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Everything posted by slysniper

  1. That is a statement that is not hard to see if you have played the game enough. For sure arty has been adjusted. accuracy is not as tight and effect is weaker. As to the original post. There has been post before on this subject that you should pull up that address your question. As for game play, I have learned from them post. avoid area fire if at all possible. If you can use point targets you will find your CAS missions will normally always be on target and you will not see that type of problem. After having a similar event as you I have learned it is worth getting someone in place to make a point target location and give my planes a real chance at doing some real damage to the enemy.
  2. I dont know, back in the board playing days. sure seems like SL and ASL managed to keep a market selling expansions just that way. The question here was the same, so the player has to make a little effort to play someone who has CMBN only, it works and it is possible, if that is the level of interest his friend has, then there is no more cost or issues. Stop trying to make something out of it just because you want things different. The present business model allows people options of how much they want to invest in the game. And it works, just not to your standards
  3. Agreed, there are those that adapt with the tools they have and the world is fine. Then there are those that want everything to adapt to them so that the world will be great, but they just have it so hard in the present. The younger people are they expect the software to adapt to them and expect it, It is just the difference in generations. Where as the older someone is, they generally do not mind figuring out how to work with what they have. Nothing wrong with wanting the software to preform the task, but for the present learning to work with what you have is the best answer.
  4. Well, the other easy way to solve the issue is install the game again and just have a CMBN version on your machine also along with the CW. then there is no way to select anything that will be uncompatable. It is similar as to if you have different versions of the game. It is just good to learn how to have multible games loaded on your machine of CM, because at times you will find it is needed to play others because of these type of issues.
  5. Remember to let him start the game and you should not have any problems. That way there is no questions as to it seeing the correct game componants
  6. SURE DO, I Learned about this one when in a head to head battle I fired a 75 AT gun at a Sherman firefly that had revealed itself at about 1000 Meters. I figure I would fire once or twice and get away with it since I was behind a hedge and had decent cover. I fired only once and the tank retreated, a few turns later he moved three Shermans up and all three from different locations area fired on the exact location of my gun. My opponant admitted to me that is how he had found the gun. because it had not even indicated ? in the game. So what should have been a freebe shot turned into the death of my gun. And plenty of players do use the sound to track units down. So dont fire unless you want to be located. I have myself located unit by when they drive over objects they are crushing also. very easy to locate them and at times see what has been crushed even though you have no eyes on the location.
  7. Forget the Mg's and use the blasted tank as your base of fire. Send out a few leading teams or scouts and if they draw fire, let the tank remove the issues. I would send teams forward and spread out and force the enemy to reveal if they have units there. The best protection in open ground is to establish the firepower to beat the enemy. So when ready move the MG's up where they can fire and stop trying to get the perfect cover that is hard to adcheive. They need firepower to keep them alive more than that RR berm. The best way to learn how to do this is set up a practice battle with no cover in open terrain and advance on the enemy position. You need enough forces firing to keep threats pinned, then other forces need to sprint forward and try to create a bigger threat by creating more accurate fire and killing ability. either leap frogging or bringing up the rear units and then sending the forward units again. (repeat as many times as required). It is a real satifaction when you can learn to advance on the enemy in open ground, especially if the enemy is not expecting you to try it.
  8. Patience, Good things come to those that wait. Didn't your Mom teach you anything!
  9. Naw, You are likely correct. I bet if there is any elevational difference between the bldgs, the unit will not move directly through the hole on upper levels at least. The would be a easy one to verify with a test. Never thought about it, just been lucky and never tried it on a building that did not work either.
  10. And kicked some Ass My Marine Corp Drill Instructor would be so Proud of me:D
  11. BadgerDog, Well said +++++ I keep thinking to myself all the time, the realism request for this and that is going to wreck these games. The more realism added, seems to make a more boring game at times, which will continue to lose followers or anyone wanting to play it. There is a balence of getting the game to function correctly to a preceived concept of how it should act and not require to many actions by the player to get it to do such actions. I love the better graphics but I notice that the turns require more time to preform than they once did, keep going down that path and the enjoyment level will be totally lost in the game and it will be doomed.
  12. Command delays was not a good system in CMX1 and it cracks me up that some would really want it back. So I hope BF never listens to those request. But it seems to me a easy way to represent command control problems is to create just that. Command control problems So units that are out of control could just be limited by the amount of orders you are allowed to assign it within the minute time frame. So if a unit is only allowed to receive one or two commands "lets say" because it has lost contact. It would limit you as to what you could do with it, but also prevents it from being totaly stupid . like sitting in the open for 30 seconds for a time delay built into the game like it was in CMX1 With this at least you could direct a unit to cover and fire at a logical target or something. but be prevented from doing any intellegent actions. I just jumped into this without reading all the past post so excuse me if something along this line has been mentioned. But this simple concept seems very correct to me as to how it should act in the game. Because it also seems to reflect well with RL. Soildiers are going o do a few basic things to stay alive without having to receive orders from commanders, but seldom would they do much beyond basic things if they feel lost or uncertain as to what others are in the unit presently trying to do without having been given commands.
  13. Paper Tiger the last thing you need to do is listen too seriously to these guys on the forum as to your work. yes once in a great while they do point out issues that are worth correcting within your work. but dont change your style or what you enjoy doing just because some of them dont enjoy it or think it is too hard or something. Your work has proven itself and you need not worry that there is plenty of us out there that enjoy your stuff just as you create it. We also might be mature enough to take a loss once in awhile also. What I get tired of is this generation of gamers that have expectations of what a game should give them and make demands that it should fit their personnal needs. Here is a thought, if the game is beating you, some of you might need to realize you are no great combat tactician. That might be hard to swallow, but guess what, its the truth. So those that are asking to have it meet their needs to be victorious should say no more and go study and try to learn how to improve their play and if that is too hard, find another Hobby.
