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Hyazinth von Strachwitz

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Everything posted by Hyazinth von Strachwitz

  1. I think only Hubert can solve that problem. I`m not happy with this feature anyway.. in on of my last games I had 7 american amphib transport which ran into the Tirpitz in just one turn.. one after the other without any reactions of the AI. These automatic attacks are too powerful... and a bug like this is even more annoying.
  2. @ OG: Ja, ich kann mir denken, wie komplex das ganze ist. Ich bin gerade dabei, die deutsche Version nach Rechtschreibfehlern und ähnlichem zu scannen und Hubert eine Mail mit den Verbesserungsvorschlägen zu senden.. das sind 3 Stunden mal gar nichts Einige Änderungen hat er schon in 1.02 aufgenommen, aber da liegt noch einige Arbeit vor mir. Ich hätte auch noch ein paar Ídeen, die ich in den letzten Jahren und Monaten schon mal hier im Forum andiskutiert habe.. aber mir mangelt es leider an den Fähigkeiten, sowas selbst umzusetzen. Eine Sache, die auch damals viel Zustimmung fand, war ein Script zur franzöischen "Wiedervereinigung" für den Fall, das Vichy-Frankreich auch im Krieg ist. Aber das machen wir später, konzentriere Dich am besten auf die Dinge, die Du aktuell bearbeitest, sonst kommen wir vom Hundersten ins Tausendste Ich bin mal gespannt auf Deine Arbeiten..
  3. @ asgard: that Turkey issue is a script event as well... to make it more difficult for the human player and help the AI. It isn`t historical, but it is well for the game balance..
  4. The key is to be so quick in 1941 that the Russian cannot gather forces around a city.. that is historical as well But I got the same impression as well: that Scenario is a bit more difficult than reality.
  5. The scenario is difficult, but thrilling. In the initial stages try to destroy as many russian tank units as possible.. and concentrate on your targets. If you encircle russian units, make sure that they don`t have a link to a city or HQ. But beware: Kuniworth wants the scenario to be very difficult for the germans, beauce he wants it to be historically correct.. and in reality the Wehrmacht lost What I did more or less is to divert any free tank unit from AG Center to AG south as soon as I took Brjansk... reinforce them and then go for Rostov. If you can secure Rostov (or at least Stalino) until the end of Nov 41, you have good chances to win. If not, you have almost no chances. Btw: I play on 100%/+0.. don`t try on 100%/+2, I think it`s impossible.
  6. Doesnt make much sense... AT and AA only work in combined warfare.. and the french troops are not that far in Spring 1940. Just one AA doesn`t stop the invasion, it just cost the german war machine a few strength point, but it is costly for you.
  7. @ Onlinegeneral: die beider Herren, die ihre Späße in dem Thread zum Besten geben, werden Dich noch eine Weile begleiten, wenn Du weiter auf dem Board unterwegs bist... hier hilft meist nur freundlich und sachlich bleiben Ich bin echt gespannt, was Du da so zusammengewerkelt hast.
  8. AA is good when you want to protect vital points in France, i.e. Brest or an fortifying engineer unit. Usually I fortify the hex southeast of Brest and put a corps in, and then put an AA into Brest. If you have AA radar Lvl 3, usually the AI doesn`t even touch it. But you need 3 or 4 AA units to guard France properly.. otherwise the AI simply bombs the unprotected units to dust. Against human players AA is a bit more difficult, just as Arty.
  9. AA is just passive.. it has a one field defense radius around it. It can attack once per turn if any aircraft attacks a unit within this radius. Arty is active (once per turn) and passive (once per turn, defense range 2 fields).. and it gains exp very quickly. I love the arty, but its very vulnerable.. you need Air superiority to see the unit grow old. I don`t like AT.. I better like to destroy enemy tanks with Tac Bombers. AT is very vulnerable as well.
  10. Hört sich ganz nett an... ich bin schon mal gespannt. Wenn Du jemand als Tester brauchst, sag Bescheid.
  11. I guess both--- I`m pretty sure we`ll see 1.03... and maybe also SC3 in a few years.
  12. @ ibukovec: What you describe concerning the AI reinforcing a corps to -3: this is a bug, and I´ve had it as well. The best idea is to send a savegame to Hubert, and he`ll have a look at it. Do you play at 1.02?
