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Hyazinth von Strachwitz

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Everything posted by Hyazinth von Strachwitz

  1. great feature... but I`m pretty sure it`s difficult to implement.
  2. This makes defense against D-Day even more difficult... with the new city Caen and the new port in the area of Normandy I wonder if it`s possible at all..
  3. Thx... what about a unit sitting in a fortification? If Bombers de-entrench fortifications, they are a mighty weapon for cracking the Atlanktikwall
  4. Something I don`t understand yet: as far as I understand, Bombers (not Tactical Bombers) have two strikes and a De-Entrechment Value of 2. That means the if I attack Paris twice in a turn, it`s entrechment should fall from 6 to 2. I attacked Paris twice with the german Bomber, and its Entrechment value was 4. In the next turn it had an EV of 1, and I attacked twice again.. and the EV remained 1. So it appears to me that the De-Entrenchment only applies when the ground unit takes damage... is that true? Fighters and Tac Bomber always De-Entrench.. right?
  5. Depends on which setting you play on... I did it once, but I have to admit that I saved a few times. Basic strategy was like: (1) Avoid that army group center gets crushed by pulling back you troops behind the old german/russian border... try to establish fortifications. Buy rockets. (2) play defensive on the western theatre (3) finish of the Allied troops in Italy as quĂ­ckly as possible; then use the remainig troops to kill the allies in France during the winter 44/45. This just works on normal unchanged settings..
  6. Thx for the information... in that case it might make sense to change the russian HQ earlier in Operation Barbarossa... but it doesn`t seem to make sense for Germany. What do you guys think? Can someone pls enlighten me: what are the exact numbers behind the HQ rating?
  7. Tvm!! Let us make an example... I have the italian HQ Balbo. What happens when I fire that bloke... who do I get a replacement? Does it cost me additional MPP? Can I change one of the german HQ into Manstein in the beginning of 1939?
  8. Haven`t yet read the manual as well, because I wait for the hardcopy... how is that function supposed to work?
  9. I love that "building a port" idea... same happened in the normandy.. but I think in France it isn`t really necessary, because there are enough cities anyway.. Is it way more difficult to defend France against a D-Day? Did anyone make any experiences?
  10. Just ordered... english Bundle pack... anyone bidding for a german basis version
  11. I think it`s like the "Pionier" unit in old Panzergeneral... it is good against entrenched units, because it kills entrenchment quicker. Not really good in defense lines.. but valuable offense unit.
  12. Taking Smolensk and Kharkov is fine, but enterting the area around Moscow brings in the siberian reinforcements which can catch you on the wrong foot if you are unprepared. They come sooner or later anyway, but make sure you are in a well prepared position with refreshed and well supplied units. Iron Ranger is right: what cities you take depends on your long term objectives. If you want a land link to Finnland, take Riga and Leningrad. If you want to conquer the Caucasus, take Odessa, Kharkov and maybe even Rostov.
  13. @ Hubert: Thx for the information... I think I`ll go for the english version then.. I think the german Combo will be more expensive then 30 Euro, and I get the english combo for 45 Dollar, which is close to 30 Euro.
  14. I love the additional details, esp. the bigger map in North Africa and the land link between Finnland and Norway.. makes Norway way more interesting as base for U-Boats and MPP base. And the new units (AA, AT and DD) bring more Panzer General feeling... well done.
  15. We`re all waiting for Waw... although I admire Hubert dedication to give us good service, 1.07 is no big step ahead in terms of AI.
  16. Same experiences here... the French campaign is easier in 1.07 when you play as axis.
  17. That looks terrific.. I didn`t read the whole post with all changes, but there must be a tremendous amoount of work behind it. Thx for all the work!
  18. According to the "Kriegstagebuch des Oberkommandos der Deutschen Wehrmacht" the total Losses (Killed and MIA) of the Wehrmacht and WaffenSS were between 3 and 3.5 Mio from 39 to 45... I have it at home. 80% of these Casualties were between Mid 43 and 45 on the eastern front.
  19. I think they had (and still have) severe problems in their society... and creating a conflict with USA and the western allies basically came from two reasons in my eyes: (1) Spread Communism The USSR wanted to spread communism over the whole world, and the USA wanted to avoid that. As you know of course the wars in Korea and Vietnam were basically communism against the western world. Much of the strategical thinkings of the US between 1945 and 1950 was about how to prevent the Sowjets from getting more power.. just think of McCarthy. (2) Creating an enemy to keep people busy In my eyes Russia never reached the industrialization level as western Europe or the USA.. in other words: the country is poor. Many people didn`t have a job and proper meals, and with sending all the soldier home after WW2 they would have had a massive unemployment problem... and more people would look on the problems in the society. As long as everyone fights against a deadly enemy, people don`t care of social problems.. but if they sit at home and have nothing to eat, they get nasty. It is a very common strategy for dictatorships to start a war, if they have problems in their interior.... just watch what Saddam did.
  20. Battle of Nations, Leipzig, Oct 1813.. kicked the french dwarf`s backside... Some people regard this battle as the first step to form the german nation. There is a famous saying: Aus dunkler Nacht durch blutige Schlacht zur goldener Freiheit Translation word by word: out of a dark night through a bloody battle to golden freedom Interpretation dark night = occupation by France bloody battle = Battle of Nations golden Freedom = no more french occupation Also a lot of people say that this is the origin of the colours of our State Flag... black, red and gold. [ July 24, 2007, 11:35 PM: Message edited by: Hyazinth von Strachwitz ]
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