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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. A module is accessed through, and requires, the base game in its game family. A new base game is just that, a new, complete, and separate game, which will then have its own optional modules attached. BFC is quite certain that doing it any other way will result in Charles's jar boiling over due to cooling system overload.
  2. The Basic idea behind modding an SF team seems to involve a marine squad with the highest possible experience and equipment. There is a uniform mod floating around.
  3. The same thing could be said about this module/patch!
  4. Koko is satisfied with the manual..... For about the next five minutes.
  5. Can we have the patch info, please, pretty please? I am truly pathetic, looking forward to it none the less. I will head off to the refresh monkey thread to further demonstrate my idiocy....
  6. We are all going to become OLD world monkeys waiting on the blasted thing at this rate. Paper Tiger, it what we are going to do when we get our hands on you that should be keeping you up nights.
  7. I believe AI FOs will call artillery automatically if they have adequate sighting of enemy units for long enough. You have to remember that Syrian artillery is very slow to respond to a call for fire. Like maybe 10 or 15 minutes slow in some cases. The FOs need to stay alive that entire time. The other stuff you are talking about relates to laying out an opening barrage that is assumed to be pre planned. You can definitely ruin the players day with these.
  8. It would be very bad if he reached this stage... very, very bad.
  9. Well my idea as such was to let the brain do its learning using only the beta testers so that it could be released to the public "frozen". I am fairly sure, and Steve mentioned as well, that it would take a highly modified version of the game to collect the data. I think steve mentioned using resources that are usually devoted too graphics. Also if wasn't a public release it could be a lot less polished overall.
  10. Spray and pray will quickly demonstrate the effectiveness of prayer, or lack thereof as the case maybe. Against a squad of Marines , half of whom are on their third tour, my money is on B.
  11. How do you actually get the picture to show up on the board again?
  12. http://www.naturalsciences.be/science/projects/gorilla/external/pictures/Gorilla_A_Warren_1.jpg He is getting very impatient!
  13. Lt you also have to remember that those mission were written, and balanced, a few thousand code changes ago. Some of those changes have made RED more effective.
  14. Chad, Steve has put out the current best guess of the list you are looking for some time in the recent past, and there is an excellent compilation thread as well. There is also this handy little search function on the forum.....
  15. In the meantime could we get a simple option for a one minute pause every minute? Basically one minute WEGO turns with one minute to enter orders.
  16. The best alternative to really good AI of course is really good multiplayer functionality. With a lobby and so on.....
  17. The Duke dead on about how to do this, I could get motivated to contribute a scenario or two.
  18. You could make a coherent argument that this was the case from either Stalingrad, or Kursk, forward.
  19. You could argue the same was true in Normandy after D-Day +7, It was certainly true after D-Day plus 30. The Germans were getting buried under metal and flesh on two fronts. The only real contest was between the US and USSR to see who got how much of postwar Europe. The tactical fight was viscous, but the war was already lost. I would argue that the Germans certainly erred in their allocation of forces between the two fronts, but then Hitler was just a LITTLE nuts.
  20. Blue on blue would be positively fascinating if the French were in, alas that does not appear to be on the menu.
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