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Everything posted by arado234

  1. Blashy by Kaboom do you mean the nasty Abomb?Me thinks so.
  2. How hard is it to aquire the Abomb and how many can the Amis.build?
  3. I didnt know the Abomb is in this.How many can the Amis.build?BOOOOM.Now im really glad I bought this game.I cant wait to start dropping nukes.
  4. Retributar remember these games are setup in such a way that either side can win.Real war isnt.Hubert and the rest have done an excellent job in making these games winnable for either side because like you say if they werent why play them. The atom bomb isnt included in this game or anyother for a reason plus historical Allied industrial might. On another note,are you a sports fisherman?If you are I envy you.
  5. scottsmm I was refering more to the world as a whole not just one awful time in history.But you are right in that what I said doesnot cover what the thetwo said.
  6. I think the bottom line here is:As long as you have differences of opinions for whatever reason and people willing to go to any extreme to get what they want you always have the potential for war.People having been killing eachother for various reasons since we have been on this planet.Only the means to carry out destruction have vastly improved.The reasons why have remained basiclly the same.
  7. Railroads and their rail centres are VERY important in both W.a.W.and P.D.E.If you want to operate a ground unit it must start its turn on a railway hex and it can only be operated to any rail centre(city)that it is liked to.If any city has been either conquered or is bombed below supply 5 then you cant operate past that hex.The unit being operated can only be moved to the next closest city.As far as supply goes it has the same basic effect as roads. If you ever choose to play H.v.H.and even against the A.I.you are soon going to learn the importance of railroads and especially the railcentres.Hope this helps.
  8. Xwormwood the Axis did have a chance of a different outcome if Hitler wasnt Hitler and the Japs hadnt attacked America.Since Germany was being commanded by a madman and Japan did attack America,unless the Axis came up with enough super weapons(A.bomb,etc)I cant see there being anyother out come. As far as SC goes this game in noway truley represents reality.Its impossible for any war game to do that(the board game squad leader came real close).It does have a good balance to give the Axis a chance to win but if you start adding things like historical Allied industrial might,Ultra,the A.bomb,etc.(the fact that before the game even starts the Allied player knows that America and Russia will be coming in on the Allied side which in reality nobody knew is a big plus which cant be changed)I think the Axis would lose everytime(unless Terif or jollyguy are the Axis).But the game is played for fun(as it should be)and by making it possible for the Axis to win(even take America)is fun.
  9. Dont giveup on regular SC2.It has some pretty big differences than the other two.It has alot more options to do things some would say to unhistorical but if both sides have the same atvantages then thats ok.I believe you need SC2 to run the others.I think they are just additions.
  10. The major differences are in W.a.W.and P.D.E.there are more unit types and the addition of railroads makes operating a whole lot more realistic.There are also a few tweeks and other changes plus the A.I.is better.Some would argue that the additions are to restictive and certian weapons become game breakers(I do agree with this to a certian point).I prefer W.a.W.and P.D.E but I am playing a game of regular SC2(H.v.H.) and I must say it still is alot of fun.If you have all three you will enjoy them all because they offer different types of playing and opportunities during the game.To me Hubert(even if he is a Leafs fan) and the rest have done an excellent job on this game.Now if he would only get the rights to Third Reich and fix it up.
  11. I like the idea of the Amis. surrendering only because it keeps the Allied player from just abandoning the mainland.If the Japanese player is able to pull it off against the A.I.or human player then great.Its should never be a problem so having it a possibility shouldnt matter.In reality it was never possible for Japan to pull it off. As far as Germany being able to do it,they were developing a I.C.B.M.that would be able to hit America.Without a nuclear or some type of biological or chemical warhead it wouldnt have had any real effect but with those type warheads it may have. Way off topic but I have to mention this.Im reading a book called:The German wars.It starts in the mid 1800s.Its basiclly about the the stupidity of man and how politics and bad decisions for one reason or another gets alot of people killed.Ive just read up to the end of 1915 and in that year alone on the western front there were over 2 million total battle casualties and the Allies gained a grand total of 8 square miles.People sure are dumb.
