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Everything posted by Chainsaw

  1. Possibly, but he did write 40mm in his post topic. But overhead shelter for the trenches would be welcome anyway, arty is clearing them out to easy as it is now
  2. oh yeah, okey then I change to "Us, British and NATO forces" as far as I know only SWEDEN uses the 40mm Bofors L/70 gun thats needed to fire this round, and Sweden isnt on the list for the NATO module. (despite all our work together with NATO we arent even members of the NATO)
  3. the zip works for me... but after watching I see its the M32 thats doing the damage... when using TARGET the M32s fires, when they fire they frag one of their own... the squad that was on TARGET LIGHT didnt use their M32s, there the gunner throwed handgrenades instead. so its the M32 thats the criminal here...
  4. Okey here comes a save game of the test. I had 4 squads. 2 marines and 2 Stryker squads. No1 Marines squad had TARGET No2 Marines Squad had TARGET LIGHT No1 Army Squad had TARGET No2 Army Squad had TARGET LIGHT Turns out its only No 1 Marines squad that uses TARGET that kills themself.. the No2 Marines didnt get suppresed and no causaltys. None of the army squads got suppresion or WIA/KIA. Somethings weird? ___GRENADE TEST 001.ZIP
  5. well to please you I can tell you im not pregnant (did the test) Give me a few, I will do some thourugh testing, before I just kicked up a scenario and did a quick test.
  6. Or to show that you actually can get beaten/having a hard time when playing NATO forces? (as if Pooh didnt teach us that)
  7. Other Means, you just got me thinking so I did a test. When this game came out I did a topic called "assaulting a building fierce and agile" (http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=82927) and there I used TARGET command, and never got suppresion or wounded from my own handgrenades. Now I did a new test with a marines unit and with FIRE you actuall get suppresion and KIA from your own grenade.... in the building complex next to it I did the same thing but with TARGET LIGHT and they thrown just as much handgrenades as the TARGET did, but no suppresion or WIA/KIA. Weird... must have been changed in a patch or so... I always use target light just to save on ammo so never noticed the change. /Thomas
  8. I like the british light units, it gives you a real challenge to win now. guess it will take a while to get acustomed to the fact that most vehicles arent armoured but Ive replayed the demo several times now and im starting to see the difference in tactics and gameplay, wich is bloody cool! now playing Blue vs Red will be much bigger challenge then before /Thomas
  9. Thats kinda what keeps you alive and we all seen the video footage of British units using javelin against snipers in Helmand, so area fire with Javelin is alright in my eyes. but I have been having a few times when the team refuses to fire on a area I want it to as well. /Thomas
  10. and it works effing good in the 1.20 demo a well
  11. I hope for a friday release... I dropp off my GF on a horse camp on saturday then Im alone for a whole month, with 2 weeks of them on vacation, all free time for British forces
  12. Sorry, I forgot to pay my pribe to BFC, guess thats we dont have it yet
  13. Thats the last mission in the campaign if I dont remember wrong :cool: bloody weird, I have NEVER had vehicles move thrue walls, not even in the succy 1.0X versions...
  14. I will probley play it 50/50. the first few weeks after Normandy release it will ofcourse be normandy only as is new and cool, but when the new and cool starts to fade off I will most likely go back to CMSF as I really dig the modern settings. And as long as that stupid Peng challenge thread exists this forum cant die... :eek:
  15. A huge problem is that we cant reload vehicles... we can fill upp our dismounts with so much ammo their *******s hits the ground when they walk, but we cant fill upp our vehicles... In a 4 hours scenario there is plenty of time to do a combat resupply of the tanks, IFVs and humwes. My vehicles often runs out of ammo and if the scenario will be 4 hours long there is a big chance resupply would have been scheduled. a nice solution would be some HEMMT truck that you drive upp to, a "aquire" box shows up and you choose what you want, then the tank gets a paus icon or something showing how long time it will take. ofcourse you can abort it anytime (situation depending) and then you only got what you had time to grabb. But I guess its to late for CMSF to have that, Maybe the modern temperate will have it thoe? Steelbeasts pro has the refuel/rearm feature and its a wonder in long battles!
  16. Well Some people actually get excited over seeing paint dry.... :cool:
  17. Intresting thread I have to say! as many other have stated also I care allot for my poor pixeltroops, and if I loose someone I always reacts on it, sometimes the soldier gets killed when he has like 5meter left to cover and I think "damn it, he was so close to safety". I guess 1:1 representation really makes it all a bit more personal, seeing a soldier thats under your command go down is no fun at all, and its rare I think "well it was worth the cost". On the other hand I feel its a good decision from BFC to NOT have blood and gore in the game, I feel that would change the feelings towards more gamey FPS feeling. But agreed, its a nice satisfaction to see a whole enemy team get shot to pieces and see the bodys fall down
  18. Love it! Really great video George MC! thanks allot! One thing thoe... I didnt see a single cup of Tea?
  19. Elvis: Agreed, its all those small things that makes me happy (too) Piecekeeper: well my excuse is that I work night, so I go up at 15:00 and to bed at 08:00, so im not up late
  20. Awsome! the 0.50 gunner is HOLDING the 0.50 instead of just having the arms alongside as they used to!
  21. On the other hand, look at point 7. "Muzzle flame,smoke,dust and other effects directly attached to enemy unit behavior are no longer shown unless the unit is already spotted by atleast one friendly Soldier" :eek: just that point is a HUGE improvement in my eyes... hoppefully it means no more dustclouds showing where enemy vehicles are moving 1km away from where I can see with own eyes.
  22. My girlfriend is out of town today, so release it NOW and I have 5 long hours to play before jobb
  23. But... it was syrian infantry dismounting? nothing unusal in that video exept that the casualtys icon was in a white circle...
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