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Everything posted by Kieme(ITA)

  1. Hi all, I am looking for someone to play a medium battle with this map: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118981-kiemes-maps/?p=1601300 PBEM with dropbox. I'd prefer to use US Army forces, even a mechanized infantry only if no abrams is welcome. If anyone is interested please PM me. Thanks in advance!
  2. So motivation is the most important factor when it comes to crew moral reactions when under fire?
  3. I have updated the map and the meeting engagement map pack (3 versions) with a new version (older version links not working anymore): Changelog for Version 2: -added numerous additional flavor objects (also from my flavor objects add on mods) -added a few trees in certain areas -removed a few trees in certain areas -added a few small elevations in certain areas -added more passages for light vehicles on the highways -corrected a problem with some building/wall combination -changed a bit some buildings Special thanks to undercovergeek and Marco2marzo for the test battles. Downloads: Version 2 map only: https://app.box.com/s/nsyw1lv9x5ololwgd6zs1ckuhh9976jj Version 2 PvP meeting engagement (3 versions, see original topic, objectives and deploy areas are the same): https://app.box.com/s/24is3qdzb2wl5cgj8hmdh8dlk4ixwt41 https://app.box.com/s/s0ybhpx1dqyoxv8fju6loqavvyeh9a39 https://app.box.com/s/4oisr99mtqmu2pygg9aby7lvhq77t4sg A few screenshots:
  4. Kieme CMBS BRDM-2-M-AT5 This mod covers all the russian variants of BRDM-2. Special thanks to BTR for providing the ideal green base textures. Download: https://app.box.com/s/tj4cfslxv1i33qncdqhtg4qn7ihjud39 Preview:
  5. I don't know, that's why I am asking. What striked me was seeing my Abrams losing all its subsystems, one by one or in groups, rapidly, being constantly shelled by a rain of 30mm rounds without any knowledge of the shooter and the crew never showed a reaction. I belive there should have been some, even if they felt very secure inside the tank and even if it's a hardened veteran. Now, I understand that abandoning the vehicle would be stupid, as well as panicking (and the two things are related in CM games), but at least a strong suppression? Or a change in the crew status (like -> nervous? if not ->shaken?).
  6. Hello everybody. I'd like to start a discussion about a specific situation within the game. Whenever a vehicle, such as a tank, is hit and such hit does not penetrate, the crew inside has no apparent reaction (in terms of suppression / condition). Now, what I'd like to ask is this: do you think that the crew inside the vehicle should be somehow affected by the fact they were hit, despite the non-penetration? I am referring to morale / suppression. As an example: this M1 was hit by a Tunguska during several turns, and it had all its sub systems severely damaged. The crew (veteran) was never affected in any way by suppression or condition change (nervous/rattles/etc.). http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117778-unofficial-screenshots-videos-thread/?p=1600637 A few potential examples: -IFV being shelled by HMGs, no penetrations, several dozens if not hundreds of hits. Should the crew show any morale/suppression reaction? In my opinion, no. -MBT being hit by a single non penetrating shot, crew reaction? No. -MBT being hit by several shots, non penetrating,in rapid succession, crew reaction? There should be some. -MBT being hit by a single shot, causing a sub-system damage (any), crew reaction? There should be some.
  7. The latest Oplot mod has been updated to include a missing file, please re-download if you did and overwrite the old mod.
  8. Kieme CMBS T-84 Oplot - green version I owed a Bradley veteran one plain green, dirty Oplot... Please note that this mod is not compatible with the old T-84 Oplot mod with digital camouflage, use only one of the two mods, pick the one you prefer and unistall the other one. Download: https://app.box.com/s/zwyqv1lnih6tjacvtgjuo78eqvyvaioq Preview:
  9. Little spin-off: I remember a discussion, years ago, about what "name" could be given to the tank that will come after the M1... If the tradition goes on, and catch up to the dates, it should be someone who didn't serve earlier than the first gulf war (at least for the bulk of his career), shouldn't it? As regarding my favourite vehicle I have to say this: I still need to try and make mistakes with a good bounch of the vehicles in CMBS... so it's very early at least.
