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Everything posted by scottsmm

  1. I don't think it's worth it unless you either have an unlimited supply of mpps, or if it's an important island (where the nukes come from). I suppose though ultimately it's up for you to decide weither it's worth it or not (after all it is your game). I'm just strongly against the idea of taking unimportant islands with what little precious resources, and time you have as being the big guy (strictly talking about Japan).
  2. brigades would be a good idea for miny campagin's, but not sure about Operation Z.
  3. Didn't work that way for me (Japanese DECISIVE vistory), and I know I think there were like 15 Japanese victory conditions, and like 4 allied ones. Which is good when you think about it. Since the allies should win, or at least turn the tide against the japs.
  4. For the Japanese player I strongly encourage that you take back that island where the nukes will come from. It will destroy the mainland in Japan if you don't succed at doing this by 1945. Something to think about doing.
  5. Happycat, I'm just glad that the issue was resolved successfully. Out of curiosity though what if there was a road or rail in the mountains that your talking about. That would I imagine negate the effect of the terrain right?
  6. 9. Just great that means I'll have to deal with even more Chinese armies. I've already had to deal with a ton between all new unit scripts, US sending units there, communitist Chinese, etc. It's a good idea just please spear us from all these Chinese units which are already beginning to bog my advance down in Asia, add that to the USSR, British India, and that's simply unbearable for the Japanese player (nevermind the US). As it is Japan is already great overwhelmed in the Production queue. If you go through with this one just please think about play balance first. Everything else sounds great especially #10. Anyone remember what was the most feared weapon that allied soldiers experenced. Hint it had to do with AA guns. So if that goes through it should go through for every game from SC ET to SC PT.
  7. You know what forget the naval blockade idea. Instead I just had a thought. What if a new unit could be created. This unit would of course be called a flamethrower. Could be nice to have since they were used in abundance. Although I guess you could just say that they were a part of armies, and there is no need to create the unit. I guess this idea wasn't well thought out on my part (naval blockade). It's just it was used in basically every island battle there was in the Pacific. You guys definitely have a point with it being better for the enemy (intel wise). Just figured it was worth throwing out there.
  8. Hubert Cater, To be honest I never knew about it. This is off subject, but so be it. Anyway if your the Allies, and you take all victory cities do you have to wait for the campagin to end to get your major victory, or should it happen the turn you take them. I only say this, because in other games of this nature you would win after taking all the victory cities, but in this one I did that but the victory message didn't pop up. I know that there were a lot of victory conditions designed for Japan to hold on to the end, so I'm just wondering if that has to do with it. I hate having to constantly bring up potential problems, but if it makes the game, and it's experience better why not. Need less to say I'm saying this, because of a game I won with all victory cities captured in early to mid 44' as the allies with no victory message popping up.
  9. Blashy, Your right they don't begin to actually think about joining your side until 44', 45'.
  10. Oh, and by the way I did play with Elvis in the 50's hahaha.
  11. Hell I'm probably going to lose so I'll be the allies.
  12. Try hitting F3, and F4 really quickly, and what you will notice is the AI takes over your side, and maintains the fight on the enemy side as well. Effectively meaning that the AI is playing itself. Hubert, I'd send you a turn or an image only thing is I don't think it would help. It also created all these units which I wasn't scheduled to get. I was playing as Japan just waiting to get a diplomatic victory in another country, and then this happenend. The game was basically over as I had taken every country out except for Mongolia which I was saving for the USSR ( she was on my side but not fully active I tried to change that through diplomacy, and then this occured).
  13. definitely true. I didn't think of that. This topic though is becoming both technical, and could be's. Therefore let's settle it at just leaving your HQ's in auto assist. Which in turn will resolve all issues with as little work as possible. Off subject go Jets, and Baltimore (we want that division) if not being 11-5 should get you a playoff spot.
  14. Could be, but why would you be in that situation. Don't you do it before your turn begins, or am I the only one that does that.
  15. bowenw, Sorry, but I go strictly off of what I see written on the forum topic, it's tough when your looking at someone's post on the internet to judge weither he's joking or not. So you're often forced to just assume that there serious, and respond accordingly. Now if you could have just said what you truthfully meant then this all would have been avoided, but then again it's only human nature to joke and be sarcastic. Anyway I'm sorry. Happy Holidays. Jon J rambo, To be honest I'm actually have a few games going with the AI, and I'm definately fairly new to multiplayer games so whenever your ready just give me an email at scottmmoore@verizon.net and we can set something up preferably for me a PBEM.
  16. misquoted by Kuniworth, that comes with a very heavy federal fine hahaha . Yes I would have to say someting was wrong with your quotation. Anyway are you trying to ask me to play you in a game...
  17. Happycat, Without any question you should do that, because later on in your campagin you'll pay a huge price if you don't upgrade them. That goes for both Allies, and Japan. Carrier's are the backbone of any victory in this game (land, air, and of course sea).
  18. When you set an HQ to manual it means that you have to chose the units that are it's attachments. You also are responsible for monitoring your units, because if they are 6 or more tiles away from the HQ the bond is broken, and you would then have to reattach or attach a new unit to that HQ. As for action points, and readiness they have absolutely no effect what so ever on HQ's, and it's attachments. Actually let me rephrase that, because readiness, and action points are a direct result of supply values, HQ's, and a few other things. Point I'm trying to make is that action points, and readiness don't effect HQ's, and it's attachments. I'd recommend just leaving HQ's in auto unless your a decently experienced player, because it's a lot easy (AI does it for you).
  19. AZGungHo, your typically courteous, and polite so I won't be mean, however you really should be better then the AI by this point in your SC carrier. Bowenw, I do have a name, and I wasn't complaining about segmentation violations I was just wanting a fix which Hubert Cater gave me. If you can't manange this game, because of a low ego though I would recommend you going back to playing the demo. Also people that are a part of this series really don't feel like hearing about someone else's B.S of this game because there simple not good enough, it get's rather annoying, and old quickly. Jon J rambo, If your up for a game. I'm ready, and willing to play you.
  20. Bill101, sorry for the language I didn't know I was going to get quoted. In all honesty though I do think down the road to even the game balance out you should cut some of these units. With the US production only geared towards subs, and land units it makes it impossible for Japan to make any advances late, and let's the allies go just about anywhere they want while Japan just hopes she will survive until the end, but knows she has no chance to get better then a strategic victory.
  21. I just sent you an image which I think might help. It doesn't have to do with any segmenation violations though. Although then again it's an error message so it's basically the same thing. Hubert, Thanks for all the help. I think in a short ammount of time we will get this fixed .
  22. can't possibly imagine why that would happen, but what you could do to test your theory would be to design a scenario with 10 aircraft carriers for both Japan, and US. Then have five carriers for both sides have level 5 air, and then have the other five have some other then 5. From there have them all be stationed in a port near enough to attack each other, and test your theory accordingly with level 5's attacking the enemy's level 5, and the other value CV attacking same value opponents CV's. Compare your results after doing this a few times, and share them with everyone. Hope this help., I felt the same way before with subs that hade level 3 tech where actually better then subs with level 5 tech.
  23. That was only for the last one I said. The sub problem had absolutly nothing to do with my battery. Another fix to the sub one though would be to make French Polynesia neutral, and to take out all those small islands in the South Pacific, because then the sub won't go down there meaning that the problem won't occur.
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