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Everything posted by Childress

  1. Especially when that enemy's close quarter fire power is far more devastating than yours. I take it that this discrepancy forms an essential theme in this infantry-centric module.
  2. In the Panther Games you get (based on the demos) a kind of swirling, real time ballet of NATO symbols colliding over a not very detailed map versus the rigorous and precise 3D spatiality of CM. The latter renders the AI's task much steeper- just the nature of the beast, the Command Ops productions left me feeling detached. So defensive scenarios in CM are, imo, best left to HvH games.
  3. Haven't checked out MG - except a glance- but Gustav Line introduced a disturbing trend: campaign battles in which the player hunkers down in defense. No dig on the designers or the game engine but outside the Command Ops series (I'm told) this doesn't work out very convincingly unless you pad the AI's forces or impose punitive goals on the player.
  4. Doing things half-*ssed isn't the way of CM2. There are many details to sort out and BF is just as perfectionist as you. YankeeDog, who'd no doubt love to have tank riders, made some telling points. We're more likely to see refinements in, say, ATG crew animations. Which could use some improvement.
  5. WWZ has generated a host of conflicting- and emotional- opinions. I dug the book but found the film succeeds on it owns terms. This review is from: World War Z (Amazon Instant Video) Never mind the naysayers, this Z flic is stupendous; intelligent, gripping, even touching in certain parts. One senses a certain fatigue with the Undead trope- movies dating back to the 60s and a popular TV series. Granted, World War Z doesn't follow the book. It's reported there were deleted scenes and (apparently) numerous rewrites during production but the final product stands on its own and merits a sequel. Pitt contributes a solid performance minus most of the customary superhero excesses and Daniella Kertesz, as the wounded Israeli soldier, scores as his courageous yet heartbreakingly vulnerable sidekick. There's little gore and the CGI effects and set pieces, for example the scenes within the walled off city of Jerusalem, stun the senses. The Zombies inspire genuine fright. Unlike the shuffling ghouls in Walking Dead, for example, these guys go for your throat sprinting. I read Brook's novel and appreciated the sophisticated geopolitical take. But consisting essentially of vignettes and post facto interviews with survivors of Z encounters renders, frankly, the book less than ideal as a candidate for treatment on the big screen.
  6. On the Russian front, a solid pak front was Michael Wittman's greatest nightmare. He's on record as having been prouder of his crew's ATG kills than all the tanks they destroyed.
  7. Well there you go, a serendipitous mod! Now Battlefront doesn't need spend any development time. So everyone's happy.
  8. I'm already alienated. At the mere suggestion. A hot key? A Pop up? Immersion killers... Put away the joysticks and bury your noses in a WW2 related book, noobs!
  9. You're thinking of Call of Duty. And its progeny. The average age of posters on this forum is purportedly 40+. We're very up on this stuff. Look at John Kettler for example.
  10. Nah, they should restrict the relevant data to the manual. Keystroke pop ups tend to kludge up the screen. Everyone in the world with even a glancing knowledge of WW2 knows that the gun of a Firefly is more devastating then that of a vanilla Sherman. Or that a Hellcat has flimsy armor. Right?
  11. Yes, the greatest TV series ever created- Breaking Bad (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dsdjip3BHaw)- will see a Spanish version: Wiki: After several days of speculation fueled by Univision, on March 13, 2013, Sony confirmed that it would be making a Spanish-language remake of Breaking Bad entitled Metástasis starring Diego Trujillo as Walter Blanco (Walter White) and Roberto Urbina as Jose Miguel Rosas (Jesse Pinkman), alongside Sandra Reyes and Julián Arango in unnamed roles. On October 2, 2013, the cast list was revealed to include Reyes as Cielo Blanco (Skyler White) and Arango as Henry Navarro (Hank Schrader).
  12. Baseball, too: But it seems the Russians, damn them, got there first. Wiki: Lapta (Russian: лапта́) is a Russian bat and ball game first known to be played in the 14th century. Mentions of lapta have been found in medieval manuscripts, and balls and bats were found in the 14th-century layers during excavations in Novgorod. It is similar to cricket, brännboll, Rounders, baseball, oină and pesäpallo. According to Russian magazines Little Light and Izvestia, baseball was developed from lapta by 18th century Russian Americans.
  13. Well, it's the best selling assault rifle in history so they must be doing something right. And, yes, I did love it more than my ex-mother-in-law. Quotes from Mikhail Kalashnikov: "I'm proud of my invention, but I'm sad that it is used by terrorists ... I would prefer to have invented a machine that people could use and that would help farmers with their work — for example a lawn mower." "Blame the Nazi Germans for making me become a gun designer ... I always wanted to construct agriculture machinery." "I created a weapon to defend the borders of my motherland. It's not my fault that it's being used where it shouldn't be. The politicians are more to blame for this. "When a young man, I read somewhere the following: God the Almighty said, 'All that is too complex is unnecessary, and it is simple that is needed' ... So this has been my lifetime motto – I have been creating weapons to defend the borders of my fatherland, to be simple and reliable." Should that be 'Motherland'?
  14. Baron, years ago I went shooting jack rabbits in the Mojave Desert with a gun enthusiast. He brought an M-16 and a AK-47. They both seemed equivalent weapons to me- but I'm no expert. And, no, we didn't hit any of the beasts. They were huge and ugly and deserved to die. But quick as lightning. image hosting websites
  15. Right. Steve's points made sense. But the situation risks causing confusion, esp with noobs. Maybe an explanatory entry in the manual? And, if memory serves, mortar ammo bears never come with shells in QBs.
  16. What about defense? So, say in a QB, the player needs to remember his mortar bearer teams, which have no shells, will function as short range infantry?
  17. I'm confused (shut up, Emrys ). So mortar (or MG) ammo bearer teams can no longer be pressed into service as line infantry (which we all do) under certain circumstances?
  18. You sure in the case of mortars and their team? I'm not talking about Direct Fire but an artillery plot.
  19. You can give the unit a restrictive Cover Arc. The mortar will continue firing without the riflemen. I think.
  20. Whatever their official role they currently function as ad hoc rifle teams in CM 2.1- if they're not lugging mortar shells.
  21. Mortar teams are usually (always?) riflemen. Do they carry side arms? And they don't carry extra shells in QBs
  22. But sometimes you need to use these troops as regular infantry.
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