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Everything posted by arado234

  1. thetwo, I think maybe the reason it doesnt get any harder to find subs it just gets harder to hit them as the sub tech.advances(level 5 subs especially with 5 experience bars at a strength of 15 are major hard to kill and just plow through Allied ships) is because Allied industrial might isnot set to actual production capability so if the subs were made harder to find then you would also have to adjust allied overall industrial might and we all know what will happen then.
  2. I agree with SeaMonkey for the most part. I would like to see airfleets not being allowed to base in swamps and mtns.I know it would be possible to build airstrips to accommidate a few planes but these counters represnt hundreds of aircraft. Air fleets cant land on any open newly conquered hex untill atleast their following turn and cant do any type of missions untill two turns later.This would represent the work involved in getting the proper supplys and work done to make them operational.
  3. Id also like to be able to withdraw the allied minors from Africa should the situation become hopless.As it is now they are finished.It would only make sense that if the Allies were pushed out of Africa,all available would be saved,not just the British troops. I also think what Colin I writes makes alot of sense.
  4. Hubert I still say you should somehow get the rights or whatever you have to do to Third Reich and make it the game it could be.
  5. If SC3 does become reality,it may be to early to suggest but I for one would love to see an actual exploitation phase with tanks like in Third Reich.It looks to be a very challenging concept to add to this game though.May not even be possible.
  6. I understand that Lars but if the sub is in silent mode it can run for up to 8 tiles.So as far as this game goes it is staying down for a week. I agree with you SeaMonkey but imho they should have their movement reduced by two in silent mode.That way they are still fairly hard to box in but atleast it reflects a little more on their limited movement underwater.
  7. ebitt what you say makes total sense but if a sub can move 8 hexes(i mean tiles) in hunt mode then if its in silent mode(underwater) it shouldnt be able to move more than three to four hexes on any given turn.Im guessing that wouldnt be to diffuclt to do.On land, weather effects the movent of ground and air units,why cant sub movement be effected by which mode they are in?
  8. Since a subs underwater speed(silent mode)is about 45% of its surface speed(vii which was the workhorse of the uboat fleet had a surface speed of about 17.7 knots and submerged about 7.6 knots) would it not make sense that when a sub is moving in silent mode to have its overall movement reduced by the same?
  9. Blashy,what about some plunder mpps for Germany if the Axis takeout England and Africa and the Brit.Capital moves to Canada?
  10. Minty while I do agree its fairly easy to invade England remember the British and French are also allowed to invade when neither had any capability to pull anytype of amphib attack that early(especially the French).I realise that in this game it would be very tough for the French to attempt any type of amphib attack. As far as this game goes you could have it in such a way that your amphib.capability(available trans.)is realted to amphib invasion tech upgrade: 1 tech means 2 trans 2 tech means three,etc. This way if Germany really wants to invade England its going to cost,same when the Allies invade.The problem with this is it will greatly restrict amphib invasions overall(most likley better for Germany)and make it dependent more on luck(tech.hits). There is noway to find a proper answer to this because of what these troop icons represnt(between 40 and 60 thousand men)When the Allies came ashore in 1944 they only landed with 7 divisions.That equals about 1 army in this game.Hardly enough to pull off a major invasion. The only other way I can see there being some balance is if Germany takes out Engalnd then the American and Russian ind.and prod.tech start to climb rapidly to actual historical levels.This way it gives the Allies a good chance to get back into the game.If this is ever done then Germany is also going to have to get some benefits from taking England. Overall the loss of England in reality would have been a MAJOR disaster for the Allies. It should be represented better in this game. As far as the Germans being able to take England in reality imho if they didnt let the Allies escpae from Dunkirk(which would have been quite easy) and as soon as they saw the trap start to close, immediately plan for and execute a para. drop onto Brit. airfields and start to bring in troops.It would have been quite unsupported but since the Allies had nothing to shoot back with and with the collapse of France and the B.E.F.gone it might verywell have been the end of British morale and willingness to fight.Remember the Germans pulled this very move off when they took Crete and the British had time to prepare because they knew of the attack from Ultra.In the summer of 1940 this info wouldnot have been available to the British. Minty as far as H.Q.s supplying troops in a foreign land without ports,remember the Allies had the Mulberry harbours in Normandy for this very reason.You are right though that this idea wasnt available in 1940.
