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Everything posted by Baneman

  1. "It would be a while before Saturday Night Fever caught on"
  2. I think all the crew perished, I didn't see any get out, but I could be wrong. Would have preferred only 1 guy to fire, fausts are a bit thin on the ground in this game. Although I took out an M8 a few turns earlier with another team doing a similar creep and cover arc and only 1 guy fired. Maybe the M8 seemed less robust.
  3. Taking no chances, both guys decide to fire. One hits the turret, the other hits the side. Both effective. :)
  4. An example for you Hilts Creep creep With cover arc of 30m in place, it took them about 12 seconds to see the Stuart. Steady ... steady
  5. Not sure what you're referring to specifically - ie. Muzzleflashes ? Explosions ? Tracers ? Rain ? Dustclouds ? The first 3 I mention have been attended to by the genius modders, not sure about the rest. Unless you are referring to something else I haven't thought of, but really, you need to tell us more about what you're thinking of.
  6. I think you're right re. the bailing crew, but sometimes they leave a spurious "?" even if you shot them down as they bailed Also, it would be nice if destroyed tanks/vehicles/guns would remain visible after the fact -columns of smoke from invisible spots on the map just looks weird. Although this may be a factor of how spotting was programmed and not easy to change.
  7. But not in my case as he fired and hit initially ... he just didn't follow through for the rest of the turn. And then the enemy had no trouble firing back either.
  8. Man, I am sooooo not devious enough - this would never have occurred to me, lol
  9. As far as I know, the cursor does change to a red symbol when you hover it over impassable terrain. It doesn't seem to be 100% accurate though - I wanted to know if my infantry could wade a river, hovered the cursor over every pixel of the water, green 'go' arrow showed for all of it - of course, when the infantry reached the water's edge, they turned 90 degrees left and walked along the bank towards the far-away bridge.
  10. While we're on the subject of strange behaviour, today I got a WeGo turn and watched in frustration : At the end of the previous turn, my Sdkfz 250/9 got both los and lof to the rear of an enemy Stuart ( range about 450m ) - but did not fire ( although he may not have had enough time at the end of the turn. ) No problem, I explicitly ordered them to fire on it ( I've knocked out Stuarts with 20mm before, so no worries there ). At the start of the turn, it fires, hitting nicely although not causing a penetration ( possibly range too great ). Unfortunately, it then spends the rest of the turn with the gunner going "Aiming" .... "Firing" .... "Aiming" .... "Firing" .... but without actually firing again. The Stuart laboriously cranks the turret around ( taking about 35 seconds of the turn ) and fires the inevitable fatal shot. Now this one I don't understand. It can't be a problem with spotting, los or lof as it successfully fired one burst. <scratches head>
  11. Hehe, he was a corporal three times and only a captain once, so I guess he was getting used to it
  12. Your proposal on forumites voting on the "worst" perceived bug, Tarquelne, is a noble endeavour, but doomed, I'm sure, to failure. Those whose most cherished flaw is not addressed will merely spin off into new threads bemoaning the lack of perception of their fellow forumites and so forth ( it may be amusing for BF to watch the treatment they usually receive being meted out to others though ). I've been on flight sim forums for years (IL2 CloD anyone?), trust me, this place is tame, tame I tell you !
  13. I'd suspect that the good Corporal would fall into the category of "Outlier" in several aspects
  14. Very nice effect, ExurbanKevin - as a miniatures wargamer from way back, I like it a lot. What, may I ask, exactly did you "tweak" in Pshop ? ( roughly, not asking for a step by step thanks )
  15. It's not what they're up against, lol, it's that they know who is in command ! Hey, EZ, are you JG26_EZ of CloD skins fame ?
  16. The trouble is, often they're milling around at a map edge and the enemy aren't close enough to cause a surrender, so they get mown down, resulting in excessive casualties at the end of the game (not to mention just causing wasted ammo that can be tight at the end of a battle - since it can take several turns for the mowers to cut down the mowees ) I too, would like to see BF implement some means to get them permanently off the battlefield whether it be running off the map or disappearing a la the method alluded to in the manual.
  17. I must concur ( even though he's a Yorkshireman ). Haddock is superior to Cod in every way, but I must admit to not really trying the more obscure varieties of fish available from ye proper chippie. Haggis now ... OMG, what a taste sensation. And it's made from scraps ! Scraps ! Mwuahahaha ! There's a restaurant in the centre of town that not only serves the finest steak I've ever had in the UK, but the best Haggis as well - with a creamy whisky sauce...
  18. Not only this, but that they will refuse to communicate to anyone else for the remainder of the battle. "I don't care if you're Ike himself, I only take orders from FO Veeblefetzer. If he's dead, then your request is DENIED !"
  19. You use keys to scroll around the map ?! Once I learned the mouse-method ( left-click hold to move camera, right-click hold to swing ), I've never looked back.
  20. Yep, the same applies to the artillery commands - in WeGo, even if you have not hit the End Turn button, hitting Confirm for an artillery command locks you into that order, so even if you realise you've targetted the wrong hill or somesuch, all you can do is Cease Fire and wait another turn. IMO, no orders should be "locked in" until you press the End Turn button. But that's just me, maybe there's some reason BF feel it should be like it is. But as far as BailOut goes, I can only add my recommendation to using the Alternative Hotkeys so that there are no key duplications. Making it so you can only issue Bail Out by physically clicking on the GUI button helps more too, as Xian says.
  21. Some excellent points, Amizaur I particularly would like the ability of crews to push AT guns backwards, but all your points are valid and would be welcome in game in my opinion.
  22. I think also the fact that you can't "Exit" shattered units plays a part. On a small map/scenario, the winner usually is able to massacre the opponent in an irrealistic manner.
  23. I saw that happen waaaay back in v1.00 - but when I looked for my post to reference recently, I couldn't find it. Didn't realise it was still happening.
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