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Everything posted by Kieme(ITA)

  1. You are welcome. Sure that vehicle is a leftover, couldn't use the same templates adopted for the BTRs so I had to skip it. I would surely like to mod that too (plain green only), but as for several Other rare vehicles I'd push them down the list. I also started working on a 2x2km map that I'd like to use for some ideas, and experimenting with the editor to make a modern looking environment (but made up, not based on an actual location).
  2. You will need a 3rd party program to take screenshots or make videos of your matches.
  3. Modding CMBS can be done, but we have constraints. I have recently wondered about a "back to desert" mod. But what could we depict with the assets in game? Maybe palm trees and Others could be ported from the old CMSF, but what about the opposing force to the US Army? What nation in a desert environment could we represent with modern russian assets of the game? Back to the topic: a North korea army mod would be very hard to achieve, not to mention South korea (can't mod ukrainian units into South korean).. we could manage something with the ground and buildings, but the combat units are the most difficult problem.
  4. Not sure that would fit CMBS. Combat Mission Black Sea with an expansion up in korea wouldn't make much sense. The setting is very interesting, that's for sure, but would be more suited for a dedicated title rather than an expansion.
  5. In my opinion BFC should take the step of representing US APS on vehicles, with some degree of freedom I would like this to be shown in game.
  6. Great ideas the use of game assets for that kind of airport terminal structure.
  7. This seems a great thing, I am also looking forward for more. Good job.
  8. Yes I would like to take a look at the russian bmp-2s now.
  9. Have fun with it! I'd like to see that too. I recall a picture of a BMD-2 with that.
  10. Although bear in mind that between CMSF and CMBS there are 7 years of game development, engine optimization, improvements and Patches.
  11. Well the Ferrari comparison is something we could discuss a lot... Anyway, Italy used Leopard 1 and even managed to locally build weapons, turrets and similar assets to make a local Leo1 (export). When it came to substitute the Leo1 the Army (and governments) had two choices: try something locally made (thanks to the exports Italian weapon and heavy industry was capable of making tanks - yet quite unexperienced on complete systems) or buy Leo2 from Germany (as most Leo1 users did). Italy decided to make its own tank (and IFV/APC). A bad decision in my opinion as the development of the MBT Ariete (for example) took 20 years and I don't even want to know how much public money went on it (plus the related corruption). In my opinion the best road would have been to keep making tanks under license, maybe part of them, such as the Leopard 2, which was a great platform back in the '90s and even as kids we knew it would have been a backbone tank for decades, eventually evolve the Leo2 using local technology and Army necessities, in any case we would have a better vehicle right now, and for the next future too. panzersaurkraft is a former tank commander playing this game and responding on these forum, and he stated in another thread that has knowledge of the korean K.
  12. A lot of people don't realize that CM games are not balanced, by design, as your common "rts" game. The only form of balance is in the QB unit selection roster, which is a rough and primitive form of balance in order to avoid having a player with 100 MBT fight one with 10 soldiers.
  13. Had a rough week but here it is the next mod: Kieme CMBS Tigr Comes in green and 3-tone camo versions, please make sure you choose only one to use. Special thanks to BTR for providing the ideal green base textures. Green version download: https://app.box.com/s/xaj3pfohjezyfmo1jzfitlxmmkjvv938 Green version preview: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-tone camo version download: https://app.box.com/s/7n52uuxmjn6jjfr2o6mhc0jozr3zx6nh 3-tone camo preview:
  14. The spotting system is not 1:1. This means that different vehicles, having different kind of assets equipped/embedded, will have different spotting abilities. Game devs, based on research done, made the M1A2 SEP V2 we have in game the best spotting platform in game. It's a choice, you can argue all you want, but it has its basis.
  15. Italy produces its own tank, the Ariete C1, from Iveco-OtoMelara consortium. Which comes also with upgraded armor on turret and hull sides: It's a modern MBT with 120mm gun, laser rangefinder, laser warning, Thermal, commander citv, TURMS fcs (already seen on CMSF T-72 in the T configuration), but the original concept and project goes down to the '80s and the vehicle is not a platform intended for decades (like the US M1). The worst part in my opinion is the armor protection, not at the level of modern times, the best one is the fire control/observation system, as the Italian Galileo is one of the best firms in the world for that.