  13. Concerning Intelligence: it can make sense when you have a massive advantage.. 3 levels more than your opponent. I had a game were I researched Intel up to level 5 (had early hits and just wanted to see what happens).. and the effect was tremendous.. I could see almost every unit coming over ther atlantic.. and I was able to destroy a massive invasion force heading for Casablanca. But it`s very expensive, and it just makes sense if your opponent doesn`t research it... just like putting diplo chits into Spain. So it`s better to concentrate on other things.
  14. @ Marty Ward: Getting waxed in the initial stages is normal.. you cannot avoid that. JJR is right with his ideas, but Advanced Air is tricky. One thing you`ll need in the long run as Russia is Industrial Technology, esp. if you expect a long conflict. And production tech might help as well, because you will have to (re)buy a lot of units. Apart from that the Russians have a lot of units from start on.. Fighter, Tac Bomber and similar. It might make sense to research a bit here as well to make these units more than sparring partners.. What Russia does not need is Strategic Bombers, Long Range Aircraft and some of the other useless techs.. and Advanced Aircraft as well, their planes get slaughtered anyway
  15. @ Lars, yes you are right.. given the fact that they don`t want to hurt their position. But keep one thing in mind: they have an enormous instrument to mount pressure.. they can influence the whole financial markets just by spreading the rumors that they need to sell a major stake. Having such huge positions is always a political thing. Remember the collapse of Long-term Capital Management in 1998.. the damage was just a few billions, but all major US Banks were forced to help, otherwise there would have been a turmoil way larger than the current one. The gross position of LTCM was 1.25 trillion $.. so approx. as much as the Chinese have. But LTCM was a hedge fund, so they has longs and shorts (they were playing the game long in Illiquid stuff and short in liquid stuff).. and PBoC just has longs, so their influence is way larger. What I just want to say is: how come these people have 1000 Billion $ as reserves while the whole western world needs to raise more debt just to keep the economy working? In my eyes it`s just damn dangerous!
  16. @ Lars: I think that`s not the whole story.. if the chinese that selling that stuff, the whole Fixed Income market and all participating banks would collapse.. as well as the whole currency systems. Selling the old ones is virtually the same as quit buying new ones. I`m not quite sure if all politicians are aware of that situation. I work in the Fixed Income Market since 11 years.. just believe me. This market is way quicker than you would ever believe.. it wouldn`t take years to unwind these positions.
  17. home country cities only.. this is why IT is important for the US and USSR.. and the price for Germany and Italy have been lowered in WaW.
  18. @ Timskorn: this is not just a US matter.. we in Europe have the same problems, all major western countries. What will solve the problem in the long run is a currency reform.. that will come sooner or later. We had that twice in Germany, and it is wise to be invested in stones rather than in stocks or bonds.
  19. @ Timskorn: the total amount of debt a state can cope with depends on the Gross domestic product, in other words on the relation of total debt and GDP. Take the Budget of the US and check how many billions a year you guys pay for interest on outstanding debt. We in Germany would be rich but we decided to buy the GDR.. and we have to live with it. Every new debt raises the burden for the next generation, so it is like leaving the problems for you children. Wrong way in my eyes, but not only in the US, it`s wrong in all western democracies. The Chinese have approx 1000 Billion $ foreign currency reserves.. that money is invested in Government Bonds, Municipalities, Mortgages and Covered Bonds and similar stuff.. just imagine what happend if they pull the money out.. the Sub Prime crisis is mild nausea in comparison to that.
  20. @ Hubert: I noticed all the changes you did in the german version.. thank you very much. I spoke to a few people who play the german version, and they love it. Great work!
  21. It also depends on how many MPP you have left.. it isn`t the case that the Americans automatically reload. The best way to prevent them from reloading is to set their strength on zero
  22. The german patch 1.02 is out.. here is the link: http://www.kalypsomedia.com/downloads/patches/Strategic_Command_2_Weapons_and_Warfare_v102_Patch.zip
  23. Sounds good... during the afternoon? My private E-Mail is mkollmann@t-online.de - the other one only works while I`m at work. But be prepared: I have no facking clue how to start that.. I only played PBEM ages ago, and I didn`t like it. But I`m confident you`ll tell me!
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