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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Fizou

  1. I believe it was for histoical reasons. The western Allies where starting to gett better at this at the time. It could be argued that the Germas should not have it with the deteriating LW but might be a problem to only change it for one side.
  2. Planes in BN and FI work as before. No change with 3.0.
  3. In game, down by the cease fire and other options there is a hot key display. All alt combinations are listed there.
  4. Yeah we wanna know! I bet its packs for BN and FI containing flamethrowers!
  5. PP, We will probably see a "battle pack" or module for BN and FI that contains flame throwers etc. This will require v3.0 and so the v3 upgrade will probably be sold together with the pack/module as a bundle, just like was the case with MG.
  6. They where probably never intended to. The v3 code can handle them but it will be a "battle pack" with new formations/vehicles that will bring us flame throwers and other stuff to BN and FI.
  7. For one, the upgrade is all about features and contain no fromations/vehicles. The later is what moduels and base games are for. If you dont want another base game, dont buy it. I what other comparable game you can mod your own units and give them uniqe stats? And I never thought Id see a wargamer say that west and east fronts are the same, there are just Americans in one and Russians in the other.
  8. I just hope it will be added in later. Its a great feature, sure it takes a lot of work to get done, but let us pay for it
  9. Steve, could we have a offical response regarding tank riders for BN/FI? Can we expect it to be added later, it might be added later or is it not going to happen? Understand the extra work and charge for it.. would be great to know where BF stand on the matter. Just got both upgrades btw and Im very happy that you continue to support x2 titles with upgrades.
  10. Great!! Thanks so much for doing this Vein!
  11. Because its not only work done for CMRT, they also have to spend time and resources to have this ported to CMFI and CMBN. Easy.. What I do hope is that tank riders will be added via a pack or something later on. Charge what it costs to implement but please dont leave it out.
  12. I miss tankriders for BN and FI too. I hope this will be added at a later stage. I'll pay for it.
  13. Great that its soon out! But a bit disapointed about no tank riders. Up the price, Id pay. I wish its included in the pack instead. Set the price accordingly.
  14. Time is now 16:00 July 20 1943 (Turn 9 of 11 in the PzC scenario). Blue 1: Elements of the 3rd Ranger Bn are still in pursuit of the Italian 202 Coastal Div HQ up the Route 115. Bound to attack them again. I think my opponent will continue to refuse this as a CM battle so it will be another attack resolved in PzC. It will be hard to destroy the unit as it is outnumbering me but hopefully we will be able to disrupt it, which will weaken all units under its command. Blue 2: The cat and mouse game continues for a third time. Will not be fought in CM. I believe this will be the end of the Italian unit. Blue 3 & 4: More units and men as well as HQ units from 3rd Inf Div and 2nd Armored Div are moving up into locations close to Ribera and the Verdura River bridge to prepare the Allied assault. The final location for 4 is right next to the enemy. Fire is exchanged taking a heavy toll on the Engineers from Bridge Bn, Provisional Corps. They are reduced to 70% without any assaults taking place. Blue 5: The weakened 504th PIR are finally getting some reinforcements. They are joined by motorized 82nd Recon Bn of the 2nd Armored Div (Coy strength) as well as by 10th Engineer Bn of 3rd Inf Div (Coy strength). There are also some light AT guns from 3rd Inf Div. Unfortunately the infantry from 3rd Inf Div (a Coy from 3rd Bn) still have 4-5 KM to traverse before they will reach the 504th PIR. Blue 6: A big part of 3rd BN, 7th Inf Reg, 3rd Inf Div (2 Coy) are done with their mopping up operation. They have a long way to go to reach the front and have probably played out their role in this operation. Assaults 1 & 2 was played out in PzC. Both ending with the Allies taking the assaulted hex with minimum casualties, the Axis forced to evict the hex with low casualties. ---- Time is now 18:00 hours 20 July 1943. Turn 10 of 11 in the PzC scenario. We are about to have one big showdown. The Allied forces have finally been able