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Everything posted by umlaut

  1. Another set uploaded. This time it is the Hummel - with three camouflage options to choose from. Get it at GreenAsJade´s - here
  2. I should think that the most suiting place would be... ...the water loo?
  3. Double jeez! TMTCH has been one of my favorite bands for many years. But I never knew they'd recorded that one as well
  4. Jeez, two of my all time favorite songs in this very short thread. Guess I´ll just add this one to make it complete:
  5. Thanks a lot. That is one of my "pet" details which I only just recently have gotten to look as intended. But I actually had been wondering if I perhaps was the only one that noticed it
  6. Thanks, M8 - I do as many as I can (that is: As many as I feel like making, I don´t want it to become a chore). But as I said: I haven´t got Aris´ amazing productivity. Here´s a mod set I forgot, because I only uploaded it to the Red Thunder section of Cmmods. But it works just as well in CMBN. Complete set of weathered SdKfz 251 Ausf. C halftracks
  7. Decalled King Tigers - with Aris Lynx Camouflaged defensive works
  8. The coming days I´ll post links to my previous mods - to get them all presented in the same thread. Wespe Marder I U 304's
  9. I think it was common practicse to put camo on the wheels, based on the photos of vehicles from the war. Anyway, I´m pretty sure the camo is mainly intended to be useful when the vehicle is stationary.
  10. No, sorry - I should have made that clear. Here you go:
  11. Uploaded - to GreenAsJade´s great repository. Get it here I ended up adding an extra set of camouflage. So there are three options to choose from. Enjoy
  12. Figured I might as well make a single thread dedicated to previewing my mods. Rather than keep making new threads every time I release a new one. Alas, it is never going to be as long as Aris´. I definitely lack his speed (not to mention skill). Anyway, here it is. The first one to show is the Flakpanzer 38 (t). For some reason I really like this little critter. So I thought I´d give it a bit of dust, grime and a camo scheme. Or two camo schemes, actually. I´ll release it as soon as I´ve finished the [muddy] versions.
  13. I'd say it all depends on how you use capitals: Meth OD gamer isnt fortunate :-)
  14. Hi There´s already thread about this - here: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/119081-future-combat-mission-games/ But I´ll try to answer - based on how I understand things. CMBN module Siegfried Line - will probably be a module in the upcoming Bulge game CMFI GL module Afrika Korps - BFC have said "not very likely" CM Black Sea module xy - no idea CM Red Thunder module German offensive - There will definitely be a module or more for Red Thunder. First one will probably be winter 44/45 CM 1985 war - not very likely CM Korea war - not very likely CM Israeli war... - not very likely CM Yougoslavia Balkan war... - not very likely This is in no way an offical answer. This how I understand BFC´s priorities, based on what I´ve read on the forums the past years. But BFC have surprised us before: Noone knew about CMFI until shortly before the release. CM Touch was a complete surprise. Cheers
  15. Thanks a lot - I certainly do too I´m afraid, this is the best I can do. I can´t find any pictures in higher quality. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lrcs02ellmb47w9/AAAJ8OzVIYAVmGumpqisJvWya?dl=0
  16. This one is obviously not related to Fury. Just thought it´d be fun to make - and really don´t want to start a new thread because of one splash. Uploaded to cmmods
  17. Well, to the average american it´s just: "somewhere over there in Europe". To me, it´s just: "Somewhere down south" (glad you like them)
  18. Updated the folder by adding handful of extra Fury splashs - the place to get them is the same.
  19. + 1 from me. BFC usually only reveal stuff when they are ready. That is why some of us get a bit worried when the screenshots show nothing new. Because we then fear that the Bulge game will in fact have no new snow graphics. Hopefully these pics are just a deviation from the standard procedure and actually only show us that there is really nothing ready for us to see - yet. If so, this debate has probably confirmed to BFC that their usual "no-news-at-all-until-were-absolutely-ready" policy was the correct way to go. Now feel free to call me a whiner, ingrate or whatever.
  20. This has been one of my favorite WWII pictures since I used it in my set of Force Specific Backgrounds in CMFI. Nasty character, indeed. I even tried to use it as my avatar on this forum, but I wanted the Bren to be in the picture as well - and then it ended up being too detailed for avatar use. And actually I much prefer the one I have now (does anyone know if there´s a story to it?) Regarding the colourized photos in general: I really like them, thanks for sharing. But jeez, people should go easy on the "shouting" in the web: I will surely LOOK AT THEM!! But I wouldn´t exactly call them mind blowing. No matter how many exclamation marks they use!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Hi Just watched the movie "Fury" - and was pleasantly surprised. It was quite a bit better than I had expected. Anyway, some of the great shots in the movie inspired me to make a couple of new splash backgrounds from screenshots from Fury (see thumbnails) Get them at greensasjade´s (consider giving them a try - even if you hate the movie ) Cheers
  22. I must admit that my first reaction is a bit of disappointment too. The composition of forces looks very good to me, but I find the screenshots depressing. As I have said earlier in the CMFI forum: Hopefully, the screenshots just aren´t showing new snow textures because simply they aren´t finished yet. If so, this just proves why BFC are right to generally be so reluctant to reveal anything about a new release until it is ready. Because forumites like me tend to zero in on every little detail - and bitch over it. But if the screenshots do show how snow in the Bulge game is depicted - then I´m pretty disappointed.
  23. Wow! Just discovered that I´ve been a member of this forum for a decade. Don´t I get a prize of sumfink?

  24. There sure are. But we need to remember that BFC has a very limited staff compared to other game developers, so we´re not likely to see the same quality of graphics or simulations that the big ones are able to produce. I´m pretty sure BFC disagrees. As I understand Steve´s previous comments in the forum, they are going to stay with CMx2 for quite a while yet (and imagine if they switched to CMx3 and then started with another modern Middle East game and a new version of Normandy: We´d never get to play Operation Barbarossa games!)
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