certainly does, and hopefully I put together a good MOD with the help of others, which was just uploaded on the Battlefront Repository.
  8. Not sure why that came out as a square in my above post it was supposed to be a smiley face .
  9. SeaMonkey and everybody else I can happily assure you that you will get a chance to try out my new campaign very very soon . I've played it on both sides and I have to say you're in for a challenge regardless of the side you pick, especially if you try it out on the hardest setting. I have thrown in a few naval surprises (AI scripts, etc) so you will have to play on your toes otherwise the AI's navy will destroy you. I must say I've really out done myself with this MOD.
  10. Patisans hold on, and another Manchukuo city is liberated.
  11. The clock is ticking and the Allies are preparing to strike back with everything that they have soon. Japan will be doomed to failure and disaster very soon I assure you.
  12. I suppose if you used it with people you know then it wouldn't be that bad, but most of the people here don't know many others that are here in person. With that said it seems like you fit into a fairly small group of people, nothing wrong with that of course.
  13. Timskorn and I are currently in the middle of playing a game. In this game I'm playing as the Allies and Timskorn is playing as Japan. This game has also been going for time now so to bring you up on the most recent turn of events, Japan has taken most of Malaya but I hold out at Singapore, Japan has taken out Thailand, currently there is a battle for Burma in which I'm beginning to relieve the Burma corps with British units, In China, Japan has decided to go with an all out offensive to capture Sian but is meeting stiff resistance, In Manchukuo there is a Chinese partisan and Army marching north to locations that will be revealed at a later date. Timskorn has also decided to go with an island strategy so once and for all I think we can settle whether or not the islands have any true value in the Pacific. One last thing is it’s Mid May of 1942.
  14. CSS, I'd also be very happy to play you at that level, as I can speak with almost certainty that this would get abused by people who are experienced and would say that they are not. It's a good idea it's just I see it being abused and ultimately manipulated so that the person who gets the benefit in fact is the one who shouldn't. Although your most certainly right that all players are not equal. Anyway the one big question you would have to answer is how do you know who is experienced and who isn't, and how do you change it to equal out the tide of war. Your idea I think therefore would be better used in multiplayer games in which you give the poor Japanese player that type of bonuses. That would definitely even out the problem with play balance.
  15. If you want you could give me an email address (either here or through a private message) so that I could send you a PBEM turn, and then you would get in dept look at the map, as I would turn FOW off.
  16. Robert, Here is an image of the war for China. Feel free to make any suggestions/changes that you think I should make.
  17. I just wanted to say thanks for your work on Operation Z in particular, as I've managed to create some rather interesting/ fun situations through the editor. I've done everything from a preemptive strike on the USSR to an invasion of American shores, and of course Operation Z by itself is a fun situation in which you get to take command of either the Japanese or the Allies in the war of infamy. I also would like to thank Robert Carver, Hubert Cater, Bill, Happycat, and others who are helping me make my Midway Mod. Your help is greatly appreciated and by the end of this upcoming week I feel like we can commence the testing of this MOD, and eventually I'll upload it on the Battlefront Repository for play by all.
  18. SeaMonkey, It is possible in the editor and the game as well. You could simply set it to only to one strike in the combat target data for CV's, and in game you could set it to mix. Hope this helps.
  19. I do feel bad for all teams that have these long droughts. Maybe it's because I'm a red sox fan and we had to go through 86 years, or maybe it's because I think every professional team deserves to have a good season every once in a while. However you Canadians do have a good hockey team , but then again we do to (Bruins).
  20. It worked out quite nicely. The Japanese CV's are quite bold though and charge right into your sub net though. I don't think I'm going to change this though as I'm thinking of mainly having it be a P vs. P type of game, but if it gets good feedback I'll definitely make an attempt at creating a challenging AI.
  21. { #NAME= Free Dutch Units #POPUP= #IMAGE= #SOUND= #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #AI= 0 #LEVEL= 0 #GV= 1[1,100] #LINK= 0[0] #COUNTRY_ID= 14 #TRANSFER_ID= 1 #TRIGGER= 100 #LAND_PERCENTAGE= 10 #NAVAL_PERCENTAGE= 100 } Above is the script for the Dutch free units.
  22. If I'm playing I would set them to naval tactical, but I might recommend for people playing the MOD to make it Mixed so that they won't obliterated the Japanese forces in the first turn. They get annihilated and are simply sitting ducks for the US CV attack. I'm beginning to doubt what I want to happen in the first turn, because I don't want the Japanese player to simply destroy the US carriers with her surface ships. In other words I want a carrier on carrier battle.
  23. { #NAME= Free Chinese Units #POPUP= #IMAGE= #SOUND= #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #AI= 0 #LEVEL= 0 #GV= 1[1,100] #LINK= 0[0] #COUNTRY_ID= 2 #TRANSFER_ID= 1 #TRIGGER= 100 #LAND_PERCENTAGE= 100 #NAVAL_PERCENTAGE= 100 } The above image shows that there is a Chinese free unit script. If you don't have this you either need to redownload the game, or you are looking at the script once it already happened. Most scripts occur once in the game and then there removed from the scripts page. I strongly suggest that you open Operation Z (new one) and take a look at the free unit’s scripts, and then I think you will see what I'm talking about. If not then you should get in contact with either a beta tester or Mr. Cater as this issue shouldn't be happening on your computer. Hope this helps.
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