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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Childress

  1. Michael you've always struck me as an Old Testament kind of guy. With a literary bent: 'And we worship thy Name : ever world without end. Vouchsafe, O Lord : to keep us this day without sin.'
  2. Now that's worth waiting for. Along with a numbering of lingering issues like the barbed wire and setup bugs. BF's oh-so deliberative approach to patching is beginning to get annoying. Re: Human Waves. This tactic is actually known to have worked given vast disparity in numbers and cold hearted commanders.
  3. Right. Banzai attacks tended to prove counter-productive, more so as the war dragged on. Yet they remained a prominent feature of Japanese warfare until the bitter end. So... given their documented uselessness the CMPT player, as the Japanese commander, would be compelled by an intrusive game mechanic to use them? The point of the original question is that CM cannot do do justice to Japanese tactics w/o some kind of artificial rules. This may partly explain BF's lack of interest in the theatre. Along with invisible, buried defenders and the relative absence of sexy AFVs.
  4. Just curious... How would the CM engine deal with banzai charges?
  5. You're right, Fuser. Prayers didn't come through for some of us in the recent U.S. election. Look forward to the variations.
  6. That's the purpose of blurring the background; blurring heightens the the 3D ocular illusion. These new horizons meld with the foreground. I'd upload some jpegs- it's easy, 2 minutes work- but Photoshop is not currently installed on my laptop.
  7. Love all your mods- except the horizons. They look terrific but maybe you should consider passing them through a blur filter? As they are- ultra clean- they tend to impart a less than natural spatial feeling to the maps. Just an opinion, of course.
  8. Agree with JasonC - and you. More suppression and fewer kills. CMBB 1.0 was, I recall, realistic in this regard. Infantry was very fragile and the player had to lone up his ducks perfectly to pull off an assault. It represented a marked deviation from CMBO. But a lot of people complained. Additionally in CM2 you have the reversal between expected wounded and kills. JonS had some good counter-arguments, e.g. minor, untallied wounds, but it still doesn't feel right, in my opinion. Other factors contributing to the present carnage are aggressiveness on the part of players and the typical promotion of Green troops to Regular and up. Improbable, especially for American troops in '43.
  9. I see. What was the point of the patch if it neglected to address the marquee issue?
  10. I arrived at the final scenario in the Troina campaign and found that half American mortars were non-functioning from the start. They were deployed and in command. But this is probably a design, not an engine, bug.
  11. Yes! But your text only posts were always fine. It's the Brobdingnagian jpegs.
  12. Thanks for contributing the AAR, Darknight. Great pix. But your formatting seems designed for a widescreen monitor. On my 17" laptop I need to scroll left and right to read it. Which is work!
  13. Not sure that's reliable. Maybe what CM really needs in addition to the 'Hide' command is the 'Really, Really Hide' command. The latter is what we have now.
  14. Yes, but mostly graphics related. Some of us were hoping for more significant tweaking, e.g., weapon characteristics, but that, one suspects, will arrive with the comprehensive CMBN upgrade in the form of patch 1.02.
  15. You sure? Visually, yes, it shows 'deployed' immediately. And I've only seen the 'deploying' message once but, in the example of 60m mortar ammo, it takes 10-30 seconds after deployment before it begins to deplete.There's considerable variation. 80m mortars show similar delays though, according to the unit display, they're supposed to take twice as long as the 60s. AT guns now exhibit listed deploy and pack-up delays. MGs, less. The picture's confusing. Edit: Also,pressing alt-r in 1.01, I still get only 'shaders off'. Unlike the Demo where that feature worked.
  16. But should this restriction apply if a TRP is present? This might prove tricky to code. But JonS knows what he's talking about. So I'm for it. The risks is that a sizable number of players will revolt over having their options narrowed. BF understands their base.
  17. That sounds good but would impose more animation labor on the part of the (two) coders. Maybe an in command, non-hiding HQ or other affiliated unit like an attached team could be empowered to act as a trigger. Womble mentions that even Hiding troops will still spot- at a lower rate- but minus a blue LOS line to the approaching enemy ambushing troops will not spring into action when an arc is breached. Unlike CMx1. So springing an ambush requires, in may circumstances, intervention on the part of the player. OK in real time but clunky in WEGO. This is, imo, one of the several issues, including mortar quirks, setup times and and- arguably- under-modeled MG fire which currently gives a decided edge to the offensive side in CM2.
  18. That was a comprehensive jeremiad of a post, John. But I take issue with your judgment on the flexibility of AT guns. I submit these weapons are currently over-powered based on their ability to move into position and fire away within a few seconds. They resemble slow moving, inexpensive and low profile tanks. No tedious setup time required.
  19. Easy mistake to make. English can be so confusing! For laughs I edited a couple of the Experience classifications. 'Conscript' is now 'Lumpen-proletariat' and Elite units have become 'The Foo Fighters'.
  20. From 6/30/12: I re-ran my old test but changing the parameter to Allied vs Allied. One side had an HQ, with a short cover arc, the other side no HQ, or rather a HQ hidden behind a building. The 3 squads faced off against 3 squads over a low stone wall at 500m. Equal morale. Ran it five times. The non-HQ side got creamed each time; more casualties, more broken squads.
  21. Some folks are attached to Norton with an unsnappable umbilical cord, it seems. I've noticed the same devotion to AOL on the part of some friends, usually female. Your counter-evangelism may be in vain, B88. Yeah, Avast and Chrome make a great combination.
  22. Except that the money *won't* be flowing in unless this bug and others are addressed. At least from the wallets of existing customers. BFC will, we can be confident, get around to fixing proven bugs- even if they take their sweet time about it.
  23. Good going, Killkess. Some posters have asserted that the attacking side enjoys a decided advantage in H2H matches. If true, ineffectual MG fire may be a contributing factor. The bugs are mounting up. But one supposes that's an inevitability with a complex system, two programmers and hundreds of gimlet eyed beta testers.
  24. 'Fanboy', like 'racist', often seems like one of those ad hominem epithets which the losing side hurls at an adversary in order to preemptively shut down his argument.
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