to reorganize and move in for what hopefully will be the killing blow, securing both Ribera and the Verdura River bridge. Blue 1: Another assault for elements of 3rd Bn against the Coastal Defense HQ unit. Will not be fought in CM and I hope this will result in the destruction of the 202nd Coastal Defense HQ unit. Blue 2: The cat and mouse game continues. A platoon from 504th PIR are once again attacking the weak Italian Coastal defense unit of similar size. This will probably not go to CM either, even though the Italians now are in a hex with fortifications (trenches & wire). I hope I will finish it of this time. Blue 3: Assault on Verdura River bridge. To be fought in CM. The Paras of 504th PIR and Rangers of 3rd Bn are reinforced by 2nd Inf Bn of 7th Inf Regt. They are also joined by stragglers from 504th PIR as well as by Shermans from 2nd Armored Div. They are supported off map by two batteries of 75mm pack howitzers. They are up against the PzGrens from 15th PzGren Div. Supported by their HQ unit and Grille SPA. The Germans have had time to dig in (foxholes). Blue 4: 1st Inf Bn, 7th Inf Regt are attacking Ribera proper together with Sherman tanks of 2nd Armored Div and Enginners from Bridge Bn, Provisional Corps. They are supported By USS Buck (DD) and a battery of 105 mm howitzers. The US are opposed by PzGren from 15th PzGren Div as well as Italian Engineers and Bersaglieri from XII Corps. The Axis are heavily dug in with trenches. They have already withstood some bombardment from howitzers and USS Buck. Will be fought in CM. Blue 5: Just to the NW of central Ribera, Paras from 504th PIR are attacking NW Ribera to cut off and destroy the Italian units from XII Corps defending the German flank. The paras are reinforced by Stuarts from 2nd Armored Div and by Engineers from 3rd Inf Div. Off map support by a weakened 75 mm pack howitzer battery. Unfortunately the Recon Coy from 2nd Armored have taking fire from the enemy and been disrupted so they cant take part in the assault. A setback but I believe we still have enough strength to pull it off. The Axis force consists of Engineers and Bersaglieri of XII Corps and AT guns from 15th PzGren Div. Will be fought in CM.
  15. @Kuderian, Thanks! So do I.. really cool that we have and are about to run this campaign the distance! @Frankster65, c3k, sburke, Thanks! I really like the "depth" that is added by the strategical aspect. Id love to see more players join in --------------- Time to take a look at the strategic situation. We are now at turn 7 of 11 in the PzC scenario. So the campaign has been going for 16 hours (20:00 19 July 1943 - 12:00 20 July 1943. Turns are two hours except for during the night where they are a bit longer.). It has so far resulted in 8 or 9 CM battles. So as mentioned, time is 12:00 hours 20 July 1943. Below is a overview of the current situation. Green units are US, Brown units are UK, Grey units are German, Yellow units are Italian. The color inside the unit box indicates what unit it belongs to (pink for 504th PIR as an example). Its only visible if close to enemy units. Red 1: Elements of the 104th Regiment of the 15th Panzer-Grenadier Division has just seized the vital road bridge over the Verdura river (Victory point location worth 300 points). These units have been engaged during the morning ours with US 3rd Ranger Bn and elements from the 509th PIR. The Allied force linked up at the VPL but was just forced to leave it as they conducted a fighting withdrawal to get away from the Wehrmacht might. I dont expect the Axis to move any further. They will probably dig in and hold their ground here. Their commander has proven to think outside the box before so I cant let my guard down though.. Red 2: Other Elements of the 104th Regiment, 15 PzGren Div have moved into Ribera proper together with strong elements from the XII Corps. The latter made up by Italian elite Bersaglieri and Engineer units. These forces will probably also start to dig in to defend Ribera, the main city in the area (VPL worth 200 VPL). Blue 1: Weak elements of the 3rd Ranger Bn have located and are in pursuit of the Italian 202 Coastal Div HQ. The Rangers are outnumbered by 2:1 but I'm convinced that their quality in training and equipment as well as better morale will see them prevail. A Div HQ unit.. a truly nice scalp if the Rangers are able to pull this off. The Rangers are supported by the heavy guns of HMS Ulster (Cruiser). The ship can only fire at units very close to the coast (units it can see itself) as its liaison officers on land have all been killed in fighting earlier this morning. That is a big blow as those guns would have been vital in the attack on Ribera (another really cool thing with this OP layer). Blue 2: A weak unit form 504th PIR are pursuing a weak Italian Coastal defense unit. These units have been engaged earlier during the morning hours when the Italian unit assaulted a 75 mm Pack Howitzer battery that was reinforced and saved by said paras. This is a moping up operation and both sides are about platoon strength. Blue 3: Combined force of Rangers from 3rd Bn and Paras from 504th PIR have been evicted from the Verdura River VPL hex. They are moving 2 KM to safety to get some rest, wait for reinforcements and then counterattack the Germans. Blue 4: Sherman tanks (66th Bn/2nd Armored Div - Hell on wheels) and Motorized Engineers (US provisional Corps) are moving up to reinforce and prepare the counterattacks on Verdura river crossing and Ribera. Blue 5: More reinforcements from 2nd Armored Div and 3rd (Marne) Infantry Div are moving up to support the counterattack to be mounted as soon as possible. I have also moved up a battery of 105 mm howitzers across the bridge. They will now have time to set up and hopefully be ready to support the counterattack (they are just in range for both VPLs). Blue 6 & 7: Paras from 504th PIR and Stuarts from 2nd Armored Div are moving up to attack Ribera. The paras are weakened as they have been fighting for the better part of the morning and night. They where essential in securing the river crossing and VPL over the Maggazola River. I had hoped they could be relieved by now but I have not been able to get more reinforcements to their aid. Luckily they are a elite formation. Blue 8: A Company sized engagement as US infantry from L Coy, 3rd Bn, 7th Inf Regt, 3rd Inf Div are about to assault a weak coy of Italian Coastal defense inf. The Italians are dug in with foxholes. I call assaults for 1,2 and 8. But neither will be fought in CM. According to our rules its always the defender who decides if a battle will be fought in CM or be resolved in PzC. This as its often the defender that might come in situations that are loop sided, and as the attacker decided to attack he will likely think its a good idea to fight it out in CM. Moves finalized for turn 8, time is 14:00 hours July 20. Its time for Allied assaults. The drawback of fighting a battle in PzC is that the defender must lower the units defensive value to 4. This will make it weak. And it will in all but some cases go the attackers way. The results can still be varied. Its not given that the attacker is able to take the hex he is assaulting. What is pretty certain is that the defender will suffer more casualties than the attacker. I think this is a great way to handle many situations. If you feel a battle wont be good CM material then have it resolved in PzC, but the attacker and CM action is encouraged as the defender will be at a disadvantage. Still it works good enough so that week units can hold off (for a limited time) and act as blockers to buy time. I have to say its a great solution! The results for the PzC resolved battles: 1 & 2 are won by the Allied forces, they inflict low casualties but don't take any themselves. They are not able to destroy the Axis forces involved as they are just to small to maneuver and catch the enemy. This will likely continue to be a cat and mouse game. Battle 8, is won by the Allies, the Axis force is destroyed and the Allies take low casualties. The mopping up operation is completed and this unit can now start to move toward the main front line.
  16. The ambushes on the hill inflict a few more casualties before they are finally overcome by the Grenadiers. A Kubelwagen taking casualties before reversing to safety. Overview after 73 minutes: My men are withdrawing as fast as possible now. A few teams with BARs are covering their exit and scares of a couple of Kubelwagens drawing to close. Overview after 80 minutes: The Germans make a last attempt to an all out assault trying to catch up with my withdrawing force. The Paras and Rangers deploy a smoke screen with hand held smoke grenades to cover their last rush towards safety. Overview after 84 minutes, battle ends: End screen: I'm pretty content, even though I was not able to stop the German force I was able to hurt it. My force will move to safety and await reinforcements before a counterattack can be mounted.
