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Everything posted by Sneaksie

  1. You can rename any unit or soldier - left-click on it's name in main panel or Staff window before battle, enter a new one and press Enter.
  2. It seems that the game simply can't save any settings. Try to run the game using 'Run as Administrator' context menu option.
  3. Yes, but this check should have been satisfied earlier: @check=any number, @check10=0. I would add another condition, just in case: if ( @check = 0 ) then MissionWin() If you're positive that there are no enemies in that village, then something gone wrong. Check how often this trigger for calculating victory conditions is being called - there is no point of waiting much more than that.
  4. No, you've missed some important pieces. //Calculating soldiers in Gorod zone SetWorkArmy ( ARMY , 2 ) set @check = GetNUnitsInArea ( ARMY , 2 , ALL , "Gorod" , NO_PANIC , NOT_EMPTY , OK_WEAPON , CREW ) //wait one minute Delay ( 60000 ) //Calculating soldiers in Gorod zone again SetWorkArmy ( ARMY , 2 ) set @check10 = GetNUnitsInArea ( ARMY , 2 , ALL , "Gorod" , NO_PANIC , NOT_EMPTY , OK_WEAPON , CREW ) //Calculating percentage of surviving enemy soldiers after one minute MUL ( @check10 , 100 ) DIV ( @check10 , @check ) //Compare if ( @check10 < @check ) then //So, mission will be won if you're either killing enemy soldiers really quickly (their number after one minute is ten times lower) or there are no enemy soldiers left. It looks weird (percentage compared with actual number), but would work anyway.
  5. Where is @check10? Only @check is calculated here.
  6. lehua768 is a spam bot, look at its signature.
  7. Thanks! Crew should stay inside of a disabled vehicle if there are no visible enemies, otherwise they'll bail out. Another possibility is panic. Panicking crewmen may bail out of 100% functioning vehicle, or on the other hand, stay inside a burning one long enough to die. In the upcoming patch this is corrected - non-panicking crewmen would stay inside if any visible enemies are farther than 200m away.
  8. Yes, the sound issue will be fixed in the upcoming patch.
  9. Use retreat command for reverse movement.
  10. You've just been unlucky. Don't take them head-on of course; in the beginning of the mission drive forward and hide behind one of the slopes to engage German units from side.
  11. CPU is a bottleneck. I can't offer any hints for you, except perhaps playing large battles using 0.5 time speed until total unit count drops due to casualities.
  12. To look around, press and hold mouse wheel (many people don't know about this at first). Infantry in ToW2 is more intelligent than in ToW1, though. The significant difference between ToW2 and all other wargames i can think about (CC, CM, others) is that houses have actual windows (in other games, house is an abstract object that offers some protection to troops inside, who are able to see and shoot through walls). I've played CC multiplayer for several years myself (CC3 mostly, CC2 and CC4 too). I must say that i don't know any other game with the same feel. On the other hand, you have much more control in ToW, especially over vehicles.
  13. Plenty of them... the most obvious choice would be the Poklonnaya Gora WW2 memorial complex. There are many tanks and other (very) big stuff, railway cannon for example, in the open (Russian, German, ...) as well as a solid exposition indoors. http://lori.ru/search?q=%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F+%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BA http://alexd-iakon.moifoto.ru/82098/s1 http://peter-2a46m.livejournal.com/88459.html Kremlin is the must too, the Armoury Chamber in particular if you're interested in more old weaponry, costumes and jewelry. http://www.kreml.ru/en/main/museums/armoury/ There are tons of other museums as well. Borodino museum, for example: http://petr-dorokhov.livejournal.com/3524.html#cutid1 Russian Army museum: http://www.cmaf.ru/pages/ekspoplo.htm
  14. What is the size of the patch you have? You can download the patch manually using this link, maybe this will help in your case: http://www.1cpublishing.eu/tow2/TOW_Kursk_Patch_1.2.4_EN_BattleFront.exe
  15. Low framerates reported in first few missions are caused by big amount of units acting simultaneously, some systems fare better than others in such stressful conditions. To improve the framerates, unit count in these missions might be reduced, but this will be obviously undesirable for those who don't have problems. New patch contains further AI delays and algorithms tuning (along with other fixes and new content), which may improve framerates as well, but your mileage may vary. If you have low framerates in big battles, try turning performance-hungry graphics features first (for example, dithered shadows). If this doesn't help, but your fps go sky-high when you pause the game, it means that the cpu is the bottleneck. I would play such engagement using 0.5 time speed (selected at the top of the screen) until unit count drop.
  16. Did you get eLicense activation window? Have you been able to activate the game? Any error messages?
  17. North is always at the top of the map.
  18. When you create a scenario, it will be saved prior to launching even if you click 'launch' instead of 'save', so if you don't alter it's default name it's the same scenario being overwritten again and again (and if the game has no write access rights, you'll end up plyaing a mission you've created sometimes ago).
  19. Make sure that you can save anything... maybe it's the same old mission with all parameters set to random gets loaded again and again. You don't need to create the new campaign, just select 'single missions' campaign and enter a new name for the scenario.
  20. We'll release the editor for ToW1 that will work in 64-bit operating systems soon.
  21. If you're running on Windows Vista or Windows 7 and install the game into 'Program Files' or other protected folder, OS won't allow the game to write anything into the folder where it is installed. To cure this, you may want to right-click on the icon you launch the game or editors with and select "Run as administrator" from the popup menu. This will allow the game to save any data. To make your shortcut always launch with full Administrator rights, right-click on the launch icon and select 'Properties'. In here click on the 'Compatibility' tab and go to the bottom section labeled 'Privilege Level', then check mark the box next to the "Run this program as an administrator" option. Click 'Apply' and then 'OK'.
  22. 2) I assume you are telling about the in-game generator, not the external simple editor. If the 'launch' button does nothing, this means that the game can't save it (write access problem). Launch the game using 'run as administrator' context menu command.
  23. Please send the save where the mission doesn't end to dina@1c.ru If you have the previous saves from this mission (that won't end), this will also help.
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