  14. I agree with you in that it is not the best approach for the AI all the time but it is how it is. Plus taking out the gun is not hard in the present system either. Even if you want to use only that one tank. When the smoke clears and your tank is out of line of sight of the AA gun, Move the tank up only as far as needed to not be seen but able to fire on a action spot adjacent to the gun location. A minute or two of that and you normally have the gun suppressed and some of the crew killed or wounded. Then move into direct line of sight with the tank faced and aiming preset on the gun and you will then get off the first round to normally prevent any additional return fire. But using combined arms is a better method - this still works very well, of course something has had to the spot the gun before this works. Without a spot, dont waste your effort trying to take the gun on with the tank
  15. because you are correct, the default round was HE for most units during the last year of the war. There was slim chances of running into German armor, so the most likely target was going to be non-armor.
  16. One area that none of you are thinking about is the sighting on these weapons. The sights were not designed to aim at targets the distances you are discussing. So it really does not matter if the weapon could hit a target at greater ranges. its the fact no common soilder would try because the weapon was not designed to do it as for sighting. Now on the other hand, because of how the sighting worked. A crew that was able to fire the weapons enough and experement, likely could easily come up with focal points within the sighting system and hit targets at distances beyond the sighting marks. (but again for gaming purposes, all this should likely never take place.) So the weapons should not be fired much past the designed sight distances the weapon has. That is the where the game should reflect the dostance- now the question , does it do that?
  17. Now that is funny. It is interesting as to how well the sherman deflects shots in the game to its frontal armor. Tux, should have saved the ammo, charged forward and head for the flanks.
  18. You mentioned 105's, you do understand that they do not have AP ammo. Shermans with plain old 75's are plenty of gun vs the PZ IV until you get out to greater ranges. ( if I recall correctly it might be a pretty fair fight at approx 1200 M, I really dont remember or keep this stuff charted like some of the nuts here.)
  19. Now that is not very nice. You know Jason has great resourses or at least knows where to find them as to all sorts of data and facts. Just because he has strong opinions on how to use them, does not make him much different than many others here on this forum. Just way to many people here that only want to understand things by the way they see it. it is just how people are. (myself included) And for the record (bottom mantlet hits should be penetrating the top deck about 15% of the time) when hitting on the sweet spot of the curve. - this with all varables possible (what does the game do - I have no clue) Where did I get that number
  20. Not sure how you are testing but you have some issues First, The Shermans in the game will outfight the Pz IV. So I am sure it would also out perform the Pz III. (now this does change as to who does better when the range of contact is adjusted. So make it 2400 meters and maybe the Germans do win. But 700 meters, the American Sherman will win for sure.) So you need much more information as to what you are truely after and what type of battle you are envisioning. Because the range of the the battle makes a huge difference. I do agree stewarts against mk III's likely would make a decent matchup. Fireflies vs panthers are a good matchup too. And you do know you can play red on red. I find Tigers vs panthers pretty interesting in a real battle (not on a tast range as you are trying to do)
  21. Even if you find this info, it still is questionable as to what the real event should reflect. Having fired a few of these weapons or similar weapons that we have today I will put it this way. If you are a novice and do not have someone teaching you all the tricks. You will likely miss whatever you are aiming at, even if it seems like a easy hit. Seen it plenty. But once you understand the weapon and get a few things consistant, like your eye location to the sight on the old stuff and understand what to expect. It is actually pretty easy to hit a non moving target at any range the weapon is built for. So it goes back to there is no way to prove 1-3 is correct. Novice team would likely not get it even in perfect conditions Skilled team, could likely do better than that. That is from what I have seen. As for the game, if you think 1-3 is too high, then before taking that as wrong. do as i said before test the same thing with a tired unit, with terrain challenges (wind or such and see what the numbers reflect. Then maybe you will feel better about how the game is approaching it. For myself, the game seems fine as to hit chances to me (which does not mean much)
  22. Agree, the test sample is too small to say for sure that your percentages are correct. But As for knowing if you have a decent chance of a hit. Your 1 in 3 shots seem appropriate. But the test would also be interesting to run with your troops in different statuses - I am sure if they are tired - you will see that the percentage number will go down. I don’t know how much, but it would be interesting to find out. I have noticed in the game to pay attention to my troop status when planning an AT weapon attack. The worse shape they are in, the closer I make sure they are to the target to hopefully get a hit. Wounded, tired troops out of command will not be hitting 1 in 3
  23. The reason to stay in line and not have troops behind your front line troops is, Granedes become the common weapon in this type of fighting, I have seen too many bounce past the troops in the front line and kill units in the next action square behind them. So I have found it wise to keep that gap there if possible.
  24. Here is one suggestion no one has mentioned. The goal is to close with - spot and kill the enemy As for how to do that. I have found once you have a clue as to their location, smoke is your best tool-lay smoke from your infantry units that have it towards the enemy and then slide up a larger force spread out and in line as much as possible. It does a good job of blocking enemy fire. have your troops non moving and focused on the enemy location as the smoke clears. now you are at least on even ground with them and once units start spotting each other you are now close enough to also spot them. If you have brought more troops than the enemy has, you will win the fight generally. With this method plus good manuver skills, you can clear the enemy without taking any more losses than they. If in a hurry, this can also be a tactic that can work without having to take the time to find gaps or flanks. you can create them or force the enemy to respond. thus speeding up the action if needed in the time frame.
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