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Hyazinth von Strachwitz

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Everything posted by Hyazinth von Strachwitz

  1. @ Lars: they all were watching the fish swimming by on the bottom of the sea around England... by that time the UK didn`t have a single surface ship left. But coming back to your question: I find it hard to understand that a sub which does not dive doesn´t take damage.. or let`s say almost no damage.. Anyway: if Hubert says the model is fine, I`m okay with it.. just wanted to show you guys something is (I believe) is quite strange.
  2. Thx.. much appreciated. And concerning the subs: I understand what you say, these numbers are right.. but this is exactly the point: is this the right model? I think Timskorn has made a very good point, and I think there should be at least some negative impact on the sub itself. [ December 10, 2007, 07:35 AM: Message edited by: Hyazinth von Strachwitz ]
  3. Makes sense... not necessarily a strength point, but something.. to me the current model is a bit strange. Or another solution: once a sub has dived already a certain number of times, it must not dive again.. Idea: number of maximum dives per turn is linked to the tech level.. as soon as this number is reached, it must not dive again. [ December 10, 2007, 07:37 AM: Message edited by: Hyazinth von Strachwitz ]
  4. I need to admit that after a few games of WaW I would love Engineers building RRs.. esp. fighting in North Africa and the Middle East is a pain sometimes.
  5. I just played a few games against the Allied AI.. german Version 1.01, Fall Weiss on Expert/+0. It´s a pretty game and it makes way more fun than plain vanilla SC2. But there are two things I don`t understand.. or they appear strange to me. (1) Efficiency levels in Scandinavia I play Axis. I started Barbarossa and take Leningrad. Finnland joins, Norway has been conquered earlier, and I bring Sweden in via Diplomacy. All links are established and no partisans are around. After a few turn Finnland is at efficiency 100%, as well as Sweden. Norway goes to 80&. What I don`t understand: Narvik and the attached Mine remain at 50%, but the neraby port goes to 80%. Same applies to Lulea and the nearby mines... some of the remain at 50%. All these are linked via Railroads, so they should be at 80% or 100%.. right? Is that wanted or a bug? If it is wanted: then why is the Narvik port at 80% while the city is at 50%? (2) German U-Boat diving marathon Just imagine the following situation: It is mid 1944 and I have a german U-Boat north of the Brest port (58,22). It has advanced subs level 4 and 5 experience medals, strength 15. England is completely filled up with Allied Air.. at least 6 Strat Bomber (2 attackes), 4 Tac Bombers and 5+ Air Fleets. All of a sudden most of them attack the U-Boat. In most cases the U-Boat dives, but even in those cases where it doesn`t dive, it doesn`t take damage (think it lost one strength point in 5+ attacks). Everytime it dives, it move two hexes to the north east.. and after 7-8 times diving it ended up west of Denmark (72,16). I think that`s quite strange.. (a) during the allied turn it moves further than it moves in an own turn ( Although the Allied planes are quite developd, the U-Boat doesn`t take damage even in cases when it doesn`t dive © why does a german sub always evade to the northeast? I think it should randomly move into any direction.. I made the same observation on other places, not only in the english channel. I had a pair of german subs northwest of Ireland to raid the Allied convoy lanes, and they both ended up around the Shetland Isles.. and didn`t take damage. [ December 10, 2007, 05:26 AM: Message edited by: Hyazinth von Strachwitz ]
  6. I like the devotion the developer put into the scripts.. shows us that he has good knowledge of history. I love the campaign as well.. for me it just has one central weakness: China should be a bit stronger to prevent the Japanese from taking their whole country... I played on expert level vs. the Allied AI, and I took all Chinese cities until 11/42.. I was even able to invade 3 of the for russian cities in Siberia. With all the experienced and technically advanced japanese infantry being free for other tasks, the war took a funny development. What a pity the occupied russian cities in the eastern part only have a maximum supply of 4... otherwise I would have sent them all to the Ural
  7. I can imagine.. I`ve played that scenario once, and I can just think about how complicated it was to create... good work!!
  8. Okay, some people seem to think it`s too much micro mnagement.. I would see it in a different way: it`s just an option. And buildung RR´s isn`t more micro management than building a fortification, isn`t it? Anyway: thx for your thoughts.. most of them go in the same direction as my own thought.. it would be a "nice to have", but it isn`t important enough.
