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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Maybe it's me but I find it somewhat depressing to hear comments about how much CMBN is lacking. I don't know if it is a generational issue, a personality issue, temperment or what. However having been around from the very early board games I think it is quite astounding what we have access to from such a small shop that is BFC. Frankly there is nothing else out there on the market that I find anywhere near as satisfying for the scale and when I watch the bug issues that much larger firms have with much "simpler" type games I am freakin amazed at how polished CM is by comparison. There is always going to be that - wouldn't it be cool if we could add.....syndrome, but if BFC stopped right now and retired to that Villa in Italy, France or wherever Charles and Steve are investing their billions ( ) I would still be quite amazed with what we have.
  2. Interesting. I am playing Bois de Baugin now and so far my file size (at turn 20) has been pretty consistently 6-7 mb.
  3. Not saying I agree with him, but if we WERE to say Gavin was at fault for failing to take Nijmegen Bridge I expect a lot of folks might have preferred that someone else have been in command. As we are so waaaaaay off target of the original post and this sounds like a pretty interesting one (for me anyway as honestly I haven't heard much debate on Market Garden beyond what I have read) how about a new thread specifically on Market Garden?
  4. One thing I won't do is criticize a unit that paid such a heavy cost in blood to hold an objective against overwhelming odds in a very risky plan with a lot of potential for failure. Yeah there is plenty of blame to go around but those guys deserve better. 1st Airborne's stand was worthy of Sparta. As a Yank I tend to focus on my own country's army and history, but these guys are an exception. I hope we can do them justice in the Market Garden module. A toast Gentlemen to the 1st which despite all the issues it faced held it's objective for twice as long as the plan had intended.
  5. 5 - the type that only cares if the game was interesting win, lose, draw or an afternoon doing crown moulding. Interesting can be as simple as a particular sequence that is worth posting on the screenshots thread or a nailbiting furious close quarters fight where the game could go either way moment to moment and every casualty has to be considered in the plan for the next round. All of which I am getting in a current contest - thanks broadsword56 for introducing me to the glory of PBEM.
  6. You figured out how to fix my tactics? Outstanding!!!
  7. Out of curiosity, what size game are you playing? I am in a pbem game now of Bois de Baugin and file size is typically about 7mb
  8. Yeah really, not to mention he is considering moulding for the root cellar. I don't even have a **** ******, what a cheater! edited for Operational Security.
  9. I am not sure, it depends on how good a job they did on their crown moulding. If it looks really professional, I'd cheat just because they deserve it. Probably hired some out of town moulding professionals or something. Jerks.
  10. well I have to say that I have noticed the house interiors do not have it modelled and I think it really destroys game immersion to the point of being nearly unplayable. As to where in the house, can't disclose that for reasons of Op Sec. Cheaters
  11. and if not how will we create a scenario to duplicate the scene in Kelly's Heroes?!!
  12. LOL work slow or not is at most second best to even a bad thread on this forum. I think getting on a ladder to inspect their work constitutes cheating, at best can only confirm my feeling of success and at worse deflate it. No sir, I will continue with my gamey sense of success and maybe hire these guys to paint the exterior next.
  13. Oh now you started it. I was keeping my mouth shut regarding Monty in the general interest to be more open minded after my discussion with JonS and to not side track this anymore than it already has been. Now that has all been thrown to the wind. So at 1000 meters, would Monty's tough bulletproof teflon coating mean he could take on a Panther or not. LOL
  14. None of my casualties were caused by rifle grenades - not for lack of trying, but they kept falling short. That said I have deferred to BFC as they seem to have an idea what may be causing the effect and futher testing results from me are probably only going to contribute flawed data not in line with what they are reviewing anyway. So now I am trying to work on a different flaw....my tactics, a much much harder issue to fix.
  15. OMFG, I thought after Steve posted that no you can't cheat this thread would die....instead it has several more pages??!! Wow so folks are so bored of CMBN that much already we have time for this? Or perhaps we are so worried about an opponent cheating we just can't bear to start a game. My 2 cents? Success is figuring out how to do my **@%#&^ crown moulding by myself so it doesn't look like something my cat just deposited in the litter box. I found a compromise solution though- I paid somebody else who has a clue how to do it. Now I feel successful. Is that cheating?
  16. No actually it comes down to "the Allies should have executed an operation planned on the fly on the basis of events that were in movement and without full intel perfectly in order to capure the last 10% of the enemy force." One additional note to this discussion about the impact of capturing that other 90%. It contributed eventually to the decision to commit the armor Germany sent to the Western front in September to the Panzer brigades, effectively frittering away what could have been used far more effectively on either the Western or Eastern fronts.
  17. If I meant to murder someone and instead it was an accidental death, was that cheating?
  18. Or as a buddy of mine says "If you can't fix it with a hammer it must be an electrical problem."
  19. Lenin was just confused. Trotsky was teaching him checkers and Stalin was teaching him chess. What did you expect?
  20. The US did divert the 3rd Armored to Mons based on Ultra information to block 7th Army's retreat. Beyond that the Germans were running as fast as they could everywhere. It seems unlikely the allies would bag much more. The farther they went the wider the expanse of the front got. Falaise was driven more by a concern of friendly fire and from the troops not having the strength to hold the net closed anyway. As it is the damage to the German Army in Normandy was extremely severe. It wasn't until reaching Aachen and Metz that Germany was able to really do anything about the allied rate of advance. That seems to qualify pretty strongly for a sweep. At that point the supply lines were stretched so thin it was time to regroup. The Allied perception of what Germany had left to field was over optimistically low, but even given that a modern army requires a lot of POL to keep moving as opposed to horse fodder. Keep in mind we are all working in hindsight knowing far more than the Allied command knew in 1944. As it was they far outstripped the planned lines of advance. Sometimes when your plans go better than expected it can bring it's own problems in that your logisitcs, the key to war, aren't up to the new requirements.
  21. Better watch out for lightning as well. I understand that caused our N Korean allies to lose against us in soccer.
  22. I play hotseat and caught myself cheating. I denied it, but then I showed myself proof. Well after a big row I finally made up with myself and promised not too cheat, but I still don't trust myself so I still spy on me.
  23. Maybe the French resistance sabotaged wall construction and then forgot to pass that info along to SHAEF.....
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