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Everything posted by Chainsaw

  1. whats DAR? I wrote one AAR, the thing that keeps me from doing it again is lazyness, it was hard extrawork to sit every minute and write down what you did and where and then compile it with screenshots.
  2. Well I did the same, I didnt find any weapons cash and no win, so I dumped the campaign.
  3. Meh, they are shooting on a PBV301... they are museum relics by now, stupid to use them on the range! http://www.pansarmuseet.se/301.htm
  4. Wonderful news, thanks! I must have missed that webpage, cool one! Ctrl + D
  5. bumbing this old thread... How is this progressing? is it still alive? Im still werry intressted in this, I would love to lead a Marines unit thrue this war
  6. intressting, did some more tests and it turns out its not only the US Marines M32 that has that issue, the british UGL creates the same thing when on TARGET command... So only really acceptable command in clearing building nowadays is TARGET LIGHT . and about the Warriors HE, jepp confirmed as well... never noticed it before as I only shoot a short burst HE and then use MG to save up on the few HE rounds I got... nice find.
  7. Thanks Starlight! Well, the TARGET issue is only relevant to US MARINES who use the M32. the issue was detected and reported here. So any other troop exept US MARINES can use TARGET as usual, US MARINES need to use TARGET LIGHT to avoid using the M32. Just did a test with British infantry and there was no suppresion or friendly fire there. However I recommend using TARGET LIGHT anyway as TARGET use up grenades and AT-4s to fast for more then 2 floors. /Thomas
  8. Same here, so what is Birdstrike and me doing for wrong when MikeyD succeed?
  9. the Mastiff was never planed to be in the game. so it didnt happen much with it. But I cant find the GMG Jackal either... so maybe its been dished out by error? it isnt mentioned in the manual either under "buying" stuff how to get the GMG.
  10. Well I like the scenario atleast If I had all the forces in good condition I would actually not worry so much, would take casualtys ofcourse, but right now Ive lost 1/2 of my troops and APCs, in the first 3 minutes, PLENTY of guys have left with just a "!" sign behind them to tell me to sod off with my battle :cool: Think I will restart this one and get the **** off the road first and not dismounting infantry in the barrage, then maybe I have something managable to pull off
  11. Okey, who did this scenario? I wanna find you in a dark alley someday just finished my first move and 1/4 of my forces are either dead, yellow or routing... thanks! I asumed the FV432 would get targeted so my first move was to drive down from the road and dismount my infantry out of the kill boxes. I never saw that arty/rocket coming...... :eek:
  12. When I got the marines, the first thing I fell in love with was the SMAW, now when I got the British its this I fell in love with, and seen very little mentioned on the forum since release about it despite that it such a big step... Yeah, the on-map mortar! even thoe its only 51mm, if you send your platoon HQ thrue the platoons all Warriors it can scramble together about 50-60 rounds and 15-20 smoke rounds! I dont know how many small engagements I have won because the 51mm manage to suppress the enemy and giving my sections the fire advantage again or screen of with smoke so I could do som daring moves with my sections that enabled me to take out the enemy from betther positions! So Gameplay-wise, one of the biggest impacts on me is the 51mm... /Thomas
  13. Rustman, correct me if Im wrong, but dont the SAPI plates demand a inner layer of kevlar as well to be totally safe? think I heard somewhere that when SAPI plate gets hit there is risk of parts coming loss, and the inner kevlar is there to stop those parts from entering the body? /Thomas
  14. Give us a break, we just started finish the campaign... we ned R&R before hitting the standalones
  15. thanks for the info, this reminds me of an old swedish army manual from the 60s that showed peas in a canister of water and on the top a metall connector so when the peas swelled in the water after a while it detonates the bomb. Intresting how many way there is to kill a human...
  16. "christmas tree lights" and "anal bead" ? care to explain what that means? (certain ways of trigger IEDs I understand, but exactly how?)
  17. ah man, I like this! but im all in for test2 sounds
  18. Ive never seen the SMAW fire a spotting round so I guess it isnt used.
  19. yeah I had that feeling to... I went south of 3 reasons 1. Feeling I would have more US army scenario as they and the marines attacks damascus as well 2. Ive lost the confidence that brits can take a urban battle with heavy enemy resistance. 3. I wanted to keep my casualtys down
  20. Well, dont know if you did but I didnt restart a single scenario so even if I or the AI ****ed up badly I swallowed and moved on. If I would replay/restart the scenarios I would certainly get fewer casualtys. Could also be that you have been playing with the british forces longer then us, so you know more how to deal with them, we had to discover that with the demo and during the campaigns advancement... I changed tactics as I went along because I noticed certain tactics that works with US gets you killed with UKs.
  21. After playing Bashar in our hearts the campaign ended for me in a Tactical victory. I got 122 KIA 93 WIA 3 Missing 3 Challys lost 29 Armoured vehicles lost 1 other vehicle lost (think thats a FOO vehicle) Enemy got: 1339KIA 560 WIA 482 Missing 60 tanks lost 107 armoured vehicles lost 60 other vehicles lost. so on KIA+MIA+Missing I got a 10 enemys on 1 of my soldiers, pretty pleased with that. on tanks its 20 to 1... Overall I loved this campaign, There where plenty of time that I cursed the creators because they done such a great jobb, and theres plenty of time I was stuned by the beutiful maps! the ONLY thing that got me pissed was that I was forced to work with US Army! if im playing a british campaign I dont want to control stykers, I had to live with the army fools in the Marines campaign, not wanting them in the british as well! so overall I give 9.5/10 points to the campagne, and that 0.5 is for the US forces I got /Thomas
  22. Oh actually it does, now when I re-read the briefing... :eek:
  23. Okey playing the british campaign and Im at the mission called Bashar in our hearts, and I noticed something in the ground, is it a secret message from aliens or syrian for "stay out"? /Thomas
  24. you can only share ammo between the teams in the squad, and to do that merge the teams into a squad and they will split it up. You cant have a squad to refill another squad by having it next to the squad in need of resupply.
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