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Everything posted by Childress

  1. But... I loaded Wittmann's Demise and it had the same distance dropouts. This improvement only effects stock scenarios?
  2. I tested using Fraps; my frames rates have only increased marginally. Very marginally. But my laptop's card nothing to shout on the rooftops about, to borrow a French expression. The major difference appears to be draw distance. I loaded the scenario 'Through the Loup' - so THAT'S what it looks like.
  3. Thanks for the backgrounds, Saferight. Something you'd might consider: some of the archival photos are, unlike the pix that came with CMBN, very low resolution. Have you considered making a condensed version that includes only the higher rez ones?
  4. The packs are likely to be a source of PBEM compatibility anguish. Everybody realizes this, right?
  5. Depends whether one is seeking a chess-like experience, a challenging game, or the atmospherics of a WW2 experience. In CM2 an Elite American squad of 12 Audie Murphy's can win the attrition battle in the open against a Regular German platoon. And vice versa. They're that powerful. ASL Vet: Paper Tiger belongs, iirc, to the school that infantry ratings are too high across the board, that units recover from suppression too quickly and don't reflect real world brittleness. Like JasonC. He uses terrain features, intelligent placement and number disparities to achieve his goals. But it's all subjective, as you say.
  6. The morale rating is generally as high as the experience rating- down to the Kubelwagen drivers. There's a least one scenario bundled with MG like this and more than several on the Repository. I get it: the author's eager to create a challenge for the player , an 'evil' scenario. What he really gets is a very strange battle. Paper Tiger goes in the opposite direction.
  7. No. After the MG patch, for example, some scenarios were rendered obsolete. Or unwinnable. Too much work. it seems.
  8. Sometimes I get started with a scenario and halfway through I'll save and request a cease fire. Not infrequently my side has the upper hand. But then I discover that the entire opposing force is rated Crack, even Elite. I won't name any authors, I'm aware of the work involved and the maps are often superb, but it kinda disturbs the atmosphere. Not to mention that the battles play out in a peculiar way. Normal tactics don't apply. Nor is taking the attacking side on steroids any more convincing. It's questionable that by late 1944 an entire battalion of Germans should merit such an exalted rating given the losses suffered. Or the Allies, especially American troops with their screwy- 'repple depple'- replacement system. Granted, there are exceptions. Generally when coming across this exp inflation the scenario gets deleted, never to be played again. Surely it's better to inflate the numbers of the (for example, defending) side than endow endow them with implausible ratings. Thoughts?
  9. Seems that way. At least at the risk of immobilization; but those low hedges, seen from above, are very wide. I don't know. Maybe BF agrees in retrospect. But changing that now would obsolete dozens of scenarios from CMBN and CMBN/CW.
  10. Maybe getting whacked and incurring a casualty(s) = no sidearms on exit? But one of the charms of the CM series is the outlier stuff.
  11. Good points. But what of non-catastrophic events? IE, immobs, track hits, etc. The game would have to evaluate the likelihood of crews emerging armed and dangerous based on losses and the nature of damage suffered. A lot to ask, no?
  12. Which side would you have joined, Baron? The Reds or the Whites?
  13. ^^^This. More surrendering, pls. That said I've run into the Rambo tank crew phenomenon once.
  14. You kept all this information under wraps when dating you wife-to-be, right?
  15. Yes, if the men are behind a wall. But not if the unit has LOS. But you're right, the command is not as useful as before. I wish having a single unhidden unit, like a HQ or a scouting team, would trigger its affiliated or even nearby unaffiliated squad once the arc is breached. As is, a successful ambush often depends on proper timing within the turn phase.
  16. Those lines, with which I was vaguely familiar and had to look up, are from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Never a fan of the bombastic Bard, at least in the reading of his plays- a painful duty in high school. But I came across this Youtube video with Kenneth Branagh as Henry V. I dare anyone on this forum not be moved when on the eve of battle he declaims the famous line: 'We few, we happy few, we Band of Brothers'. Words that inspired the book and the TV series. They'll shake you up:
  17. Steve will sell his imminent (2014?) Modern era sim to the US Army and then: Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world Like a Colossus, and we petty men Walk under his huge legs and peep about To find ourselves dishonorable graves.
  18. An issue using the current engine to simulate the NA battles is that the dust raised by one's vehicles isn't (I think) visible to the other side. Not a big deal in the current environment but an important recon factor in the desert. I seem to recall this was not this case in CMAK.
  19. Foolish me! I hadn't realized BF had enabled voice commands! Gotta to remember to patch up.
  20. Maybe not as unrealistic as we think. They happened. Some posters sigh for a Follow command in which vehicles follow each other at neat 50m intervals.
  21. Oh yeah, the 'rough and ready' fix. So easy to address the player's dilemma, not so much the AI's.
  22. That the tube dude get shot back at 20m. It may be plausible given the right geometric parameters.
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