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Everything posted by Fizou

  1. At the moment US Rangers have their own uniforms but share helmets with regular infantry. I would just love to see Rangers get their own unique helmets (even if just left to moders to change). So please BFC, give the Rangers the same love as the Airborne.
  2. Rated 5 stars. One thing thats to bad, is the fact that Rangers only have unike uniforms, they share helmets with reg infantry. So I cant use Veins beautiful Rangers helmets without having everyone share those helmets. Will have to beg BFC to change this
  3. Thank you Vein. Just checked them out in game and they are stunning!
  4. I have uploaded them to DB. Will check out your map as well! -------------------------------- Battle 1. The main assault on central Ribera, a 200 VPL hex. The US force consists of 1st BN 7th Inf regt of the 3rd Marne Infantry Division. Attacking from SW Ribera. From the South a weakened Engineer BN from the US Provisional Corps are attacking supported by Shermans from 66th Tank BN of the 2nd Armored Division. These forces are supported by off map assets, USS Buck (DD) and 105 mm Howitzers from 7th Inf regt. The enemy force, is well dug in with trenches, barbed wire and tank obstacles. They are suspected to be of companies strength respectively. Possible reinforced companies. German PzGren from 3rd BN, 104th Regt, 15 PzGren Div. This unit has 81 mm mortars as well as 75 mm PAK and INF guns. These troops are determined and will pose a difficult obstacle. The Germans are supported by Engineers and Bersaglieri of XII Corps. These units have low motivations but should not be underestimated as we saw during their defense of the Maggazola River bridge. The US objective is to seize the central parts of Ribera. The attack should be halted if 30% casualties are suffered. In that case, objectives that are held should be defended and consolidated. Then try and get a seize fire agreement with the Germans. We can then reinforce further (we have one coy in reserve and the potential reinforcements of the force that are attacking NE Ribera) and replenish our artillery support. IF you are able to take more than 50% of the objectives, the attack should only be pressed further if it wont mean heavy casualties - If we take more than half of the objectives we can take up defensive positions and let the Germans counterattack, beating their head against a brick wall. ------------------------------- Battle 2. Assault on NE Ribera. This attack is in support of the main assault on central Ribera. The objective is to engage and lock down the enemy force here, so that they can not reinforce central Ribera. The US force consists of the beaten up remnants of 2nd BN, 504th PIR, 82nd Airborne Division. They are reinforced by a coy of Engineers and light AT guns from 3rd Marne Inf Division and by Stuart tanks from 2nd Armored Division. Off map support is provided by a 75 mm pack howitzer battery. The enemy force consists of weak Italian units that have been beat up during the days fighting. Their motivation is low and their state should hopefully work in our favor. The Italians have a HQ unit in place and it would be very beneficial if we can destroy it. In addition to the Italians, there is a German PAK 75 mm unit. The Axis force is dug in with trenches, wire and obstacles. The US objective is to try and cut off these Axis forces from central Ribera. Press the attack but try to keep casualties down. Halt the attack if you reach 40% casualties. ----------------------------- Commander Kohlenklau, which assignment do you prefer?
  5. Did you download the new 3.0 installer? Released on the 21:st, if not thats what u got to do. http://www.battlefront.com/community/announcement.php?f=124&a=711
  6. I bet your not using best/best? I will lower the settings and see how that plays out.
  7. Updated but don't see much improvement in hot mustard myself. I have a Nvidia GTX 780M with the latest drivers.
  8. Yeah we need some BN love with 3.0 just released!
  9. Some one thats interested in no voices at that. Think you'll have to start modding macjimm.
  10. Cool! I'll have to load up hot mustard and see how it flows . Thanks Phil and BFC team!
  11. Sure, PM me your email and I'll share a dropbox folder with you.
  12. Its possible to add additional ones as well as with the horses for BN/FI if Im not misstaken.
  13. It would be great with a bone about cost and ammount of content. If only estimates but something to day dream about
  14. And its still save game compatible (if saved in command phase)? And thanks for your hard work!
  15. The Sawmill, another objective of central Ribera. NE Ribera has already seen two battles during this campaign. During the early morning hours a unit of paras from 504th PIR conducted a fighting withdrawal to the city. This unit was later destroyed making a final stand in NE Ribera under the command of Commander Kohlenklau. The Americans are now moving in to avenge their fallen. Overlooking NE Ribera. Central parts of NE Ribera. NE Ribera seen looking towards the north. This is the direction of the American attack. The river contains several fording areas. NE Ribera seen from above looking towards the west.
  16. The campaign is reaching its culmination. Now some images of Ribera, one of the Allied main objectives in the campaign. The city is about to be assaulted by the American forces from two directions. This is the main map, it will be split in two for the two battles. The main assault on central Ribera and a lesser assault on the northeastern parts of the city. This map was created based on a QB map for FI (right most part of the city) that has been heavily expanded in all directions. The City seen looking towards the NE. The main assault is directed towards the east, from western Ribera into the City center. The Verdura River bridge the obvious crossing point but the river has several fording areas. The city contains several objectives, The Duomo a central one. We only include objectives for VPL locations and these are set to the same value as the total value of the VPL Hex. Both parties decide on the location and value to make sure this is fair. If the campaign ends without a clear victory, holding objectives will be the deciding factor. A city block overlooking a marketplace/square.
  17. Good post Emrys. There is obviously proof of tank riding occurring on the western and Italian theatres. I’m fine with the “to much work for an upgrade” but don’t buy it shouldn’t be added for historical reasons.
  18. Can you not just deactivate, do the change, then activate again?
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