  11. Imho taking Engalnd doesnt have near the effect it should.Ive listed in previous threads what I think should happen.
  12. K Man I just started reading that and WOW(that was real neat) .In Third Reich if you have units on the otherside of a river hex then the defender looses the river atvantage.I dont think thats possible in this game because you can only attack with one unit at a time.I guess you could have it in such a way that all the units attacking are pre allocated to a defender and if one of the attackers is on the otherside of a river(or behind a fort)then the defender would loose the river atvantage.
  13. I think its that technical knowhow of SeaMonkey that gives him the ability to explain things that even I can understand. I what see you mean Iron Ranger.
  14. Iron Ranger Turkey entered the war in Feb.45.It would be interesting to find out(I dont have any idea how)how much pressure both sides put on Turkey to join when the war was still in doubt and during that time were the Allies co-operating or trying to backstab eachother. That is reality this game isnt.I dont know how far you want to go in the diplomatic dept.If the Russians and the Western Allies cancel each other out then that would make it even easier for Germany.You raise some good points though.
  15. Retributar I know that the Russian,Western Alliance was just out of necessity but for the sake of Spain joining the Allies or Turkey for the great cause to defeat the Nazi tyranny the Allied Diplo.chits should go together because of the necessity to defeat the Nazis.After the war was won then what you say would for sure come to pass.If Turkey joined our side well then Russia would benefit because of their strategic position in relation to Turkey and if it were Spain then the Western Allies would benefit. I would also bet that the both Turkey and Spain would also realise what it would mean to join the Allies(especially Turkey because of Russia).Ill bet that Turkey and Spain would have written guarantees(not like it would matter)that after the war was won that they go back to their neutral statis. As far as Russia being more interested in achieving their own goals then defeating the Nazis,the main thing that stood in their way and threatend their very survival were the Nazis so ill bet for the time being they would do whatever they could to HELP Britain and America in any diplomatic way then AFTER they were in a much better position(towards the end of the war) then start the backstabbing.
  16. Iron Ranger after the Russians join West would it not make sense to have all their political chits addup since they are both fighting the same enemy?
  17. Retributar you sure are raising some interesting thoughts.I guess it would depend on how big the sandstorm was as far as loosing track of a whole army or even a corps.I dont know how big these sanstorms got or how long they lasted.I could also see it effecting the morale of the troops.
  18. Retributar what you say makes alot of sense.Look how important the weather was throughout ww2 and all wars.Wacht am Rhein and D-Day were greatly dependent on the weather.I dont know what else could be done to make weather effects more realistic.It opens so many(maybe to many)possibilites.
  19. Iron Ranger I guess it would depend on what you are using to influence the country in question.If its actual raw material then there is some merit to what you are saying but if its military bases somewhere or secrets through diplomatic channels then maybe all the Allies should add together.It is a good point you bring up.
  20. Seamonkey you being a chemist would it be safe to drink heavywater?I saw a version of Hogan's heros and Klink drank some and was just fine.We all know how true that show was(lol)HOOOGAN!!!!
  21. Baron there was a good doc.on this very subject(norweigian heavy water)and the amount sunk wasnt near enough to test let alone build a nuke.Nobody from the show knew what it was for. Germanys nuke program also stalled out because alot of the scientists were huge anti-nazis and didnt want and would do all they could to stop Hitler from getting one.Weather that was a big factor,who knows.The Allies spent huge sums to test and build them and maybe the Germans realised it was something they simply couldnt afford.If Germany somehow managed to hang on long enough maybe Berlin would have been nuked.In hindsight Germany is lucky to have lost when they did.
  22. Retributar as far as the German A.bomb goes as far as what ive read and seen(quite a bit)they knew the bomb was possible(as did we)but they believed(and rightfuuly so)that it was VERY expensive and if the war was not won by 1943 they were going to loose. As far as the rest of tech.goes they did have the very best planes and tanks but we were catching up(and would have passed them because we werenot getting bombed day and night)and what good are these weapons when youve lost most of your best pilots and tank crews that cant be replaced?
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