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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Did you really feel the need to insult others interested in this thread? I didn't "dismiss" your points I simply said they are not relevant to the topic this thread is about and that we should get back to it. I will admit to being surprised you'd have backed Bernie as he does not share your position on immigration. Trump does fit all those so I made an assumption- my bad. I know this undermines my comments above about getting back on track, but well.. it is funny. From a friend - "If you are afraid of Mexicans taking your job, and then declare all Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers.... just what the f**k do you do for a living?"
  2. Yeah we get you are a Trump supporter. No one is surprised. Can we get this back to just discussing the DPRK?
  3. We knew Bil is a tough opponent but this is the first we’ve heard of him putting someone in the hospital. Sheesh!
  4. Man some people will do anything to bail on a game! hoping it is all good for him now.
  5. Ian's troops will be ferocious as they scream their battle cry http://weknowmemes.com/2012/02/i-am-a-little-upset/
  6. You missed the point completely. Trump cares, they are his cheerleaders. They don't balk at almost anything he does. They balked on this one. No idea why you felt you needed to sink that comment on women on Fox. It had nothing to do with anything I was remarking on and completely unrelated to anything on this thread. Anyway back to DPRK. https://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2018/07/16/North-Korea-pardons-criminals-to-mark-regimes-70th-anniversary/8011531706148/ Kim showing how magnanimous he can be- just before he shoots someone with an AA gun, probably a family member.
  7. Even Fox and Friends is balking on this one - how does that Kool aid taste?
  8. Outstanding. I need to take a run at this again soon. I’d advise folks keeping the doc handy for the intel portion as it is a critical component for unit tasking and resource management.
  9. after that press conference with Putin I have no faith that Trump has any idea at all about how to negotiate. Litigate yes, negotiate no.
  10. I’m jealous. I keep longingly looking toward retirement but it is a few years away assuming the debt credit bubble that is developing for corporations doesn’t tank my 401 first. In that case I’ll be one of those retirees parking in amazon warehouse lots doing seasonal work for beans.
  11. Which force? My stepfather is retired NYPD. He’s been retired now for maybe 15 years. Great stories.
  12. Sad boys, sad boys, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they cone for you
  13. Yep, that is absolutely true but even within that they are still struggling with how to address their relationship with a President taking positions that are counter to what they expected from a Republican President. Making concessions that even the democrats would not have considered with so far nothing in return.
  14. Not quite sure what I am "blindly defending". I just commented that Steve isn't an IT Professional which by default is a criticism as it says the site should have been up. Nobody is dying here and BF is not taking orders so if anyone should be upset it is them. I don't need to stress over stuff that just isn't that important. Yeah the site is down, yeah that sucks and there isn't much excuse for it. And no I am not gonna get worked up over it. I have plenty of other things to do like put in pavers for my front walk, or run the electrical line so my wife can put in festive lighting in the breezeway or take advantage of Nat'l ice cream day and go have an evening with my wife. Steve knows it is down and is probably embarrassed and working to fix whatever it is that has it broke. I don't feel the need to rub salt in the wound. Unless I was standing behind him holding a beer in which case I'd likely be making loads of unhelpful comments at his expense. (including the beer)
  15. Though I have a few friends in S Korea, I can't say I follow politics there very much. I have somewhat closer interests/family in Japan and have a better grounding in history. This article on the conservative side of S Korean politics and the effect Trump has had is fairly interesting and not something I would have expected. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/south-korean-conservatives-lined-up-with-trump-and-reaped-electoral-disaster/ar-AAA7otX?ocid=spartanntp
  16. Well damn it man, get to work! Snippy comments are boring and well simply not entertaining enough. Slacker. As a former meme creator you should know this. And just to set expectations. BF doesn't have an IT staff. Steve has got to do this on his own, he isn't an "IT professional". He is a gaming business owner who's got to figure this stuff out and maybe is just happening to take some time off at the same time. If he was swapping out his voice system I wouldn't give him s**t for not doing it in the timeline I'd expect as someone who does it for a living.. well okay yeah I would just cause it's fun. Still I would do it tongue in cheek.
  17. Nice guy, bet you're fun at parties... It isn't like anyone was saying that the store not being up was good thing so you weren't really speaking truth so much as feeling you needed to state the obvious just to prove.... something. Not exactly sure what. But hey if that's how you get off have at it.
  18. Interesting turn of events. https://www.yahoo.com/news/police-clash-protesters-basra-unrest-115111305.html In Baghdad, hundreds of people poured into Tahrir Square and the eastern Shiite district of Sadr City. Some demonstrators break into the Badr Organization's office in Sadr City, prompting guards to open fire.
  19. This was Lt Campbell's assessment in Joker 1 as to why things ignited in Ramadi in April. I am not sure I agree 100%. I expect there are additional variables but I also wasn't there. To date, nearly every unit in the battalion had been involved in at least one, if not several, enemy attacks, and 2/ 4 had responded with our own fire on fewer than five occasions. Our hesitance to engage our enemies spoke volumes about both their willingness to sacrifice civilians in pursuit of their aims and our willingness to sacrifice ourselves in pursuit of ours, but this powerful message had somehow been lost in translation. At the company and platoon level— the units actually on the street day in and day out— we had done almost no work with our Iraqi counterparts, the police and the national guard. Aside from George, there was no one to help us explain our seeming passivity in the face of repeated attacks to a population largely on the fence. Therefore, our kindness quickly became perceived as weakness by the insurgents and by most of Ramadi’s citizens, and by late March, 2/ 4 had earned itself the nickname awat, an Iraqi Arabic term for a soft, sugary cake that crumbles easily to the touch. We didn’t know it then, but the insurgents had decided to touch us, to crumble us just like the soft cake that had become our namesake. The battalion had extended the velvet glove, and it was about to get its hands severely bitten. Campbell, Donovan. Joker One: A Marine Platoon's Story of Courage, Leadership, and Brotherhood (pp. 151-154). Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
  20. Dude the last thing you need to be doing is apologizing for releasing a scenario that has taken an enormous amount of work. Yeah everyone is itchy to get their fingers on it, but don't take that as criticism, just the impatience of Christmas eve.
  21. when it' is ready. Store needs to be finished first.
  22. http://www.blackfive.net/main/files/how_to_win_in_anbar.pdf
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