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Everything posted by Childress

  1. So, tell us.... how you really feel about Real Time, Destraex1?
  2. So you have to go into options and change the HQ designation for each scenario?
  3. Pretty slick. Thanks Juju- and others. But why are all the Allied HQs sporting a US Flag and all the German HQs SS?
  4. There's also a small but very proactive group of CM haters who go around sites like this just to poison the well. It's a curious phenomenon in the gaming business- to put it mildly.
  5. Steve's not giving in, SS. He's drawn a line in the sand.
  6. ... or surrender. I've heard say the 'fix bayonets!' command serves primarily as a testosterone booster.
  7. The game needs higher head count surrendering- say entire squads- more than it needs hand to hand combat animations. In my humble opinion. When the blades come out the hands go up anyway.
  8. After the U.S. Civil war it was determined that less than 1% of all casualties were caused by bayonets. And there was far more close quarter fighting in that conflict than in WW2. Just sayin'. But... there was some hand to hand that took place in Arnhem during MG. And the last great bayonet charge occurred, iirc, in the Falklands War. That said, it would be a fun addition.
  9. That messed me up for a week until I located the cause through trial and error and shared it on the forum. This sounds like a legacy option that can be safely deleted on the next update.
  10. Right. The temptation to rain down the HE is too strong. Evidently smoke generators made their debut in Sept, '44: Wiki: Whilst producing very large amounts of smoke relatively cheaply, these generators have a number of disadvantages. They are much slower to respond than pyrotechnic sources, and require a valuable piece of equipment to be sited at the point of emission of the smoke. They are also relatively heavy and not readily portable, which is a significant problem if the wind shifts. To overcome this latter problem they may be used in fixed posts widely dispersed over the battlefield, or else mounted on specially adapted vehicles. An example of the latter is the M56 Coyote generator. Many armoured fighting vehicles can create smoke screens in a similar way, generally by injecting diesel fuel onto the hot exhaust.
  11. You're right! The FJs pull a wardrobe change. Good catch.
  12. Adjoining buildings sharing a wall with windows.... An architectural convention with which I'm unfamiliar. Grenades? With the resultant shrapnel? In a closed space? Sounds suicidal. If I recall correctly the first use of infantry weapons to blast through interior walls was by Canadians using Piats during the Battle of Ortona in '43. The capability was always there but they were first to employ this application. Unless it was Stalingrad.... Grogs?
  13. I'm not jimmying over high walls in a hot zone. The exposure alone, however brief, would be hair raising. Same with jumping out of windows.
  14. What player is going to drain hours worth of arty assets into a smoke screen? Let's be real here.
  15. Some aspects of WEGO are more realistic, methinks. Namely the 60 second loss of player control... sometimes. But in RT one can order friendly units to bug out pronto when a spotting round lands nearby. That's nice too.
  16. If there's on thing that bugs me it's a scenario composed entirely of Crack and Elite troops. But BF isn't insensitive to these sorts of criticisms. Problem is, they can go either way- toward greater playability or more stringent realism. You never know for sure. My hunch is that players would be shocked at how brittle the typical WW2 unit, currently depicted in game as Regular, actually was.
  17. This is where RT drifts into non-realism. You would get instantaneous feedback as you hover god-like over the battlefield. Commanders can only dream of such omniscience. Sometimes in actual combat bad choices get played out to the bitter end. Sometimes not. Another factor to consider if co-op becomes a reality is the allotment of pausable time distributed to each side. Theoretically this negotiation takes place in the pre-battle segment. It's adjustable and and functions like a chess clock. Doable, but requiring significant new coding. Also an MP lobby.
  18. Because CM is essentially a cerebral game with a smallish, niche player base with an average user age of 40+? It lacks the glitz and visceral appeal of the massively successful- and massively budgeted- FPS productions. Do you think the numbers are sufficient to support a fully fleshed out co-op version?
  19. This behavior is, it seems, an artifact of the new ditch lock terrain feature. At first I thought any wheeled movement should be prohibited when travelling along the slope. But that would open up, as Oddball pointed out, another can of worms. It recalls the theoretical ability of a Formula 1 car to drive upside down through a wind tunnel due to the incredible downforce it generates at speed.
  20. Apparently the MG Ammo bearer icon- a trooper next to bar- has been replaced by the regular MG icon: picture share The mortar bearer icon remains unchanged. WAD?
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