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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Anything traveling near speed of light becomes as effective as a laser. CJ Cherryh does some interesting stuff on combat, FTL, gravity and just plain junk dragged in by ships that jump. Check out down below station or any of the books in the Alliance universe/company wars series or the Chanur series etc. The Chanur series has a lot more combat per se, but Downbelow station does get into the concerns a fixed station might have dealing with possible attack from FTL ships. It is all just a made up universe, but conceptually well done and consistent. For example, a ship jumps into the gravity well of our sun dragging along a few big chunks of rock. Those are now traveling at near speed of light towards earth. Any detector has to spot it and react. Odds are you'd need some kind of outpost detection to spot the object further out, but then it has to transmit message or react to something moving near as fast as anything you can fire at it. Once it is past you it is too late, so either you have to see it coming and project something into it's path or physics are against you being able to do anything about it. Ship to ship combat becomes less important than protecting physical places. Your ships have to have something to come home to. Much as I like BSG, I don't think they really thought out the mechanics of what "jumping" might mean. Cherryh on the other hand gets into the mechanics of gravity wells and vee. Great author if you are interested in Sci fi (her fantasy series are also really good, she has three particular series - one based more in Celtic culture/mythology, another in Russian and a third that crosses into Sci Fi). I have everything she has written and she is pretty prolific (some 60 books). It is rare to have someone who can write good technical sci fi with good plots and character development.
  2. That is all eye candy, but I'd love it. Maybe an FO pull out a map when placing an arty or CAS request with the radio handset in hand. also jumping fences/walls. The neck stretch thing makes my stomach queasy
  3. Hmm so maybe heart attacks and strokes are God having target practice on us? LOL damn that is almost a funny visual. Gary Larson with an even sicker mind. Hmm maybe I should set my coffee down real ssslloowww and step away from the counter.
  4. I don't think there is any question of that. There will be only one..... no not Highlander, the CM engine. That is the premise BF announced oh so many moons ago. CMBS and the eventual CMSF2 will operate from the same base engine as CMBN, CMFI, CMRT and whatever other families we see.
  5. Yeah these guys rock. Helps the opposition is security elements, but I suspect the way this unfolded it wouldn't have mattered much. It was basically a series of blind side ambushes. The final tally was over 2 dozen casualties for the Germans. None for the Paras. I paid a lot more attention to the building layout this time.
  6. So you weren't listening as your NCOs kept shouting "check your ammo".
  7. And so the carnage begins Back up team comes in the rear door just to make sure. Meanwhile teams continue sweeping across the rear entrances. Note the guy making sure the second floor gets cleared. Last building in the row, wonder if they were all bars. It would explain a lot 60 seconds - 11 Germans down in 3 buildings. Another building and 3 Germans the previous turn. No casualties. Yes Virginia, Combat Mission does do urban combat. Shall I say it again? Sure why not - I LOVE this game!!!
  8. More Para fun.. Paraffin? Hmm no Para fun See the Germans lined up shooting at my guys in the field across the street? I had two teams assaulting a 20 mm gun (successfully) but who are now pinned in the defensive works and taking casualties. Unfortunately these guys don't hear their leader yelling watch your flanks. The paras to the right are part of the first section. The first team had just run up to the back door and gunned down 3 guys inside. They were followed by a second team who are preparing to blow the adjoining wall. Another section has three teams that as soon as the wall blows will sweep across the backs of the adjoining buildings hitting them all in turn. The smoke is from a protective screen those guys on the right fired to help cover the guys under fire. Gotta love the tool kit Paras come with. SMGs, Demo charges, Smoke launchers and Bren guns.. not to mention the marksmen. The wall is blown stunning the guys on the 1st floor, second floor is oblivious.
  9. Sort of like the arc your urine makes whilst writing one's name in the snow? Poor donkey never gets to realize that experience.
  10. Gawd this is getting really crustacean of you Ken. Lobster has a point but then I lost it wondering what disability would prevent you from creating scenarios/campaigns while still allowing you to play the game. Ps I am also feeling left out as I have yet to get a smart ass comment from JonS yet. Jon, show me some love man.
  11. You do realize you just gave Emrys more sig line material right?
  12. Here is a great read that may change your perspective on the role and capability of air assault in a high or even medium threat environment. http://www.amazon.com/Not-Good-Day-Die-Operation/dp/0425207870
  13. Before we get too maudlin the guy is still an utter pain in the ass with an axe to grind every time BF releases product. That in itself is no particular reason to be banned. Hell superwoz fulfills that role quite nicely here. Still I am in no hurry to listen to his nonsense anymore than I have to every time I read a BF product review.
  14. I think it is probably worth people's time and particularly the OP's to look in the credits of the game. You can pretty much identify all the scenario and campaign contributors there. Note they are pitifully few and are generally not on BF payroll. So next time before asking why there aren't more you may want to consider that these folks have lives of their own and are not free to just dedicate all of their time to this. The alternative is BF could delay all releases while they waited for another campaign or two to be cranked out. I think we'd all prefer they not wait. To TheRealLobster - funny error no big deal. I'd agree with an earlier poster - put it in your sig. It was quite funny and would show a great sense of humor and humility. If you don't I just might put it in mine. Really it was that funny.
  15. Yeah same here. Can still remember the excitement. And then the increasingly daunting struggle to understand all the rules LOL It was very cool though.
  16. Wow that has all the makings of a reality tv show. You know if my only choice was to go back to the ss dummy in the living room after getting dumped I guess I'd lose it too. Fortunately my dummy is dressed up like a Parisian on the barricades from Les Miserables and spends most of her time in the kitchen or the porch. We don't fight over the remote that way. SS dummy sheesh, what was he thinking?
  17. possibly. Do you have any demo charges, is there a blind side approach to the building? Lots of possible answers come to mind with no other data in the situation.
  18. Dang, you are still here?! I figured as much as you hate this game you'd be long gone. Do you find yourself hitting your thumb with a hammer repeatedly for no apparent reason or poking yourself in the eye?
  19. they were having tea, my you are just so uncivilized. You can go play some Op and Strat level games, but you'll be back. You have become an adrenaline junkie. Now go play this one for your next fix. (you'll need CMRT) http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?p=1541688#post1541688
  20. this garden party is sounding a little odd. Emrys playing your flute, donkey acts.... this is a pg rated forum you know... :eek:
  21. surely not, even Emrys should last through November.
  22. No they weren't. Bunch of low level security guys, but they got the drop on me. I just learned a lesson about examining the building, first time I have ever gotten burned on a blast/assault. Might also have to do with there being a brick wall on the outside of that building. I think the blast was on the brick wall, the hole in the bldg wall more collateral damage. That is my guess anyway. One of those guys was cowering and the one on the left was headed for the door initially. Just not suppressed enough.
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