  12. SeaMonkey and xwormwood I get what your saying.For victory conditons in this game they make total sense.
  13. SeaMonkey imho if Germany had planned from the start(fighters with longrange drop tanks,etc) to go allout after England then yes maybe they could have beaten them,but another big mistake the Axis made wasnot planning to"win"the war(maybe they didnt think they could).After Germany attacked France it was quite obvious after a few days France was done and yet they didnt really focus on the next task,defeating England.As soon as they realised they had the B.E.F.trapped(would have left Britain prettywell defenceless on land,plus Ultra wasnt a big factor yet)they should have planned a Para.drop onto English Airfiields to bring in airlanding troops.After the Allied debacle in Norway alot of Brits. werenot to happy with Churchill and if Germany landed Paras.onto England and started bringing in troops(like they did in Crete) it may have been enough for the Brits. to sue for peace(It would have been much easier for Germany to''bargin''with Britain from a position of strength).It would have been a big gamble for Germany but if they pulled it off then the whole course of the war changes.Weather Germany and Japan(I doubt it)would have worked together(another big mistake of the Axis)if that happened,who knows. leaving the Amis.out of the war as long as possible would also have been critical move.
  14. The way I see it that if by 1942 the Axis didnt have Russia and England kaput(an extremely difficult task to have pulled off) then they were going to be kaput no matter what.To much Allied firepower.
  15. The more I read through John Ellis,s book the less I see the Axis having a chance to win.The only hope they had was to gang up on one enemy at a time and finish them off completely and move on to the next one.There are some political circumstances that would have had a huge effect on the outcome of the war if the Axis(Hitler) played their cards right but other than coming up with the Atomic bomb long before we did the Axis simply had no hope.
  16. Blashy is right.It would have been a total disaster for Japan to invade America.Even if the Amis. lost all three carriers at Midway to Japans none it wouldnt have mattered.America built 141 Carriers(this inlcudes the smaller escort models)Japans total was 16(from the book:WW2 the encyclopedia of facts and figures by John Ellis)The Amis.built 65 Carriers in 1943 alone compared to Japans 4. Their best bet would have been to take Hawaii and hope America gets tired of war(no chance of that because of Pearl Habour).There is a reason why the SC2 series of games arenot set to historical industrial outputs.Its because the Axis will have virtually no hope. Lets not forget the Atom bomb.
  17. To much American output for Japan to have any real chance.If they had sunk all three Ami.Carriers and lost none it would have been demoralising but I cant see them ever hoping to mach the U.S.in production.Not to mention the population difference,plus the fact the Americans were real pissed about Pearl harbour.It probably would have delayed things somewhat but in the end the Allies still win.
  18. Thats a very compex question.Alot depends on what your overall strategy is.It also may depend on where you put all your tech.It also depends on what the enemy is doing,especially if its H.v.H.and how the game is going overall. Yes against a good human player sending your tanks unsupported off into the wild blue yonder is just asking to get them all wiped out. Imho its alot more fun H.v.H.then against the A.I.but if your quite new your doing the right thing by learning how to play against the A.I.Its still the best A.I. ive ever played against.
  19. I didnt think amphib. tech.had any effect on actual landing losses.I thought it just effected speed. As far as losses at sea go,if the weather is good you probably wont suffer any.
  20. If you get your Amphib.to level 3 and up(yes it does open up more possibilities) and go across when the weather is nice you shouldnt have any losses due to storms.If you dont think its possible to get a port first attack then 99% of the time you should land with a H.Q.If you dont your troops will be out of supply and are easy pickens.You should also try and hide your intentions as best you can.Sometimes you can catch the enemy where he least expects the attack. Do you know what the enemys longrange air is?Try and get only as close as needed and still be out of range of being spotted.If he sees you and you dont know it then your amphib.troops most likley will have a very angry welcome waiting for them.
  21. I dont know Blashy.The Amis.were pretty pissed about Pearl Harbour,but yea your right about people getting tired of having their loved ones killed.Same with Vietnam.Never lost a major battle but got tired of all the killing. My friend at work is Iranian and the Iranian govt.was actually quite pleased about the U.S.going in and wipeing out Saddam.They guessed rightly that eventually the U.S.would start to grow tired of all the lives lost and the fact that the whole affair is one giant money pit.Since the U.S.economy is taking a beating right now ,who knows how long they can keep this up.The only problem is that now Iraq has no way to defend themselvs now that their armies have been wiped out. People sure are stupid sometimes.
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