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Everything posted by rocketman

  1. Never heard of such a thing or seen it. Can you remember which sort of bug it was - drop down, rubber-band or teleport? Can you remember which bridge so I can have a look in the editor?
  2. I think the idea behind not getting heavy weapons after buddy aid is that the weapon is damaged and therefore not worth having.
  3. Sadly we still get bridge bugs from time to time and personally I want to get to the root of the problem so we can solve it once and for all. Or as much as possible. I know it will be hard, but challenge accepted I have set up a "test arena" of bridges and vehicles to study bridge bugs and try to analyze why/when they occur. So I need some volunteers to run the test and provide me with saves, screenshots etc of bugs and I will complile it all somehow. This is the base test and it is for FB. I might tweek it further on depending on what hypotheses I want to test. There might also be a test with German vehicles (though I doubt the type of vehicle is the main problem) and one with diagonal bridges. Any volunteers can drop me a line with your email adress so I can send a Dropbox invite with the test and folder in it to upload stuff. Below is a part of the briefing of how I want the test to be conducted. But feel free to improvise as well. All data is good data. "This test is designed to get to grips with the elusive bridge bug that occur in three forms: vehicles teleporting from under a bridge up onto it, vehicles falling down trough the bridge surface landing underneath it and finally, vehicles getting stuck on the bridge “rubber banding” / “jerking back and forth” and becoming permanently stuck. I have set up lanes of successive bridges to make it easier to test many bridges quickly in successive turns, using several vehicles at the same time. There are also lanes for vehicles to pass underneath bridges. Each bridge type is tested in four lanes with slight variations on how the anchor points are designed, elevation points around the bridges and if there is a road under the bridge. The test should be carried out as follows: The entire map is a set up zone so tanks and vehicles can be placed wherever needed at the start of the test. Then plot waypoints and at the end of the orders phase save. This is very important to be able to go back and check for details if a bug appears in the action phase. If a bug appears, save again and put both in a folder with you forum handle that is in the Dropbox folder. Also name the action phase save with the red location indications where bugs occur for ease of use/analysis. Another reason for having both saves is to check if the bug always happens when the action phase is underway or not. That will point to if the bug is consistent given a set of given factors or if it is a random glitch tha occurs regardless of those factors. In the latter case, the bug will be much harder to identify and squash. When you plot waypoints use different speeds, approach from the North/South, direction of paths, interval of waypoints, waypoints close to the edge of a bridge or close to pillars (underneath). You can also place vehicles on bridges as obstacles. The idea is to try to “break” normal conditions so that a bug trigger. For the underneath passes plot try passages from both the East and the West side of the map and different passes under the bridges where it is possible."
  4. Occupational hazard I guess, but I read it like "it's an IED even" - and my mind started to race
  5. Nice maps - like postcards. Now let us blow them up
  6. Ok guys, just did a trial test and in a couple of turns I caused seven (!) teleportations from under a bridge to its top. Just like that. First observation that causes it is road under a bridge with a clearing that comes close to the tank to get through. The other is if a vehicle drives to close to a pillar and with the waypoint line through it. So I'm optimistic about this type of test getting somewhere. Will release in the coming days for those who want to participate. Here is the basic test area. Will explain more later on.
  7. Test screenshot post: Works for me, use "direct link" and the button below "other media" and use "insert image from URL". Edit: I have never noticed images disappearing from this forum using Imgur. But I don't have a ton of images there.
  8. @MOS:96B2PThe forum changed recently and now only accepts from Imgur if the link is https: , so add that if the generated link don't have that. At least that solved it for me.
  9. That sounds like a mission from a campaign. Which and for which game?
  10. Interesting, well spotted. I will look for that in future cases. Do you happen to have a save to share?
  11. In any case, I hope my test set up will provide more evidence so we stand a chance of getting rid of it. If it was impossible to solve I sure hope they would say so, because then I can scrap a couple of scenarios in the making and move on to other stuff.
  12. So, no reason to continue the campaign until next patch or... Is it a big drawback in the coming missions, I'm on the first.
  13. I have started to make an extensive test in the editor that I will post more on in the coming week or so. My intention is to get a group of volunteers to try my test and document weird bridge interaction and bugs. Then we might get to the bottom of this problem once and for all. The test is made in FB and will have one version for US vehicles and one for German.
  14. Seems like the only time the Javelin shows is when the guy with it is kneeling. I wonder if it is only ready to be fired from that position and if it takes some time to ready it for fire from the prone position.
  15. Wow, 16 missions. It's like an entire game in itself. Here are a couple of screenshots with units looking like they should have Javelins but don't. Maybe it is the formation causing this.
  16. Good thing about virtual pixelletters is the copy/paste function. 500 done in the blink of an eye.
  17. Thanks for the campaign, have looked forward to it. One question about the first mission - no spoiler. Should Javelin-teams always have a physical Javelin weapon shown graphically on the pixeltruppen? I have four teams, but only one shows a Javelin. Bug? Edit: Also, how many missions in the campaign?
  18. Nicely done. Are the uniforms a mod as well? Seems different from what I've seen before.
  19. Another guess - what if the bug has something to do with the engine rendering the tank moving on/under the bridge and gets "confused" about where it is supposed to go. So my question is - has anyone had the bug happen when not having the camera on the bridge? I might set up an extensive test in the editor. I have a scenario project on hold because of this bug and really want to see it squashed once and for all.
  20. My pet theory of why this happens is about waypoints, speed and facing. It is worth noting that it never happens with infantry which is has fixed waypoints on action spots. A bridge is basically a second playing field on top of another. So when the tank tries to move underneath it "slippes through the cracks" and teleport to the bridge or moves across the bridge and starts to "rubber band" or fall through it. This might be caused if waypoints are plotted a certain way, if the tank just marginally changes its facing when moving ahead and the speed migh excacerbate this behaviour. My impression is that it happens more often (and the times I have had it) when the passage is narrow or if there are obstacles on the bridge. Just my two cents.
  21. I urge anyone who encounters this to keep a save and forward it to tech support so we can finally get rid of this emming fekking bug.
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