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Everything posted by scottsmm

  1. Kruppt808, If you’re looking for an opponent for a MOD feel free to send me your first turn as the Japanese. The mod I would like to play would be Operation Z, feel free to make any changes to the scripts, and where as your new if you need advice you could either ask me, or someone on this forum. We're usually quite helpful to everyone that we come into contact with. If you do play me in this mod you can bet that by the end of it, you will have become fairly accustomed to SC PT. btw my email is scottmmoore@verizon.net
  2. Arado, Take a look into what the French did in giving Saddam a power plant. You might be interested by what you see. We haven't taken any oil from Iraq, and at this point I think we should take some we've lost too many good young men over there for Bush's revenge. I feel like 9/11 opened that door, because the American population was petrified at another attack so Bush decided to go after the man who had his father on a hit list. btw there is a huge error in your last post, I believe you said that Saudi Arabia has no oil, you need to do a little better background on that (You won't see that from any good source I promise). America already can easily get up to 220% industrial modifier, so if what's in production is a global SC then don't you think 1800+ MPPS is enough for one turn. I don't think anyone has to change America's industry to make it any better as it is it manages to equal Japan taking out ever country minus the USA, and the USSR in PT. That's one big income. Those terrorists might have been from different countries, but they were Al-Queda members located in one of the most unresourceful places on the earth Afghanistan. Nothing more than one captial city, and lots and lots and lots of sand/mountains. We didn't try to liberate Iraq; because of 9/11 instead we attacked it because of a president who is finally out of office. One last thing Arado, would be how come you didn't make any comments on one of my previous threads which talked strictly about greed and nationalism?
  3. Happycat, I wouldn't rule out playing my mod against the AI you worked on it to after all. Kruppt808 you're more than capable of playing against the AI and getting quite a challenge regardless of the side you pick in this mod. btw SeaMonkey got steamrolled when he played the AI as Japan, in the meantime I didn't. That AI that's in place can be challenging, the only problem is Japan doesn't do what I want her to do after implementing the battle for the Aleutians. I think I'm going to move the Soryu up to Hiroshima so that Japan can launch a surprise offensive against the Americans (Japan needs one carrier near a home port to do this offensive).
  4. Oh by the way Kruppt808 the best choice for mods here would either be Nupermal's mod, any of mine of course , or any of Robert Carver's mods (In particular East Asia). That’s for PT, if you want any other good mods from other games I would recommend Honch (he’s something of a godfather of mods made here).
  5. Hi Kruppt808, The AI get's better in each new game. If you want to get PDE though you would have to get SC2, because it's the base engine for all expansions minus Pacific Theater, otherwise PDE won't work. You wouldn't need WAW to get PDE though, although you might want to get it anyways, because that's the one that came out with a lot of good things (new unit types, new activation system, etc), and it would definitely ready yourself with the changes that have happened over the years here. Hope this helps, Scott
  6. SeaMonkey, Yes, when you play the Nazis a lot of people go on a physiological field day, were there mind is a drift. About Midway though I think I fixed that, or at least I know it was fixed on my computer. The reason why I wanted it in the build Q though was to prevent Japan from losing all of her carriers in about 6 months until the Tahio and Amagi light carriers came off the production line.
  7. SeaMonkey, Of course we can be friends. Relax I was just kidding. Like I've said in a previous topic I want to know what my errors are so that I can improve upon them. Even if that error is moving a Japanese carrier two tiles to the left, because out of the entire map of Midway that was the only thing that you noticed.
  8. SeaMonkey, didn't you complain about a Japanese carrier not being in a precious historical location for one of my MODS, and then you went on to elaborate on how historical you want everything to be.
  9. Okay Jason, what you’re saying I can definitely agree with. It's just after 9/11 we didn't have a choice but to go over to Afghanistan, and absolutely destroy whatever terrorist networks we found. Which we did until Osama Bin Laden went over to the non-governed Pakistan, or Iran.
  10. Feel free to give advice guys, I expect that I'm not that perfect, and there are areas for me to approve upon. I'd prefer to get bashed (honestly) then to get praised when everyone doesn't like what I did. In truth there is only one way to get better, and that is to learn from your mistakes, therefore I want to know what my mistakes were. I've played quite a few MODS recently, and I noticed I made some errors, but I'm sure there are more errors that I made that I've missed.
  11. dhucul, Whether it is a new activation system or a new diplomacy system it all sounds the same to me, and I'm glad to hear that it has been brought to Hubert’s attention.
