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Everything posted by fireship4

  1. The M151 version carries the M2 etc and is used on the strykers - but the NM221 does the same job but can be loaded from under the armour - why wasn't this used instead? Most of the customers have gone for the former for some reason. Maybe its not so compatible? Something to do with having to have a larger access into the vehicle? It would increse stryker ability no end in my opinion, with the crew safe when reloading.
  2. But as he said, he cannot area fire the floor as he can only see the corner.
  3. Nice idea. I guess it would be more realistic to have an in-game map to draw on but the line idea is sound and quick to implement i would guess, using the same types of lines as other orders (as mentioned above). If you didn't mind there not being any UI part to this (I wouldn't in its first iteration) then I bet it could be slapped onto 1.10 using hotkeys.
  4. It looks to me the dust puffs on the .GIF aren't spread out enough in comparison to the video. Maybe it is unfinished though.
  5. And Sir demeans himself by mentioning such subjects in our company!
  6. Bear in mind, with an issue as important to governments as DU, scientists can be paid off and studies commisioned to fit an agenda. Thus we can't be sure of the effect DU really has on an environment, short of getting first hand accounts from soldiers and locals (who haven't been told what to say) and truly impartial sources.
  7. Will the engine continue to be improved with patches? Will the engine be worked on by just the module team or the WW2 team also? Will fixes made to the engine by the ww2 team be added to CMSF? Other than fixes can we expect more improvements to CM:SF in future patches and modules - such as hit decals/visible damage to vehicles, improved effects (in particular tank cook-up), AI etc.
  8. My mistake, it's not 50 cal. The 7.62 is 30 cal. (7.52 mm is .3 inches).
  9. What you can do is "fast" to outside the building, "target" or "target light" with a pause of 15 seconds. Now instead of the next command being into the building, make it a "quick" to outside the door with a "face" command so the firing will stop before your men go in. This really needs to all be streamlined by battlefront - you need to be able to make your men do what you want. [ April 12, 2008, 06:50 AM: Message edited by: fireship4 ]
  10. It may be because you can only control a humvee by inserting infantry into it? then the humvee behaves as the infantry does? just a guess. I think infantry use slow to fall back sometimes because they crawl and therefore are in immediate cover. Not perfect maybe i know but thats possibly why.
  11. Have you tried using "target light" like was mentioned earlier in the thread?
  12. Still too hard to spot infantry in buildings who are not firing?
  13. i had the same problem with two stryker crews the other day.
  14. I can confirm that none of my units can see through smoke, whether they are IR equipped or not.
  15. I don't understand how it would put you out of business - I would have thought it would be the opposite. Games with full modding capabilities generate nice modding communities who start their own little teams. After a while comprehensive mods come out to cater for everyones wishes (think project reality for BF2) and sales of the product increase due to people liking the mods. I don't see how it would get in the way of the main game...
  16. Hello I've had a look at the tracer folder with the new modding tools, but there is only one set in there. That means we can't have two sets of different colour tracers for two different sides. Is there a way that you guys could give us access to the file that allocates which folder to use for the tracer effects for each unit? That way we could create another folder along side this one with different colours. Maybe just give access to one person in the community that you trust so they can mod it if you don't want the general populace to access the files. If we can't get access is there a chance one of you guys can write in some changes so that the US uses folder "A" and Syria uses folder "B" for example. We can do the texturing from there! Thanks
  17. yeah I've done that and I think I mentioned that in other threads. It stopped the crashes but mouse clicks would (like my laptop) appear wildly away from the clicked spot. It seems to have been fixed though, refer to the above post.
  18. Ok interesting development. I have got it to work and I know why. Turning shadows on is what cures it. Targeting is much more accurate now, though my framerate is down. I can target specific floors it seems but this doesnt really work unless im looking down at the building (ie not from groud level looking straight at it - this may be because the target aims at the floors of the building?). "Batman's curse" only seems to occur now at ground level (closest zoom that is) aiming at buildings.
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