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Everything posted by Destraex

  1. So who likes CMSF better than TOW. Considering CMSF was supposed to be the savior of CM fans Pros and Cons Gents
  2. also who is crazy enough to purchase two OS just so they can have a mac? Sorry that was not helpfull....
  3. ok fixed..... re-installed (without re-download) then set .exe to windowsXP sp2 compat mode then run as administrator still no video but demo works find... go figure
  4. i just md5sum checked and got a long alphanumeric back. I guess that means a pass
  5. i played the game demo on vista for a few days, always got a black screen but not bothered because i clicked and it went to the main menu, now i get just a black screen even after a re-install. Time to re-download i guess
  6. I guess the question is was it superior to the Late German 88mm used on the Panther and Tigers
  7. I don't mind not having the Pershing. But it would be good. From memory it was used only in the last days of the war and not much at that and in small numbers. The gun also (90mm IIRC) was a huge dis-appointment from memory. So maybe it was not on equal terms?
  8. I would also really like it if unit cards were implimented properly. Like the unit icons at the bottom of the screen in Close Combat and Total War series. It would lessen the confusion. The information is already their its just displayed one unit at a time or not at all if a unit is not selected
  9. I don't mind paying at all if this game is expanded to include those things..... it will be an absolute classic if multiplayer comes alive and frame rates are further refined (or by then everybody has more powerfull computers)
  10. It would be great if Multiplayer was overhauled to at least resemble something like close combat.... I played a lan game with a friend this afternoon and complete boredom resulted due to the lack of options and unit choice. Both of us did not even get any infantry allocated at all
  11. maaaaan I need a new computer - - - - current one runs the game like !$%@$#% I hope i have one by the time of a desert mod
  12. yep, buy one game.... install on two computers and activate on two computers over the internet. I have tested lan this way and it works If you need after that to transfer one or both licenses for whatever reason this is also doable. I had to do this when one of my computers crashes
  13. the ai may be scripted but that does not mean you cannot randomise the units that trigger ai. The other thing you could do is randomise the missions on the map. So you program the map for 10 different AI tactics, randomise the tactics and then randomise the vehicles within those maps. Valla many different possible battles. Also the AI will make decisions in battle to make things even more different.... the AI I believe is still supposed to react to you and fight you, counterattack etc on its own once its been triggered. For instance the AI may start a battle with a small group scouting, they spot your forces and then the AI takes over and does what it likes. I'm sure it may even call its buddies in the rear to come up and take part
  14. laying prone, holding fire and holding position
  15. I don't mind really.... most of us wargamers are mature enough.
  16. have you tried guard in conjunction with stop and hold posi
  17. I usually use assault as they then use bounding movement covering each other. I think their is a way to stop units roaming, it centres around using guard and stop iirc
  18. well then, when can we expect the last days of the Reich campaign? With super reactive AI Seriously I am looking forward to enjoying a Close Combat style battle at the end of all the modding and patching.
  19. can somebody pop these on the bf mod site and credit the creator?
  20. can somebody pop these on the bf mod site and credit the creator?
  21. once again this stuff is really hotting up. I am looking forward to mods making the game an epic experience
  22. once again this stuff is really hotting up. I am looking forward to mods making the game an epic experience
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