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Everything posted by Destraex

  1. I would love a flak88!!! If I was facing them I would be less inclined to take tanks and more inclined to take infantry. I think their was mention already by the devs about adding mortars and other units in an addon or patch
  2. Fetchez la Vache seriously their was no question about you being lawfull. It was just my way of getting my point across as I know peeps who have no idea and believe the mac advertisements only to find that they have installed OEM un-lawfully and thus cannot understand the advantages. Only real advantage I can see is that the mac os X is less of a target for nasties (that is until enough peeps buy it and then they will have to change the advertisements) Anyway as I said I will shut my mouth about MACs... each to their own
  3. one of those Hetzers is a poor fake.
  4. You know XP the license is not transferable to anything other than the original computer it was insalled on? You probably purchased the full retail though just to put on a mac Anyways fair enough, for me though no matter what the perks of a MAC I cannot justify paying for two operating systems. Its actually pretty cool that MAC users can join in with games and other things PC... I have used both (admittedly very limited experience on macs) and cannot see why peeps change from PCs. The MAC adds also seem to me to be arrogant and easily debunked. I'd rather a geek than a yuppy anyday LOL. Anyways its probably a topic left debated elsewhere as its academic really. Just good MAC users can finally join in Now I am just waiting for Linux to come of age
  5. poor mac user I'd love to ask why you purchased a MAC out of curiosity (its always interested me why peeps do it) but that is not for this forum. Bootcamp is an excellent tool, hope you own the windows copy you have installed (oops did the mac adds not mention that) All tongue in cheek, no offense. I realise macs are great for novices and graphic artists at the least. Then again I have known graphic artists to complain to IT departments that they would rather PCs. Sorry.... no need to derail the thread... An external HDD is probably the answer to your space problems
  6. I don't think a map editor was ever released for il2 sturmovik nor the ability to add new vehicles/aircraft. This is why over the years there were so many addons that added new aircraft, maps objects. The pirk with all this was that the aircraft were very well done and worth the wait. The down side is that the game will remain unfinished due to licensing (iirc american A/C companies fishin for royalties)..... some aircraft and a lot of ships just never made it in. About the only thing you could do was create missions and skins
  7. I would buy an addon that allowed buildings to be enter-able
  8. awesome!!! I find this site invaluable for archiving this sort of thing on my hdd for later viewing Its a pain to wait for streaming http://keepvid.com/
  9. Well that makes sense. Has anybody noticed what the differences are ? Apart from the mentioned even playing field (which is how i like it) have you noticed that the enemy also get an advantage in numbers and re-enforcements etc in the campaigns?
  10. Basically I played on easy today and found that things started acting a little more like I would have expected. My tanks and infantry were not instantly blasted away like they had signs saying shoot me on their forhead. Does anybody else think that "high" is not what it is cracked up to be? Anyways I also seemed to get a performance increase which also made a difference.... time to start experimenting for me. Perhaps I just liked it because things went my way High Realistic parameters for all military equipment. The damage inflicted on the enemy for both sides corresponds to the real-world performance characteristics of weapons and ammo. At the Highest difficulty level you cannot switch off morale. medium. At this difficulty level, troops under your command have a minor advantage over the enemy due to higher damage inflicted on the enemy (compared to the real-world performance characteristics of military equipment and ammo). At this difficulty level you can also switch off morale. Easy. At the lowest difficulty level your troops get a significant advantage in fire power (compared to the real-world performance) and the damage done to the enemy. At this difficulty level you can also switch off soldier morale. Combining levels of realism and switching on/off “morale” you can adjust the difficulty for the current battle as you like.
  11. if its not moddable it will die a quick death as peeps get board and frustrated with the vanilla. Games that allow modding in my experience keep rolling in the cash as momentem gathers with the community
  12. thats excellent Dr Jones.
  13. cool, great service I also suffered because I refused to get a credit card for years because I did not want to fall into the traps. Its needed these days sadly though and I eventually gave in
  14. u mean like Atomic games and CC...... if that was so I would have been in real trouble for all my copies (I own some twice) and whenever I reinstall the OS
  15. thats right, hand signals do just fine or a return to commander to report back is the usual scenario when no more sophisticated devices are around. They are only 2km maps. The game abstracts this sort of info into realtime for you from your scouts as "god commander looking down on your subjects" so I can see what chazman is saying. As also said above though it was not uncommon for commanders to scout with a few hand picked men also.
  16. Great news about the map editor Moon. Just a tip\request\wishlist for future maps: I was hoping for less rolling hills and more varied terrain like whats on the demo map (a large hill). Most maps I have played are pretty much flat with maybe a very gradual incline. IS it possible to add "infantry only" forest and waypoints. Anyways happy with what you have already mentioned for the large patch and map editor.... will make this more than most games
  17. Moon, you have just made my day!!! What you mention in the 1st two are basically the main gripes with the game for many. I like the indy soldier RPG elements and do not think they affect realism esp since they can be modded out by the community i imagine...... I eagerly await an ETA.... although I heard the "eventually" bit
  18. i think peeps are afraid to touch this one
  19. Red, the devs have posted that they are working on an LOF tool for the patch
  20. well it was a quick test to see if I could get suppresion. I crawled them into fire in a vulnerable position and low and behold Pinned, cannot move..... hopefully if I did more careful testing i could get pinned with minimal casualties. your point is well taken though, even when in cover it seems that infantry are not hard to spot and kill
  21. he bassically said there is no supression. i cant tell. my infantry die too fast to be suppressed. </font>
  22. who said it did not have suppression? Icould have sworn I saw my troops saying status suppressed It does not seem to have fatigue either but thats not so bad
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