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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by theFightingSeabee

  1. Another shameless plug... there's even a mod manager.
  2. I'm a long time player who's been playing since 1.0. I love the game for a few reasons: 1. It's the most realistic tactical wargame ever made for the pc. Find a better one. 2. With a scenario editor. texture and sound mods, you can make almost any battle that involves US troops against Russian equipment. 3. It's great if you're interested in learning about tactics and solving puzzles. 4. They never stop working on it. It gets better all the time and won't stop. They have big plans for this with 4 modules (5 counting the original). Then on to v2. If you like realism, this is the game for you. There is no better.
  3. The insurgent surviving the building collapse and tossing a frag WAS in Fallujah. I saw the video of the guy who it happened to! In-game, it seems to happen too often imo. I've blown the living crap out of buildings with jdams just to have 3 or 4 guys survive! The concussion alone would have liquified their insides, or at the very least, have them so dazed they don't know which way is up. I could understand if there were tunnels, but I don't think tunnels are or ever will be modeled in cmsf. Just my 2 cents.
  4. That would be cool. I do see one major problem... us. As detail oriented as this group is, I think they would get quickly annoyed by us nitpicking and making requests. Although a broader scope type of thing may be a good compromise.
  5. That sucks, PT. It's too bad it won't be put in. It's one of those major things I noticed and missed the very first time I fired up cmsf.
  6. Yeah no kidding M1! That's a nice looking war-ravaged building you have!
  7. Yes Sir! Looks great. I don't have time for scenario creation these days, but Pak vs taliban would make some great red on red action. Will you be working on a taliban skin anytime soon???
  8. Sivodsi, I've gone through the same thoughts and even checked out the area with google earth. But, I haven't been able to spend time on scenario making. The Ross Kemp series is great. Be sure to watch his return to Afghanistan, although it's a bit more heartbreaking.
  9. I loaded the mod up and I love it. It is now on my Essential Mods list! Thanks! I've long considered doing this myself, but always felt foolish at the thought of screaming these things into a microphone, considering my close proximity to about 20 neighbors. So I'm glad you made it instead.
  10. I may be mistaken, but I think Steve has mentioned that this was fixed for 1.2.
  11. Sweet! Thanks! Just listened to the files. NICE! 8) Great job! I'm gonna check these out in game.
  12. Thanks FMB! I did play the first scenario and it was pretty stealthy. I managed to make it across without losing anyone. On to the next!
  13. Don't take your guns to town son, leave your guns at home bill, don't take your guns to town.
  14. Great! I signed up a while back, but have not yet added anything. CAn I add my mod manager?
  15. OK, I'll restart if it's going to screw me for the rest of the campaign. Most of the casualties were from a couple of tanks that made it through in the second wave. I moved 2 squads to try to hit the tank (4 A10 gun runs couldn't seem to take it out) from the side. Boom, boom, boom, boom! 2 at4's and 2 laws into the side of the tank from about 20 meters and it still didn't go down! The tank turned around and pulverized the squads with it's main gun. The other casualties were due to similar occurances, where I was trying to take out some vehicles, missed, and they returned fire. I'll restart and probably do MUCH better knowing what to expect now.
  16. First two done. Had 1 kia and 10 wia in mission 1. 25 kia and 10 wia in mission 2 (the one that I opted not to skip!). Finally killed all of the armor, but at a hell of a cost. S P O I L E R When I redo that mission at a later date, I'll make sure to hide all my infantry and just let the A10's do their dirty work.
  17. Thanks guys! I'll be mixing and matching. Someday, when I feel all the sounds are perfect, maybe I'll release my favorite batch. Almost all of them are AKD's!
  18. The map looks insane. Can't wait to play it! Thanks!
  19. Yes! That should have been on my list as well. And I'd love to be able to multi-select all the ammo I want on the list then say 'Confirm' or something, instead of having to select something then click 'Acquire' again every time.
  20. Cool. Since I generally play blue vs red (although I do like the red vs red sometimes), I like the gunshots of blue to sound like outgoing and red to sound like incoming. Either way, I'll be anxious to hear your sounds. My sounds right now are a mix of many, so I'll add any I like of your to mine.
  21. I'll go out on a limb and say... the middle east, Africa, eastern europe, and central and south america.
  22. I do like RT for that reason. It goes as my pace. If I need to pause and take my time giving orders, then that's fine. But if I just want to move quickly, it's nice to be able to keep moving. The ability to pause is also quite nice for quick reactions. Sometimes mere seconds can cost the lives a lot of troops. I started playing with WEGO back in 2007, but quickly changed over. Now I pretty much only used RT. I do miss a lot of great moments, though. The ability to record RT would be cool.
  23. * Pop ups showing who killed what and how. * Fix mouse clicking on buildings. Almost broken! * Use the RED button as a pause. * More emotional voice acting.
  24. Not yet... there's been a real flurry of new stuff out lately, but I will get around to it soon enough. Thanks for posting it and all the work creating it. I've made a few myself and know they are a lot of hard work and you want to see people enjoying it. Just sit back and relax and you'll be surprised at how many people will play it. I'll post back after I've played.
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