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Everything posted by Omenowl

  1. I am not sure. I guess the real question is does it make a difference between airsupport vs. artillery.
  2. Yes, god forbid they use their PDAs with GIS maps uploaded to the PDA and then specify GPS coordinates from that.
  3. I don't know how it works with the Syrians, but for my blue teams it is damn accurate. The spotter round will fall in all sorts of places, but after the first 2-3 rounds it will land within 1 building space of where I put it. On the second mission of the campaign I could get the artillery to take out a building quite consistently. The airstrikes are a lot less accurate though.
  4. The big problem with air support is there is not an ability to adjust fire without cancelling the entire attack. I just can't call to the apaches to move their area attack. 4 minutes is a long time to get an apache attack and in that time th enemy has either moved out of the area of effect or I have to guess where he will be long before the attack comes. Resetting the time counter makes it frustrating for missions.
  5. Reading so many threads I find it depressing. Yes, I have some of the same complaints, but the difference for me is they are more annoying rather than game breaking. Overall, I still have fun. I enjoy the simple artillery mangement. I like the fact things move easily. I like the reload options and I do enjoy the ability to reload. I am beginning to appreciate the visual interface to know who has what weapons. I am looking forward to 1.05 and will see what I find a good game even better. I can't wait for the modding tools so I can get much of the same feel as I did for CMx1
  6. The time for the apaches is too long. I don't mind the fact it takes 5 minutes for the first strike, but I would like it to take much less time for subsequent strikes. Also I have seen the Apaches select their own targets and take out tanks, but there is no way to adjust fire. This is a bigger deal when the tanks move and they leave the target area. If it is possible I would like to see helicopters as 5 minutes for the first strike and less than a minute for subsequent strikes.
  7. I was playing the missions and I noticed that while the recon squads have machine guns (and the ammo to go with it) they lack anykind of 7.62 ammo to reload. I was wondering if this was a mistake.
  8. Make sure your powersupply is large enough also. You might need an 800 watt power supply with what you have. A lot of random lockups are caused by an insufficient power supply.
  9. I find the game pretty fun. Yes, your guys do some stupid things and sometimes there are a few movement bugs. Generally, I find cover arcs work to compensate against the LOS issues (my guys seem to fire even though I can't manually target the enemy). I also find splitting squads helps for movement. Smaller units have less problems with pathing. Overall the mod community is not fully developed (CMMODS is good for maps). This in my view is the biggest drawback at the moment. Once the mods becmome available for graphics, etc I think it will be much better. Still compared to MW2 and DoW series I find this the most enjoyable of the games I bought.
  10. I guess the usual. Did you update your motherboard bios? Are your drivers the most up to date? I have a dual core and it has never locked up on me. When I worked at dell I found some of the most amazing fixes by updating the motherboard bios, which was never stated in the read me.
  11. I think maybe some code to give small short range weapon (3-5 meters) to represent hand to hand combat along with those sounds. Use the system similar to medic, but for enemies. Base it on fitness, fatigue and combat experience for lethality/protection. Just an idea.
  12. After 1.04 it has turned out pretty well. Yes, my soldiers sometimes seem to go backwards before going forwards, but overall I enjoy it a lot more. Still the AI is better and my soldiers do prioritize who they shoot (IE target arcs don't mean anything when the squad has javelins and sees a tank). The interface is a bit clunky, but considering you have hotkeys and can map them this seems a lot less reasonable, and once you get used to what the pictures mean it is pretty easy. I do admit the QB has some problems (which is getting better with CMMODS website), but I also admit cherry picking units is pretty gamey. I think the lack of maps provided with the game and lack of the modding community for sounds, skins, etc is what I miss the most. Right now I give the game a 7 or 8 out of 10. Good game and I don't mind the fact I bought it, but it is still too immature to whole heartedly recommend it to my friends. One more patch and the ability to mod and I am sure I will bump it higher.
  13. Wouldn't lesser quality troops tend to have less ammo on them as they aren't as well trained to carry ammo properly? I mean yeah the weight is the same, but weight distribution and the fact green soldiers tend to take more non critical items compared to experienced soldiers?
  14. I would rather not have to install more 3rd party software to get a game to run at the refresh rate my monitor runs at for every other app except CMSF. CMBO, CMBB and CMAK all had the ability to alter the refresh and resolution within the game itself. I just don't like CMSF automatically knocking the refresh rate to 60hz from 85hz when I have it run.
  15. In one of the new patches could you include the ability to set the refresh rate and resolution like what was done in CMx1? The 60hz default setting does not make for as enjoyable of a game.
  16. I think it was already decided that if both players don't have the module it would not be included in things like quick battles. There will be definitely scenarios that are CMSF basic and those with the extra modules.
  17. I think this is more a complaint about the scenario designers than the game. I do agree with rune about operational concerns if it is too long, but CMSF should encourage realistic tactics and timelines. It may take me 5-10 minutes to properly clear a building and if there are multiple objectives with a fair number of troops I should be allowed for a reasonable amount of time to do so. 2 hours for most scenarios is fine, but it feels like most of the scenarios in the operations are about 15-20 minutes too short. Bad scenario design. Still upto 3 hours would be better with for a scenario and 2 hours for each part of an operation. Unless there is a particular reason for a short scenario (take bridge by a certain time or destroy Anti aircraft battery, etc) a realistic time frame should be the goal. I think what most of us are asking is for a scenario designer to be given a greater flexibility for a time frame.
  18. I think the graphics and some terrain are reasonable. The other things are what would really make me buy another module. Unless I can get another large non nato force (IE Israelies, Russians or Chinese) a few new units just does not enthuse me to buy another module. A lot of stuff mentioned are things that are basic functionality rather than additions (QB revisions, TCP/IP wego). I figured why not try to figure out what the marine module will actually expand.
  19. Yeah, I have seen the same thing with strykers in the middle of combat. They will stop to fire, can't see the threat and then face some random direction.
  20. Things I want for the marine module (and some would apply to the army also). New units I am hoping for amphibious assaults and hovercraft. I would like to see new types of terrain and graphics. I would like to see air assaults.
  21. The time frame bugs me to. Unless there is a specific reason where a victory is obtained based upon the time (IE the defenders job is to hold for x amount of time) the time should not be the enemy.
  22. I don't think it needs to be modeled on the small scale of CMSF. Unless one side surprises the other odds are you won't see troops ride a tank near a combat zone. It takes about 20 minutes to walk a mile so you would dismount maybe 1 or 2 miles out. Same reason we don't see company march formations. Just not something that happens when you expect combat.
  23. I think if you can buy units then there should be a sliding scale depending on rarity. If you exceed the number on a rarity scale then it become progressively more expensive. So say if a sniper was rare for a company you could buy one, but if you bought more than one the price increased exponentially. However, if you played a brigade then your maximum number of snipers would increase
  24. Considering the RT mode allows for pauses and the fact you can leave your soldiers in autowatch phase I hardly consider it a click fest based on speed. Yes, it does require me to click a lot, but I noticed it is more about setting firing arcs, evaluating the enemy or trying to stand back while I decide what to do. I also noticed that spending the extra 5-10 seconds and thinking about my decisions is better than simply trying to speed up the fight. Compared to MTW2 or Dawn of war I feel I am awarded more leisure in combat, but my decisions are more catastrophic if not done correctly. My forces tend to get split into 2-3 groups and I focus on one vs. another. One will wait to provide suppressive fire or to watch for reinforcements, while another inches its way forward to secure an objective. If one groups gets bogged down, I might leave them to defend and bring up another from a different direction to provide more suppresive fire or take the objective. My real complaint about most scenarios is time more than clicking.
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