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Everything posted by umlaut

  1. Wow. Never knew that, I always thought the game was "static" that way. Great to know. No, it isn´t outside the scope - I don´t disagree with you at all. My - erroneus - answer was based on the belief that nothing similar to this was already modelled in the game. Since it already is, we could hope that the next step wouldnt be that difficult for BFC to take. That would be really cool, wouldn´t it? Somebody test - or sumfink!
  2. I agree this would be nice (especially if we could have changing weather conditions), but my guess is that BFC would reply something along these lines: The timespan of a normal CM game is generally too short to allow for weather changes. We don´t have rain showers or snow flurries beginning or ending during a CM battle either. It could surely be done, but we would rather spend our limited coding resources on game features that we consider more important.
  3. BN has much more user made content, as it seems to appeal to more players than FI. My advice is: Don´t let your aversion to Commonwealth be pivotal to your choice. I wasn´t at all interested in playing as Commonwealth forces when I began playing CM2. Now they are my favorites. Anyway, they are in both game families - and as the previous posters said: If you weed out the CW forces, you simultaneously weed out some germans formations as well. Also bear in mind that most scenario designers have all the modules of the game family, so if you discard one of the modules many of the user made scenarios will probably be unplayable to you. In my opnion, you should base your choice on the theatre of operations: Do I prefer to fight in the bocage of Normandy and the green fields of Netherlands? Or would I rather fight in the scorched hills and snowy mountains of Italy? There are US airborne formations in FI. Don´t know exactly which.
  4. Yep. I have it from reliable sources that several of the missions in the german campaign will be with german forces only: the mission will be to get your forces across the map and into the exit zone - before the time runs out ;-)
  5. Aggressive, rude - it is certainly less than polite. If you really can´t see that yourself, then we' re probably at the core of the problem.
  6. Well, you specificly mentioned the Hide Command, didn´t you? So why shouldn´t LukeFF be allowed to reply to that part of your comment? You may have some very valid points and complaints about how CM is working, Wiggum (that is often hard for me to judge). But in my opinion, your very aggressive tone and attitude often disqualifies you from the discussion. Try acting a little more civil - perhaps you'll then get more constructive responses to your complaints.
  7. Here you go: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lurkers
  8. I know Volksturm and Hitler Jugend would probably be realistic forces the allies could encounter during the late war. But would I want to fight against kids and old men? Nah! A tad too realistic for my tastes. (We dont have civilians in game either)
  9. Here is what I answered in a previous thread about the same subject (I probably should have mentioned that the size of my mods folder is 6,25 GB!) Cheers
  10. Don´t trust these guys that tell you this game is addictive - it´s not. I should know, as I´ve been here nearly daily for ten years.
  11. I though you knew that this is already simulated in game: Every 4th Armored Division vehicle using a dirty Aris or Umlaut mod is fine - as long as it is not in full C2 If it establishes an unbroken command chain with the it's top HQ for more than two minutes, it's morale status automatically drops to "broken" (simulating a visit from George S. himself)
  12. Well, last time was a (60mm?) team behind bocage tageting an AT gun from about 500 meters. Still they began by using their small arms, then got surpressed by the AT that spotted them. But as I said, it doesnt happen nearly as much as before.
  13. I agree. In CM1 you could use a HQ unit peeking out of a treeline or over a ridge as "direct" (no time delay) spotter for a mortar team placed safely behind cover - but within shouting distance. Unfortunately not in CM2 - though I still hope for this to be introduced again. In my experience, mortar teams in direct fire are still often killed or surpressed by the enemy units they are trying to target. And even though it doesn´t happen as often as in the earlier versions of CM2, they still occationally choose to fire their hand guns with or instead of their mortar.
  14. Yes, there are couple of colours that need to be toned down - but that is on parts that I´ve already decided to change anyway. I am a bit worried about turning down the colours too much, though. If I do that, the players that use the movie lighting setting will play in monochrome Long time, no see, BTW, Tony! Are you hiding over at the BS forum?
  15. OK, the project is moving forward - at it´s own slow, but steady pace. Mission creep has surely arrived and the correct title of this thread should probably be: Umlaut´s Normandy commercial buildings: Facades, store fronts, murals and damage (wonder what the title will be at the end of the project?) Anyway, here´s a little test run (pun intended) to give a preview of the progress so far. Still loads of things to do. Remember to turn on HD (720p) for better quality
  16. Oh yeah. I sure remember those - even had that Draken model.
  17. I my country there is a saying: "if you haven´t got anything nice to say, say nothing at all". Don´t count too much on that. An attitude like yours gets noticed around here.
  18. I give up. Seems that noone is capable of reading what I am writing.
  19. Sorry, Burroughs: I have now read this comment at least four times. And I honestly have no idea what your point is??? Really. So my answer short and based on a guess: I did not want to reignite the discussion in this thread, because I am fed up with it. I have concluded that as things are in the CM community, scenario designers must just accept that they generally wont get feedback on their work - and consequently I have decided that I wont upload any more scenarios. I did not want to discuss this any more - I just wanted to point a forumite to the thread where he could find the reason for my decission. And as far as I understand your comment, you seem to somehow have turned this statement upside-down: Or what? I am truly mystified.
  20. Well, it seems like I have awoken this dormant thread, which really wasn´t my intention. I was simply pointing to it in another thread - as an explanation for why I no longer release my scenarios. But as the thread starter, I can´t say I mind getting a bit more focus on this subject. The authors of the most recent posts seem to have either overlooked (or ignored) some of the previous answers. That is hardly surprising, since this has become a rather long thread. So let me briefly sum up my own views by (once again) answering some of the most common and - in my view - mistaken statements: "Do the scenario design for your own satisfaction, and don't expect any support for the outside" Well, I do make my scenarios for my own satisfaction. But the work is (roughly) doubled when it comes to taking the scenario a step further and actually make it available to the community. Now if I get nothing out of releasing the scenario - except at lot of extra work - why should I? "I don´t know enough about scenario design to give feedback to the designer" You don´t have to know anything. All I want to know is that you played it - and most importantly how: Screenshots + comments! "The best indicator for a good scenario is how often it is downloaded." Sorry, but I honestly believe this statement is nonsense. The number of downloads will tell you - how many times the scenario has been downloaded. You have no way of knowing what a scenario is like before you have downloaded it. So even the most rubbish scenario could get 1000 downloads - as long as it looks promising to players. And anyway: I am not that interested in if my scenario has been downloaded and played - but how it has played out. "Don´t expect any feedback from players as long as they can get the scenarios for free and don´t have to provide feedback" Don´t expect scenarios from me as long as I can just make them for myself and don´t have to upload them.
  21. Yes, that would definitely be an improvement that I would welcome. How much of this problem it would solve I am really not able to judge, but I´m sure it would be a substantial step in the right direction. Whether it is technically doable I have no idea. Perhaps BFC would care to comment?
  22. Thanks Phil. But these are mainly road signs - and that is more your field than mine
  23. I´ve made a couple of VP scenarios. But I no longer release my scenarios, it is not worth the effort: More about that in this thread
  24. Well, I´m pretty sure that was spanish And why the haste - do you know something we don´t? If so, I have a request: Could you please get the Bulge thread back on topic? Regarding your request: If someone here could help me with pictures of Ardennes buildings, store fronts, murals and other such stuff from the period, then I would be much more ready to make some mods, once Bulge is released. But I am not going to make any mods before the release. Because if I did, and it turned out that BFC had changed their building models - then all my work would be wasted. But again: If anyone here has knowledge of Bulge buildings and such - please let me know.
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