  16. BFC used the avilable T-72 model to make the T-90 hull. So the front mudguards are the same for the in game T-72 and the T-90A / AM. The front mudguards of T-90 tanks seems indeed to be of the same rubber + metal wire mesh as the T-72, so BFC should correct the T-90 hulls accordingly.
  17. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117795-kiemes-modding-corner/?p=1588569 All mods pre-russian releases.
  18. From the game manual: Every unit has someone in charge of its soldiers, though not necessarily the same type of Leader. Leaders provide units with, what else... leadership. They help maintain internal discipline, direct fire to be more effective, and keep contact with other Leaders. The more Leaders you lose, the harder maintaining C2 becomes. Leadership influence takes the form of a Leadership Modifier represented in the Unit Info Panel. The better the modifier, the more effective the Leader is in keeping things on the straight and narrow. Note that the modifier values are +2, +1, 0, -1, and -2. This means that a Leader can have no special effect on Leadership (0 rating) or even a negative influence (-1 or -2). Anybody that has ever served in the military, or studied it in historical texts, knows that some people should Game Manual 65 never have been put in charge of anything except washing dishes (and you don’t necessarily want to be the one eating from those dishes). CM dutifully simulates these poor Leaders. There are two types of dedicated Leaders; Unit Leader and Assistant Leader. A Unit Leader is a soldier who has the training and rank to command the unit he is assigned to. The Assistant Leader has similar training and capabilities as the Unit Leader, but is of a junior rank and may not have all the skills necessary to command a unit over the long term. However, an Assistant Leader generally has the same chance of being a good Leader in a tactical fight, which is good because that is exactly what he’ll have to do if the Unit Leader becomes a casualty. Squad-type units usually have a Squad Leader (Unit Leader) in charge of Team A, and an Assistant Squad Leader (Assistant Leader) in charge of Team B. When Squads are split up, like Weapons Squads normally are, this effectively means that the command responsibilities are split up. If one Leader falls to fire, the other one will not take over his responsibilities, because they are assumed to be physically separate units when split off as Teams. When a battle starts, the name and rank displayed are that of the unit’s current senior Leader. Should that Leader fall in battle, more about leaders importance depends on the skill level of the game you select.
  19. as far as I know uses OpenGL for Windows.
  20. Tank-urban-capable There are at least two words that should never come in the same phrase.
  21. I hope that T-90 will never be able to prove itself in a real tank to tank combat, because that will mean a war against a country operating that tank.
  22. I have to check the buildings, so there is no standard version yet. The roads have their standard version done and corrected, should work ok. This is the link for them: https://app.box.com/s/tunn9rkmoqlv8skme1imrd2qzjawar7s Terrain will require a lot of work to make it standard and ok looking, not sure I will do that.
  23. 1:30 The guy working on the arms push ups should do some running first, for the jelly belly
  24. CM games work on a real basis, nothing like most rts games which give a fictional value x to armor or weapons. In those games, if X is armor and Y is weapon, if X>Y the vehicle survives, if X<Y the vehicle dies. Rock paper scissors, just that. In CM games there are a lot more variables taken into account, thus reducing the rng (random number generation - casuality) a lot. This means that the armor of a vehicle is modelled as the real vehicle, for example: front armor is stronger than side armor, front armor can have weak points, there are different armor thicknesses based upon the precise spot etc. but their values are based upon reality (as much as references can give or proof or are estimated by devs). Same goes for the weapon systems, many calculations are taken into account when the game needs to decide what happens when a given weapon (or projectile) hits a given armor location.. angles of impact, technical characteristics of the projectile, speed etc. And the armor can be of very different kinds or have different layers (armor-era-spaced-stand off etc.) Moreover, vehicles have Subsystems and crew that can be damaged or destroyed, thus influencing the said vehicle capabilities. About ERA, example: If an ERA block is hit, and works as it was designed, said block will be not visibile anymore in the 3d model of the vehicle and it won't be there the next time a projectile might hit there.. About the challenger, we have M1A2 SEP v2 now in game, and while being very difficult to destroy it's not at all an invincible tank. In the interface you might notice some level bars and color indications (dots) which you might think give a value to some characteristics such as speed, acceleration, armor protection etc. but keep in mind those are only generic visual aids for the non-expert player intended to give a broad idea of what's what. So, in the end, CM is a ton time more complex than you initially thought.
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