  17. Lt Blum goes down fighting and with him, the end of defensive line 3 is reached. Lt Blum, recommended for the medal of honor posthumously. Defensive line 3 has been destroyed. The withdrawal has to speed up. The enemy will soon be on the last hill where I will set up another ambush. Overview after 63 minutes: The enemy is slowed down some what by sporadic fire before my men withdraw deeper into the trees. Several are ordered to turn and run for new cover. I decide to leave no more than three men in the trees on the hill. They will slow down the Grenadiers while the rest make for the exit. The Grenadiers on the outskirts of the hill that anchors defensive line 4 (made up of two small ambush teams). As they go deeper they soon run into ambushes, costing yet more casualties. Close range fire neutralize the Grenadiers first attempt to take the hill.
  18. @Frankster65, The first post explains in greater detail. In short, we use John Tillers "Panzer Campaigns" (in this case Sicily 43) as a strategic layer. The strategic layer decides what forces interact and where. All maps have been crafted from a QB or scenario map as a base but have been heavily modified and expanded to fit the terrain and size etc for the given battle. @kohlenklau, they will soon drop their, "no charge if delivered cold", business plan. Btw, there is a new battle for you if your interested. Check mail or PM. -------------- Enemy HMG 42 has set up in a crater caused earlier by a Grille as it annihilated the US MG team that is seen as well. Rapid fire to suppress and kill the last occupants of defensive line 3. In the field the deadly fighting continues.. Many Grenadiers are cut down as they try to make it to the other side. Both sides are taking heavy casualties. Grenadier takes revenge as he spots a para hiding in the high crops. Many Grenadiers are taken out but my remaining men in defensive line 3 are all but spent. Many Germans go down but they are to many to hold off. Precious time is bought for the main body of the US force. A grenade finish off some of the last defenders.
  19. The bazooka team breaks and runs for cover as the Germans are close assaulting their position. Cut down from behind. Defiant, and in the face of death and heavy bombardment Lt Blum continues the fight. Another Grenadier dispatched by Lt Blums carbine. On my left the encirclement is completed. A few men break and run for cover. A Grenadier prepares a potato masher to greet the retreating paras. Grenade away! It explodes behind the para, killing him outright. No one will be allowed to escape. Overview after 61 minutes: The hill with the blue bulge will probably have to be a fourth defensive line. I will have to hasten the withdrawal.
  20. The ambush sprung, soon a lot of incoming starts to hit the teams still occupying the field. Several paras go down as the Germans respond to their initial ambush. The success of neutralizing the teams in the field closest to the house prompts the Grenadiers to assault the building itself. Lt Blum dispatches of a Grenadier that moves up to the house. Lt Blum, alone, but hell bent on holding the Germans back so his friends and fellow soldiers can make their escape. Lt Blum draws attention and fire from two Grille. Massive explosions rock the foundation of the house. Firing at point blank range. With the closest Grille focused on the house, the Bazooka team in the field decides they wont get a better chance than this. Firing prone from some 70 meters out.. Note the rocket flying high over the Grille. The suppression and fear making it unlikely that the Bazooka team will get off another shot. Overview after an hour. The third line is about to fall..
  21. @Erwin & Frankster65, Thanks guys! Im not sure why FRAPS gives me the bluish tone to the screens. ---- The Germans are soon upon my men. A bloody battle ensues. Finding and killing the enemy. In most cases its the hidden paras that get of the first shots. With deadly effect. Rapid fire by Thompsons and Garands. Note the red crosses in the grass. The first German wave is destroyed. The first wave have been dispatched but more Grenadiers are moving up and they are starting to flank my position from their right (my left). They are also moving up their SPA. I have a team with a bazooka hidden in the field. Waiting for the opportunity to strike. Grille SPA traversing a shell hole from a 150 mm round. Just left of the road (Axis perspective) their advance is progressing better. They are taking casualties but they don't run the same risk of ambushes. Possible they will be able to move round the house to envelop the remaining men of my third defensive line. Heavy suppression fire.
  22. No, editing saves is not possible. One way to have no surrender is to add reinforcement to the enemy and set their arrival after the battle ends.
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