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J Ruddy

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Everything posted by J Ruddy

  1. Grangpth! Irish Whiskey! If you haven't yet, give Red Breast 12 or Red Breast 15 a try.
  2. Scotch? Anyone who comes to my house and asks for Scotch would be lucky to get the cheapest single in my cabinet. Ask for Scotch on the Rocks and you'll get a cheap blend (or Rye or JD) instead - once you ruin it with ice you won't taste the difference anyhow. Bloody Cretans! (Scotch indeed!) Show some knowledge of the spririt and ask if I have an Islay or Speyside you could sample and I just might break out a better bottle. But then for any of you cesspoolers I might just pour a dram of turpentine and be done with it.
  3. CM2:WWII What are the chances of having an historically accurate operational level of play and map layered over the tactical level combat for 2 player play?
  4. The Cheery Waffles TNT thread lives on in the eternal afterglow of the mystic TNT laden blue angel of death. The Peng thread continues to serve a purpose, like how a chicken body runs around after its head has been gently removed from its body with an axe.
  5. Hi John, I couldn't get ToW demo to run on Win 2000, is there a trick? jr
  6. Happy belated "Warmonger Rhetoric of the Day" day to any of you cesspool yanks who slept through the 4th as a result of consuming too much Colt 45 on the 3rd. I'm talking at you Mr Peng (do you need a towel or a mop?) For the rest of you freedom loving 'mercans, remember George Cockburn and fear me! The (true) north will rise again!
  7. (he he) Apparently there aren't many chiropractors in Syria.
  8. I keep my hatred in a box in my basement. My prejudice is sitting in a tree in Northern Ontario watching for forest fires. My youthful idealism committed suicide many many years ago and my sense of moral superiority has deteriorated into middle class hypocrisy. My political beliefs live in my back pocket and often make an appearance after I've had a few drinks. I wear my intellectual snobbery just under my ISAF ballcap and my arrogance behind my left ear. The only absolute truth in life is there are no absolute truths. Why is the American Revolution now referred to the American war for independence? What do you get when you cross an Elephant with a Rhino? Elephino!
  9. Happy Successful revolution day to my American cousins! {edit - you forgot Canada's birthday again, but that's OK, I figure you couldn't find your way to our party without a GPS unit anyways... )
  10. As a general gamer, I would suggest you spend money on a new AGP video card. just about anything is going to be better than a 5200...
  11. Bleh I'm still running Win2k. Other than that I'm rocking... Gawd I hate giving Bill gates money for nothing when is the Linux version coming . Maybe it'll run on my wife's laptop, though it does have a crappy ATI M200 video *card*.
  12. Gargh! Page 2?! :mad: Quick, someone get me a hammer and a sack of tulip bulbs! :mad: jr
  13. :mad: I spent 2 weeks out of 4 every months in LA LA land for three years and all I ever saw in the bars was MGD, Corona and Bud. Gawd, I thought I had died and gone to hell, either that or a nascar race... :mad: Don't mess with Flanders (or Wallonia for that matter! ) Hoegaarden > Yank swill (Yes, even > Sam Adams stuff) :mad:
  14. Mork_the_Winer, not all Canuckistanian bevvies are Molsons Canadian! :mad: Can you get any of these in Cal-ee-forn-eye-yay? http://www.unibroue.com/our_beers_eng.html :mad:
  15. B - make sure it runs on my machine then either buy it on-line or wait until I get a new machine.
  16. A few weeks back this guy came to my door and said if I didn't lock in my natural gas at a fixed rate with his company I wouldn't be able to afford to heat my house in a few years. I told him I don't negotiate with companies that use fear-tactics and asked him if the last guy who came knocking on my door from his company ever told him about me and my views on fair market prices versus fixed rates and contracts that are only binding for the consumer and not the supplier. He was lucky I wasn't hung over this time. Nothing gets my Irish up more than being hung and having some swarmy bastard working for some unscrupulous company bugging me on a Saturday afternoon, trying to rip me off with an above market priced contract that I can't break but they can. I still remember the first guy, after a solid round of verbal abuse and four letter words he went next door and asked if they knew me because I sure was a grumpy jerk. My father-in-law said no. What a peach. jr
  17. Yikes! Keep your tent pole undergarment prose to yourself!
  18. I don't drive (LAVs) and am not involved... There is a Cat engine place not too far from where I live. I have seen Canadian LAV's and Bisons on flatbeds going in for (I assume) engine work or installation.
  19. The helium injected butt and forestock was a Canadian design. You don't want to drop your weapon unless you have a helo in the area to snag it for you.
  20. :mad: Bwaharghhrmph! Just wait until you have a 2 year old and a newborn! :mad: (Now almost 3 and 1 and fighting over toys, thems mah boys!) :mad:
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