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Everything posted by Baneman

  1. Man, I hope I didn't just register and then vote for the lame one. I'll never get credibility back ...
  2. I think it's more likely because you were direct-firing whereas he was area-firing in front of the building - there would be a lot more bullet dispersion in his test potentially covering more floors.
  3. It's possible ( just guessing here ) that because the building is all in the same AS, all units in the building experience suppression because bullets are hitting "their" AS, despite being relatively safe due to vertical separation.
  4. Tthanks, I think I had myself written off for dead too, after Bil's first armoured push Luckily, the troops pulled their commander's nuts out of the fire. Go Veteran Panther ! A force-preservation-objective battle would be interesting, I agree.
  5. I'm more of a function over form kinda guy, so I prefer Marco's weapon icons - mostly because I find the accompanying ammo-info to be invaluable. ( and a picture is a picture ) I do use some cherry-picked bits of Juju's too though - mostly his buttons, I think.
  6. They are good and useful. When the comic started, it was fairly clear that the SturmTiger was attacking the village frontally, but until you posted that map, I hadn't realised how far "to the side" the halftracks were. So, yes, they are helpful to place the action.
  7. But would these new unit/theatre/etc. mods have the same fidelity as the current BFC products ? How would you even know ? You'd have to be a modder yourself AND have access to all the armour/penetration info just to check if something was off or not. Sorry, but IMO, that way madness lies.
  8. This I did notice and thought it was cool I didn't comment because I thought it was just one more example of how you are steadily improving as you do this.
  9. I didn't think of that, but it's definitely possible - and makes a lot of sense if you've done everything else right.
  10. Hard to tell from the picture ( can you show one that's less cropped ? ) - I assume the teams are not overweight ( ie. can move at QUICK at least ) and IN the truck. ( although I've only seen "not able to take more" from Mortar Ammo bearers ) Is the usual ACQUIRE menu coming up and not showing it or nothing happens when you select it ?
  11. The CMRT demo, is, as far as I know, based on the version 3.0 engine so that would be the closest to current and what CMFB will be like.
  12. Oooh is that due soon ? Steve can hardly complain - didn't he shamelessly take time off when Fallout 4 came out ?
  13. More bad news from the front. Magical Russian spotting continues An IS-2 saw an infantry HQ team, prone, in the woods ... on the other side of another wooded area. And obliterated them. It then spotted a Stummel nearby and killed it too. An aircraft strafed and destroyed one of the 2 trucks I had not exited. I then noticed that sometime in the last couple of turns, the other truck had been KO'd too. We continue to not move and not see anything
  14. Hah, love the ricochet noise "Dzooiiing" However, in the spirit of nit-pickery, you seem to say that the MMG is damaged before the "lucky shot" hits it...
  15. As far as I know, all HQ-esque units that can call artillery without having a radio are presumed to have an abstracted field telephone ( quite a lot of Russian HQ's in CMRT are like this ).
  16. About 15 minutes left to go in the Defence battle. After sitting motionless for about 10-15 minutes, one of his IS-2's suddenly spotted and killed one of my PzIV's. Seconds later a different IS-2 spotted and killed another. I should, of course, complain about the spotting in this game 2 turns later a 3rd PzIV went down. He, at least, saw his opposing IS-2 for about 1/4 of a second before he went up in a cloud of glory. During this time, an IS-2 got close enough to my lines to take a schreck smack in the side - full penetration. He reversed away ! Other than that, the Russians seem to have a shedload of aircraft - Axis aircraft have dropped 2 or 3 bombs ( one was really big ). Russian aircraft have so far dropped over 10, although only about 3-4 infantry have actually died to it. We shall prevail, not one step back, etc. etc. blah blah
  17. I've been meaning to test it out myself, but have not had the time yet. Still, as a starting point, you need a graphics card with a minimum of 4Gb Ram and a Display Port output or don't even waste your time.
  18. Now I definitely disagree. Many players watch the action from many different units for a single replay. Especially from vehicles and even more likely if it got KO'd ( because usually you want very badly to know what killed it and from where ). If it was very common, people ( lots of people ) would notice and they'd be here posting about it. - If you go back far enough to CMBN release, you can find at least a couple of my own posts about "spotting is broken". And it was a new game and there were a few spotting bugs ( not necessarily anything I'd posted about, mind ), but we're well down the road from that and spotting has been tightened up a lot. Hence the long periods between new "spotting is broken" posts here.
  19. I think this is a combination of the game's learning curve as well as the occasional edge case. After a while, canny players ( and scenario designers ) become very adept at achieving keyhole LoS to small areas. If an asset isn't moving, it's harder to spot. If it kills your vehicle/men shortly after they arrive at the location before they can spot it back, it can seem like you're being killed by invisible enemy- but it can be just very well positioned. Again, I've read real life battle anecdotes where they talk about being pinned down by enemy gun(s) which they couldn't spot ... for days !
  20. See the CMFB AAR battle for a good example of this. When I got the monster gun into LoS, Bil had 4 armoured units trapped against the edge with an impassable forest behind them.
  21. Thing is, most of the time things do happen as expected. And when it doesn't, we do notice, but we're willing to accept that the limitations of the game give rise to occasional wtf moments. ( and there's plenty of real-life war anecdotes that prove that "weird ****" can and did happen. ) But these limitations apply to both sides when playing another human player, so you win some and lose some. Against the AI, well, it needs all the help it can get If it stops you being able to enjoy the game, that's a pity, but it's your choice.
  22. Many people have pointed out how even in real life, the possibility exists that the commander wouldn't spot it immediately. In game, sure, it's probably a combination of smoke, KO'd Pz IV, tree and worst case spotting cycles. Those are the breaks, but it's an outlier - most of the time the spot would happen more or less when you think it should.
  23. Yeah, I do this too. I feel shame and guilt ... but not enough of either to stop doing it
  24. What PhilM said. My CMH (1.6.2) recently went wonky ( due, I think to my OS throwing a wobbly ). Deleting the AppState.txt fixed it straight away.
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