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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Plastic viking

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Everything posted by Plastic viking

  1. I know little about the conditions in Normandy. My questions would be: Did an infantry company really have no demolition charges to use in the bocage? Is the bocage so dense that people can’t go through it at all at most locations? This map seem to have fewer ways to pass through the bocage any of the other maps I have been using. Which makes for great channeling tools if you are the defender, but make me feel a bit like a rat in a mace as the attacker. Not saying it is wrong, just wondering.
  2. What are your favourite new scenarios and campaigns? Devil’s Decent was very enjoyable. My only complaint was that it felt slightly to easy to win. But the way it was designed more than made up for that. List some of your favourites!
  3. Sometimes you get the most surprising turn of events. Was playing Barkmann’s corner as the US side and was trying to find the rumoured Panther somewhere. A platoon of infantry found it and unleashed seven types of hell in the form of hand grenades. With a surprising result. The crew bailed and these guys went to history as "Conrad’s Panther killers”.
  4. You know, the winner writes the history books and is always right.
  5. When playing the german side in this really fun scenario I have had some trouble actually finding some good use for some of the units. [spoliers] The limbered guns, where do you place them and what do you do with them to actually make them effective in this battle? They arrive late enough that I find it hard to place anywhere where they actually make any difference. Thanks for any pointers!
  6. That sounds like a great idea, how about a Wikia section? Unless someone wants to set-up and maintain a Mediawiki installation.
  7. Didn’t realise that Battlefront had put in Combat Stress Disorder (also known as shell shock or battle fatigue). But that is clearly what we are seeing. It includes symptoms like: Suicidality, Disruptive behaviour and Confusion. [1] Walking off in the sunset in the middle of the battle seem to fit that diagnosis. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_stress_reaction
  8. In general having your infantry close to armoured vehicles is dangerous. I had a halftrack stop next to a mortar team and the next minute the mortar team was wiped out from splash damage from several rounds from a light tank which exploded against the side of the hull of the halftrack. War hurts.
  9. User38. Maybe BFC is interested in taking the ePub file and redistributing it. ePub is often better to read than a PDF. Either way it will be an improvement.
  10. Fortunately there are non-bocage gems in there, like Cats hunting Dogs.
  11. I am playing on a 27 inch Mac screen. 2560 by 1440 pixels, and the game is just gorgeous to play like that... But the briefing screens are tiny. Which is a challenge for someone like me who doesn't have perfect eye sight. Did I say I love this game?
  12. Thanks to both Ian and speaknspell for putting in the effort!
  13. A nice steel box with a Mac DVD and a manual arrived in Sweden today. No extra duty. Yay!
  14. A round fired by an M8 Scott (self propelled howitzer) hit a german half track, went straight trough it, hit another half track 50 meters behind it and knocked out both. This finished off the last German armour in the scenario and won the game. The Cats chasing Dogs scenario was great fun to play for me.
  15. Regardless of historical accuracy (of which I have no opinion). This is a really good scenario! When I played it the first time I managed to get Barkmann's Panther imobilized in the fifth minute. Arghh. But in a good spot it turned out. Nothing got past the spot. Barkmann even had a decent overview of a flanking manouver could cause trouble for it and the Germans won.
  16. Yes please va nice liitle UI improvement that shouldnt hurt ( much).
  17. I ordered the Mac version too. Like Fetchez I manage our own mail server and unless the message got bounced before even hitting SpamAssassin (which could happen if you have bad headers relative to what the email pretends to come from) then it doesn't look like I got this email either.
  18. Would someone be so kind to explain the Z folder: what and why? Where was covered above. Thanks. I have never installed or used a mod or scenario for any version of Combat Mission.
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