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Everything posted by sburke

  1. How do you verify that? Curious as my impression is they do block LOS. Can you give a sample test to show this? I am not sure what you mean by the above.
  2. Damn I was out of town and missed the start of this, thanks for doing it.
  3. And to those who say I can't exercise better judgement and just walk away... No comment.
  4. Umm and where does it say in there anywhere that stating "fair use" has any impact whatsoever on whether it is actually fair use? Whether or not it is fair use is a legal copyright issue. Stating "fair use" has absolutely no bearing on whether such use actually is legal. But you'd know that if you had actually read what you cited.
  5. And you are surprised? Or just confirming. Geez I keep telling myself not to go anywhere near these threads when he's on a roll.... and what the f**k is that "fair use"? Is that some expected auto protection because it is stated? Like a children's game where you cry timeout or "on base" so you are temporarily removed from accountability?
  6. Those who know don't say, those who say don't know. In my case I'd say I don't know.
  7. Woohoo, thanks Tiresias! No need to worry about AA, but having said that I think the purchase of aircraft could be a real coin toss. Be fun to see if it works though. Did you purchase TRPs? They would really help with your time to fire artillery and accuracy. Also allow you to hit some areas that Big Dork would use to rest his troops in what he would think are out of LOS.
  8. From the German side Turn 56/57 I was wrong here, no crew were injured. In fact there was minimal damage to the Pz IV, however the crew was panicking now. Turn 58/59 First round takes out the radio operator and nails the engine. The Pz IV was now immobilized. Second round hits track further damaging, but as Pz is already immobile, it adds very little. Third round has no additional effect, but crew finally starts bailing. Sherman guns down crew, then turns back on Pz Fourth round destroys Pz Fifth round fired sixth round fired seventh round fired From the Allied side it was not evident that the Pz IV was dead until the very end of the turn, after the Sherman had already pumped 3 more rounds in. I don't know if the disparity was due to the smoke from the shooting, the woods or just an issue of time. Either way- kind of cool that the state of the tank wasn't immediately evident.
  9. Did I tell you I got a small role in Law and Order SVU? Hey you too? Yeah it was either that or be a Goblin in the Hobbit.
  10. I'd need to see his opponents side to be sure, but from Ian's side: Turn 56 The Sherman fires 2 rounds before the Pz IV even spots it, both hit trees (man you guys must love driving tanks into the woods hunting one another. I don't think I have ever played anything quite like this LOL ) When the Pz IV finally spots the Sherman and begins to rotate it's turret, the Sherman finally strikes home. In the final seconds the Pz IV turret has stopped and I assume one crewman is down. Turn 58 The Sherman continues to fire while also apparently trying to move. Meanwhile infantry from both sides are tossing grenades etc. Pretty confused fight. The Sherman puts about 3 rounds into the Pz before the crew (4 crew) bails and then proceeds to dump a few more rounds in. I assume the crew bailed from an intact tank. Without being able to see damage from the German side I assume though it was being hit, the angle of fire was such that the Pz IV while battered was not considered destroyed. I don't know that it is FOW, it could simply be the angle of hit while battering the front corner was not causing anything fatal.
  11. Nah, not a hissy fit, but I think a genuine question and it was asked pretty civilly. Granted it is asked with a mis understanding of what BF intends regarding packs etc, but packs have not been clearly defined yet. Besides, it is good info and material to go into one. Hell, he has me looking forward to this as a possibility. And I just got to say I love the look of the last guy about to enter the outhouse. That is an outhouse right? I mean look at his face, he is seriously distracted.
  12. Heh heh yes you did. Actually it is pretty brutally graphic. Also makes a great argument for the effectiveness factor for the MGs in CM 2.0. At one point in the account I am reading now, the riflemen were passing their rounds over to the Vickers crews to use. Both the Chinese and British MG crews were primary battlefield weapons.
  13. I am currently reading To the Last Round off a recommendation. Fascinating if you haven't read it. The most notorious and celebrated battle in the Korean War, from a British point of view, has never previously been written about at length: this is the story of the Battle of the Imjin River, when the British 29th Infantry Brigade, and above all the Glorious Glosters of the Gloster Regiment, fought an epic last stand against the largest communist offensive of the war. It lasted just three days, by the end of it a battalion of 750 men had been reduced to just 50 survivors. This definitive history is accessible, pacy, narrative, and paints a moving and exciting picture through the extensive use of eyewitness accounts of veterans.
  14. Bob Ross Funny I was just showing a youtube clip this past weekend to my dad laughing about how that guy could put you in a trance. "put some bushes over here and some on the mountain... it's your world..." Died 7/4/1995
  15. Because en masse surrender is not modeled well in CMFI... Only kidding, couldn't resist a little light hearted jab. AKD is probably more on the mark, BF is not yet done with CMFI and GL had reached the limits of what they could stuff into it. Could be a nice option for a pack.
  16. do you have a save from that Sherman/Pz IV fight? It might be worth a look. IS this CMBN or CMFI? I am in a fight with Broadsword in CMBN and sadly my Pz IVS have not shown any invulnerability to Sherman fire.
  17. I'll bite C) Four I have had bad luck with those things. Just for clarity, how do gun hits and mobility kills fit into the betting?
  18. Their National Liquor (and How They Drink It) London dry gin, the style of gin we all grew up with, is basically flavored vodka: neutral spirits bubbled through juniper berries and a few other botanicals, cut to proof, and bottled. Genever, the spirit of the Netherlands (plus parts of Belgium, Germany, and France), is, on the other hand, more of a flavored whiskey, albeit a light one: a blend of neutral spirits, juniper and botanical infusions, and what's known as "malt wine," which is a rich, funky distillate of malted barley, rye, and other grains. Up until around 1890, the Dutch style was what we drank here, too. Nowadays it's pretty hard to find, although it's starting to show signs of life. The newish Bols Genever, if you can find it, is a bit pricey but definitely old-school. Even more so is the San Francisco-made Genevieve, an American homage to genever that's so intense as to be a little frightening. Equally as important is how you drink genever. The best way is by performing a kop-stoot. Characteristically, this "head butt" (see illustration above for why it's called that) couldn't be simpler: a small tulip glass of chilled genever with a short beer back. A beer and a shot. Can't get more American than that. Or more Dutch. How to Perform the Kopstoot 1. Put tulip glass on the table. 2. Pour a small glass (6 to 8 oz) of beer and put it near the tulip glass. 3. Pour chilled genever carefully into tulip glass until it's so full that the top bulges. 4. Bending from the waist, take the first, generous sip of the genever. 5. Straighten up and have a sip of the beer. Skip it and go straight to the Cannabis.
  19. Actually it looks like a wargame run by The Atlantic not the Pentagon.
  20. Well of course you went with that defense, who after all plays for points? Measly whoosie points? are you kidding me? I would be disappointed in c3k too. sheeesh. Sounds like he needs a good taunting.
  21. geez 2 turns and no one has even been wounded yet? hrumph.
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