  12. Okay personally every time I hear Ford and GM it makes me sick, so I'm definitely not going to question you on that. Those CEO's demand more tax money for their private jets and 5 star hotels than anybody else in history, even in this so called recession, and they know there being watched. Take a look at what Neville Chamberlin was trying to do in the late 30's. America never wanted to be involved in the European war if it involved any sort of death, but of course we weren't allowed that option. Then again those countries that forced us into war paid a hell of a price. Bombing of Europe (in particular Germany), in Asia there was a little something called the A-Bomb, and fire bombing. A famous quote that Hitler said after his meeting was when he was asked if he ever wanted to go back to Spain to negotiate with Franco. He then replied by saying "I'd rather pull my teeth out then negotiate with him" If you look around today in America what you will find is often Native Americans are some of the proudest Americans here. Although I'm sure if you go back 400-500 years your right, but it was Europeans then not Americans. We shouldn't be blamed for what are greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandfathers did. As for Iran, I have my own personally feelings about them. It's been proven that hey finance and give Islamic terrorists a safe haven. Quite frankly if we went into their country as liberators I wouldn't complain. In Iran remember people aren't equal. Case and point would be, do you remember the woman who was about to get raped but instead decided to kill her assailant, and she then received the death penalty? This goes to show this country isn't right, and should be dealt with sternly. They also harbor terrorists and hurl them against the civilized nations of the world. Therefore I have a real dislike of their country, as long as they want to kill the innocent I don't think I will ever have any sorrow for a country like Iran. Remember we wanted no part in this war, but we were forced into at Pearl, and then the Germans declare war on us. Iran on the other hand at least had an option and so chose to join the Allied cause, we on the other hand weren't given that option, and yet it doesn't seem to me you have any feelings for us, just the Iranians, and Natives of 500 years ago.
  13. Yes, Arado234 that really equals going around and killing innocent people for no reason other than race, and gender. Anyone who thinks were the "bad guys" in this war is simply insane, and needs an MRI done on them immediately along with a full mental evaluation. By the way Spain in the later part of the war was an ally of the Americans so suggesting us giving them oil to give to Germany doesn't make much sense. Do some research on Franco, and you'll see he just wanted to be on the side that wins, he wasn't in any way devoted to Nazi Germany. By the way did we show Germany the new industrial way before or after then invaded Poland? Truth is we were allies with Germany (same as most of the world) until they invaded Poland. So if you’re an ally of a country why wouldn’t you want to help them out? Have you ever heard of the lend lease? Have you ever heard of the Red Cross? American Navy helping countries out around the world? Have you ever heard of the freedom we’ve given to countless countries in the face of tyranny at a cost in blood to us which is so dare? Please if you really hate the United States so much chances are your just jealous, and have no serious reasons of why you hate us. Back to SC I think it would be nice if diplomacy could change a major countries alignment just as it can do with minor ones. When you think of it, it really is realistic that a country could flip flop. Case and point would be the USSR in WWII, and Italy in WWI.
  14. Blashy, I'm very interested in listening to what you call intolerable? Was this giving aid to countries like Greece, and Turkey to resist communism, Giving western Germany the stability to be a prosperous society? Or something else that you know about that we don't? Either way I have a true interest in hearing what you consider to be "intolerable".
  15. I'd definitely be interested in seeing one, but it's up to you guys.
  16. As some of you have already seen I've made a new Operation Z MOD, and it's currently available for download on the Battlefront Repository. Anyway I was just wondering what peoples feedback is for this MOD, as I did it pretty quickly (roughly 30 min). Feel free to report any problems/suggestions that you think I should change for this MOD on this thread. Thanks and good luck. btw feel free to make any comments on Midway Major too.
  17. This happens a lot, my advice to you would be to try again, or do a hotseat (if possible) Hope this helps, Scott
  18. I hope that what someone said above me wasn't trying to imply that either Great Britain or America= Nazi Germany. I understand that some people out there don't like the US, and that's fine with me, but saying that we were/are equal to Nazi Germany in any way is simply wrong. We have never had death camps, we never created a world war, we give aid to other countries before we give it to ourselves, etc. Same goes for Great Britain, and other civilized countries.
  19. The US never wanted to be in the war until we were savagely attacked by the Empire of Japan, and then subsequently Germany & Italy declared war on us 4 days later. I do agree that as long as Winston Churchill was PM, peace with Germany would never happen, but saying something happened to him a coup for example, or he suffered a heart attack, or whatever then there definitely would have been a chance for GB and Germany to make peace. Just as long as this happened before Pearl, because it gets a lot more complicated when were thrown into the mix. Just so people don't go crazy here, I do agree that it would be a mistake to have made peace with Germany, but I think in terms of playing a game it would definitely make it more dynamic if this was a possibility.
  20. Ya, you definitely have to think that's what everyone is working on right now. I can't wait though to be pleasantly surprised with whatever they come up with. As for not much variation in Z for the most part SeaMonkey got it right, except for it's by far the easiest campaign to make MODS for, and in that respect it gains a ton of variation for the obvious reasons.
  21. It's definitely a good idea Colin, and I wish there was something like this in SC 1, SC 2 (Blitz, WAW and PDE). That way Germany could make peace with England, and maybe even America.
  22. Thanks Hubert, if you ever get any time I'm sure you're one of the people that could pull this off.
  23. Let this be a challenge to anybody that would like to try it. It won't be easy, and you will need a bit of experience to pull it off.
  24. I just posted a new Operation Z MOD, feel free to give it a try. What this MOD does is it gives Japan a chance later on in the war. That way she has a chance to pull off a marginal victory at least depending on your skill.
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