  9. @ Bill: Right, it`s Saragossa. I understand and appreciate what you say about the historical path in the Southwest.. so let`s leave it as it is. I finished the game yesterday in the evening.. Madrid taken in Feb 37, the "Baskenland" cleared of Republican scum in April and Barcelona fell in June 37.. that is not really the historical path, isn`t it I agree that the reason for this is AI behaviour. As the game ended in 06/37, the AI had 3000+ MPP left.. I think it simply didn´t research or buy advanced units. In my eyes the AI needs to do the following: - Invest heavily in research, esp. industry, artillery, tanks and aviation tech, because there are lot of planes flying around, and been superior in the air makes it very expensive for the opponent to maintain his Airforce. - buy divisons, Armor and HQs - concentrate attacking forces on critical points like Saragossa; include any available divison there as well (10 militia units without stronger units are useless, a combination is fine) - buy Artillery to secured strongholds (of course these need to be placed behind the frontlines where Inf cannot kill them easily) But pls keep in mind: the scenario is brilliant already.. this is just to make something good even better! [ December 04, 2007, 05:19 AM: Message edited by: Hyazinth von Strachwitz ]
  10. I`m pretty sure all of you guys have as seen the movie "Bridge on River Kwai".. brilliant stuff. But to me that leaves one question open.. can engineers in WaW build railroad and/or streets? I think esp. of the gap between Tobruk and Alexandria.. or maybe a railway from Finnland through northern Norway. So here are two questions to Hubert and rest of the audience: (1) Do you guys think that makes sense? Would you like that feature? I personally would like it, coz it gives more alternatives to the player.. and in reality certain nations build RRs to improve supply. (2) Esp. to Hubert: is this feature possible to implement? Or would it be just to diffiult?
  11. Hi there! Yesterday I played the Spanish Scenario for the first time.. and I love it. I play they nationalist side at Expert/+0. It is now Jan 37, and the tides turn strongly in favor of the Nationalists.. I produce 450 MPPS a turn, I bought all tanks and have invested 1000 MPP in research. I conquered the eastern half of the "Baskenland", and I massed all my air units there.. now I take city by city until the northern part is secured. In the southwest I established a link between the northern and the southwestern part of the nationalist territory.. that was quite easy. I lost my fortresses Alcazar and Oviedo, but that is more or less "wanted", right? I still hold the two fortresses in the south. My troops stand southwest of Madrid, and I expect Madrid to fall until March 37. In the Northeast my brave troops didn`t loose a single city, although two of them were surrounded by 10 units each. Once Madrid and then "Baskenland" is gone, I can shift all forces to Barcelona, which should be taken by mid 37. And the republican U-Boat is gone as well.. I really like that scenario, but I see two things that could be tweaked.. I think at the moment the game is too easy for the Nationalists (1) It is too easy to establish the link in the southwest.. maybe the AI should get a few bonus units there. Once the link is established, the human player can easily mass his troops where he needs them and then operate them to the next target. (2) Northeastern situation: when the games start, the AI launches a massive campaign in the northeast. I didn`t put any further units there until Dec 36, but I didn`t loose a single city. There is a division in one of the central cities (sorry, forgot the name), and it can reinforce to strength 10 although it is completely surrounded.. the whole republican army bled itself white just on that city just to get whiped to out as I shifted some troops over there who got free on other fronts. A solution could be to exchange to division into a weaker unit.. Apart from that: Great Work!!
  12. Has anyone received it yet? I`m still waiting... @ Madmatt: sorry, I didn`t see your post earlier... E-Mail is on the way.
  13. sounds strange... but I`m pretty sure if Hubert reads that, he`ll tweak it sooner or later. The best is to drop him a short E-Mail with your objections.
  14. @ Hubert: I would love another british destroyer.. you know my opinion from various other threads
  15. Concerning experience bars: the first medals (up two five) show the experience the unit earned itself... the remainig two (on the other side) show the bars AI units have from start on (to make them fight better).. you can determine that when you start the game (max. 2). Concerning upgrades: the best way two know what you can upgrade is to have in mind what feature you have already researched. I.e.: if you have Infantry Weapons researched to LVL 2 as Germany, you can upgrade all german infantry units (and attached Minors) to IW LVL2, as long as they have supply level 5 at least. Check the research table for further info.
  16. Basically I agree with you both... But I recommend to see what Hubert cooks in WaW 1.01, and then discuss on.. unless we know what`ll be changed, a discussion is more or less philosophic. Concerning Subs attacking BBs: right, that didn`t happen on purpose normally. But the reason was more or less a matter of doctrinal thinking.. and in the early years most german Subs were hunting alone.. the wolf pack tactic was introduced later in the war. So the current model the games uses doesn`t recreate the reality in a proper way.. and wolf pack attacking a BB group might cause damage.. but the High Command had another strategy. A war of attrition Subs against the RN was not the right way.. at least they thought that.
  17. as far as I can remember, Hubert mentioned that this issue will be tweaked a bit with the first patch... the Subs will be a bit weaker after this I guess.. hope that helps.
  18. I checked my spam filters... nothing in there. And I know that my adress goes through your spam filters, because a few weeks ago I received an answer.. from you personally. Anyway: if it arrives next weeks (or a few days later), everything is fine.. but no answer at all doesn`t make people happy. But now we have an answer . [ November 20, 2007, 07:02 AM: Message edited by: Hyazinth von Strachwitz ]
  19. Hmh... understood. At least someone from Battlefront could answer my mail... if they say it takes 3 month coz axis subs reign the atlantic, I can accept that, but no answer at all isn`t nice.
  20. I purchased the game on the 25th of October, and my credit card was billed immediantly after. But I have not yet received the product. On Thursday the 15th of November I sent an E-Mail to support@battlefront.com, but up to now I didn`t even get an answer. Is there anyone willing to help me? I feel a bit "hooked"...
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