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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. Does there need to be a point? It's just a nice screenshot I thought I'd share.
  2. Yep, I've been meaning to post a thread here mentioning it. We both wanted to do a scenario DAR at SimHQ, since there's never really been a good, detailed one like the ones posted here.
  3. The Luftwaffe had hardly any Me 262s in 1944. The ones they had at that time were plagued by landing gear failures and / or were wasted in low-level ground attacks (e.g., KG 51). The Me 262 only really got going in air-to-air operations in early 1945 with JG 7, and that only really lasted until April 10, aka the day of the "great jet massacre."
  4. It was more to do with the fact that the Germans were losing pilots at a far faster rate than they could adequately replace them, but yes, fuel shortages did play a role as well.
  5. Except that it's not irrelevant. It's the same sort of flawed argument that says the German army was a better force in the summer of 1944 simply because it had tanks like the Panther and Tiger, in contrast to 1940. The size of the Luftwaffe fighter force wasn't shrinking by the fall of 1944 but, just like with the Army, it was a much less effective force, because most of the veteran pilots were gone. Fuel problems? That wasn't really a chronic issue for the Luftwaffe until the beginning of 1945. The Luftwaffe's problem in the second half of 1944 was with the pilots they were putting in the cockpit. The aircraft certainly weren't.
  6. A big +1 on the SMGs. The ranges at which they open fire is ridiculous.
  7. This is akin to saying that JG 54 was a better unit in the fall of 1944, simply because they were equipped with FW 190 D-9s - widely regarded as an excellent fighter plane. However, in comparison to 1940, JG 54 in the fall of 1944 was a unit filled out with half-trained replacement pilots who had no business being in a frontline unit. Hans Dortenmann, a veteran JG 54 pilot evaluating recently "graduated" student pilots, described the state of Luftwaffe pilot training in late 1944 perfectly: "My God, what are they teaching these guys?"
  8. If you click on one of those C2 pictures, it will (provided the HQ is on the map).
  9. Can we get back to posting CMBN screenshots and stop discussing JK's thread derailments?
  10. Now I see where BF got their inspiration from!
  11. Considering that original German MP44 ammo from WWII has been found in ammo bunkers in Iraq, it's not a stretch to conclude that many MP44s ended up in the middle east.
  12. A handful of American subs were in the ETO for a while, but eventually the conclusion of American commanders there was "we don't need them," and so they were sent back to the Pacific. They didn't really accomplish all that much while in European waters.
  13. The Me 262 and the Ar 234 (when they could get into the sky) were hardly minor improvements over their predecessors. ...aside from the fact that it paved the way for a whole new class of firearms that were adopted the world over, sure.
  14. I find it funny that the reloading sound for AT guns is the same as one of the sounds for reloading a magazine-fed weapon. Come on BF, was it really that hard to add one more sound for this?
  15. I've noticed that a number of uniform files (if I'm reading it right) don't have an associated normal map: smod_german_ss_smock_soldier_nco_uniform smod_german_ss_smock_soldier_nco_uniform_jack_boots smod_german_ss_wrap_armd-eng_uniform 2 smod_german_ss_wrap_armd-eng-nco_uniform Or are these (and many others) sharing normal map files with other uniforms? I didn't want to list them all here, if it turns out that's the case.
  16. I thought maybe I was seeing things, but upon replaying a PBEM I confirmed what I was seeing: soldiers equipped with a grenade launcher on their Garand will fire .30-06 rounds through it like it's a bolt-action. The soldier will fire a rifle round, cycle the bolt like it's a bolt-action (and the shell casing will only then eject), and then take aim for the next shot. I have the save-game file if it helps.
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