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Everything posted by para

  1. Is this the Invasion 44 mod for Op Flashpoint from about 10years ago?
  2. Well if it doesn't happen today, then it is highly unlikely to be Friday.
  3. Lol very true I know the example was different to what was being discussed but it did include engineers and holes being created to get at AFV's and the such. p.s. those brave boys got mauled blue on blue. I was their CO and I let them down
  4. I had a game were a German tank was parked up down a lane and next to the lane was a courtyard. I rolled my Sherman in to the courtyard lined him up with the German tank then got my engineers to blow the wall. Once the wall had an hole in it, I had a perfect flank shot on the tank..you can guess the rest. ps some of my engineers got wasted by my tank, blasting away at the German I forgot to tell em to blast and move away..doh
  5. Sounds like a good compromise. Also I would love to be able to have our boys peep round corners and launch zooks/fausts and piats etc
  6. Did the Germans not fire their fausts/shreks from within buildings during the fall Berlin?
  7. I am looking forward to your map with the AI's. Sounds by the work you have put in, that it could brilliant.
  8. Don't worry Pak40 you have not. Wodin kept sticking his oar in to my posts and now he is getting some, he does not like it. I will move on now.
  9. stikkypixie My thumbs up was for Pak40's frustration regarding non BFC affiliated members who constantly stick their oar in. I am not including you in that list
  10. I would just like to add a thumbs up to this.
  11. We actually came home on the Sunday day..48hours drinking takes it toll when your all touching 50 Apart from that, it was bloody good and rammed.
  12. They are nightmare them mjkerner, but never fear that can be got rid of.
  13. He's changed tack, it now says a change-log will be released soon.
  14. This is looking like it may well be brilliant
  15. If it had been set in WW2 I would have been all over that
  16. This might be wrong but I let the computer suggest a formation. Then depending on the terrain to be fought in I then delete unwanted units/teams and add specialist teams/vehicles till I get a satisfactory mix within the allocated points.
  17. That's quite a lot of points, in recent QB's myself and PJMaybe have had around 2000 points each and we still managed to amass substantial forces.
  18. That is music to ones ears mjkerner Stick me down for tester spot mate. I will help out anyone that improves and adds to this great game.
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