  10. Placing flavour objects is such a frustrating work that I really hate it a lot. I recognize how much a few flavor objects can do to improve the concept of a phisical location, but the system we got now really makes this a horrible (tedious and very time consuming) chore.
  11. Well, if anyone studied military history should be afraid of Abrams...
  12. Interesting, what kind of information did you put in your units books? Historical, real technical or "game technical data"?
  13. Hit decals and effects from Vein http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117756-veins-cmbs-effects/
  14. Yes, the T-90 appeared in the front arc, no more than 90° I'd say. Unfortunately it was by the end of the game, so there was no more danger lurking around.
  15. Sending an email with a request for an additional activation prooving that you owned the game isn't "begging". I own CM games since CMBO, the first one. I changed more than a dozen computers since, and I performed, what, maybe two dozen hard disk formats? And I only asked once for CMSF for an activation that I couldn't figure out. If I remember correctly in 24 hours I had the game installed again. Unless you need to uninstall/install once per week the system can't bother too much.
  16. Kieme CMBS PRP1k - BRM1 This mod covers the last two variations for the Russians BMP-2. Download: https://app.box.com/s/8g5bik7uc8rsm8qpf4wrtx1x29msng2b Preview:
  17. Very well done, should be included as an addendum to the game manual.
  18. That's what I thought, surprise surprise it still managed to spot and destroy a T-90A from about 500m... What surprised me was the reaction of the crew. They never even had a single line of suppression. Now, I am sure that a Veteran US Army tank crew wouldn't panic so easily, at the same time, I can't imagine what kind of sensations you'd have during minutes and minutes where you could hear hundreds if not thousands of projectiles hitting your tank, and rapidly destroying all your systems... If it was for me should have created a certain pin down effect on the crew.
  19. Interesting. So we could foresee a future module sporting a new version of BMP-3, like a BMP-3M-Bakhcha?
  20. All I said about modules timeframes is pure speculation. Anything can happen. Even that no modules come out (exageration).
  21. I belive the target is due to the time you must consider to model the vehicles from scratch, add them to the game, solve all possible bugs, squeeze them in one of the planned releases for CMBS (I belive they are already decided on paper). The process can take up to a year of time (in between other projects etc.) and for sure the contents of the first module are already set. So, you have to keep in mind that it will take time. Finally it's Worth to consider that if the time goes by too much since the release of CMBS they might also be cut simply because thet didn't make it in any released module (expansion), although there's still the way of the vehicle packs (if that is still considered by BFC). I would be optimistic, the main constraint is available informantion (real information, not 3d mockups by fans and tank enthusiasts etc.- what panzersaurkraut would call "digital plywood"), so if you can dig it out in the next months, it's all welcome and adds to the cause.
  22. Kieme CMBS BMP-2-k-M Special thanks to BTR for providing the ideal green base textures. This mod covers the three variants of BMP-2 available for the Russian Army. Includes new normal maps. *****Comes in 2 variations of green, one lighter and more desaturated, one darker and more greenish. Pick the one you prefer but be sure to install only one of the two versions! Dark green version Download: https://app.box.com/s/3zqr2zbyaz7pjc1a598isn2a7boacmln Dark green version Preview: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Light green version download: https://app.box.com/s/5va39km5skgld4z1wxdwjc7dnx1ffvfl Light green version Preview: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option: this mod includes the option to paint the equipment of BMP-2M in a different shade of green. This is the standard BMP-2M of the mod: This is the optional shade of green for BMP-2M (hereby shown with the light green version): How to install: If you want to see your BMP-2M with their modernized equipment in this different shade you'll need to rename this file: "bmp-2m_turret optional" by removing the word "optional", thus overwriting the "bmp-2m_turret" file.
  23. Thanks Ian, effectively, such an improvement would be followed by a repaint. anyway it will be an option, it will be in the mod but people will need to manually rename the files in order to see it working.
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