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J Ruddy

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Everything posted by J Ruddy

  1. So you drove straight at a brick wall and only dented the bumper. Swell... Perhaps rather than being a one trick pony you might do something useful like honour us with a "Finnish word of the day" or something. And yes I have been banned, though not from here. Some closeted members of the United Facists of America club didn't like my views on the WTO, IMF, and capitalism in general and they had me removed from another forum. I guess having me shot for treason was out of the question, seeing as I am a Canuck and all... Though IIRC the post I responded to was calling WTO protesters "terrorists"... interesting... I'm glad there's a no politics rule here. It makes me feel safe, like I was in Singapore or somefink...
  2. Thanks for letting me sleep on the sofa. But it looks like Prancing Eunuch is settling down and I really do hate seeing a bunch of half-brained TNT chuckers running amok without their token socialist to keep things sociable. Plus things are getting a little too "rainbow" in here... Next thing you know there'll be a Peng Pride Parade... *sod off*
  3. Looks incredible, except for the Laser Guns that is... :eek:
  4. The poor Finlander, who shalln't be named, hasn't seen the sun in six months and I fear he has gone quite insane. If you want my professional opinion I think his nordic brain froze fast to the inside of his skull causing a severe yet temporary case of turrets syndrome. Being sent to Coventry by the guardians of the Cesspool was too much for the poor lass... er lad's self esteem and like the ice on Lake St Clair, he finally cracked. No matter the cause, the non-turn-sending bleach blond reindeer farmer has been extra annoying of late and I support Steve's decision on putting him on probation! If he continues to act up, toss his pasty white arse out of here!!! Viva El Duce!
  5. If you haven't noticed, I'm slumming back in your sand-box again. I hope you have a sofa that I can sleep on because Prinzess Eunich is driving my nutty in the 'other' thread, what with his fallic obsessions and strange winter rituals. I figure being be-littled in the Peng thread has got to be better than listening to a Finlander preach on high about his "giant black todger". Don't worry, I've wiped my feet and will replace any food I eat.
  6. Without a word of a lie, the funniest thing I ever saw was a local militaria dealer a few years back had a huge supply of French WWII era rifles in mint "un-fired condition". If I didn't know the company I would have thought it was a joke... Not to say the French didn't fight, they fought their asses off. (At least until the government capitulated.) But yes, I would like: Brits Germans & Dutch <-why not? Canadians French What about Turkey?
  7. There, I snipped your frigging todger off, go cry to your free healthcare system, maybe they'll get you something more appropriate to your sad level of manliness-less-ness. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  8. Sid Vicious - My Way (ok in all seriousness, I've always been partial to Sonata No.14 in C#-, Op.27 No.2 "Moonlight" by Beethoven) (2nd or 3rd movement) [ February 23, 2007, 11:16 AM: Message edited by: J Ruddy ]
  9. Prancing Eunich were you in an accident or somefink, because I've never heard of a pure blooded Finn having any black body parts, that is of course, unless frostbite has set in...
  10. I'm with Steve on this one. 1966 Ferrari 275 GTB versus a 2006 Corvette Callaway.
  11. I thought it was as high as he could count without taking his mittens off?
  12. Hey - I liked the Iltis... when it wasn't rolling over and killing people. I wouldn't mind one for hunting. As I understand it, our standard agreement when buying US kit is for every $1 we spend, the company must spend $1 in Canada. Which is a pretty good agreement. I still have my winter underwear 15 years later. Getting a little holy, but I'll look for some surplus. I have a great surplus Canadian Forces rain coat which was brand spanking new. My brother in law's (Major) raincoat is a mess, man was he mad, he even tried to swipe mine. I told him where to go, then where I got it, and they did have dozens (brand new) and he can go and buy his own! I have no experience with the new radios so I can't comment on them. I assume you're talking about the IRIS systems stuff? What do they say about what?
  13. And it has been largely ignored... at least until the recent strategic lift debate. Sharing logistics and having gaping strategic holes in our military are not the same as becoming a niche military power as part of a greater force, is it? It is easy to say, ya, we just don't do strategic bombing, and if it ever came to it, the USA would take care of it. We ignore the scenario and move along. So we don't have enough transport. Once again we can ignore the shortfall by rationalizing that catching a lift with our buddies isn't a big deal. But in a C4iSTAR situation where you have many branches in a tactical operation, is it not better to have your own tanks, LAVs, Arty, Air Support etc... working in a comfortable cooperative system? Look at the friendly fire incidents over the past 10 years. How many were Canadian on Canadian? Taking it to the extreme, if we're reduced to a light weight brigade infantry with no direct fire support, no air, no anything, and we are relegated to be part of a greater force, who is in command? Not likely us. History has shown how rough it can be for Canadians under British command for example. This is where the public gets upset. We've been there, done that, got the nice cemetary in France thank you. I'm glad we do the best we can with the little funds we have. I'm proud at the level of training our troops, including trades and other non "front line" troops receives. If I were 19 years younger with no kids, and something significant broke out, I wouldn't think twice about signing up. Of course, being a total prick, I'd apply to RMC.
  14. Well, we've been doing something like that for a while. We have no Strategic Bombing capability or Aircraft Carriers. The main issue with integration is political. We Canadians, for the most part, are like the Dutch. We are proud and independent. We don't like it when people tell us we need a unified North American military because we see ourselves as very different from the US, at least in military spending and foreign affairs. If we seem to rely on others too much, it is seen as an attack on our sovereignty. But if we ignore the problem, it isn't. So we ignore it. Sell our Leos, order MGS, cancel MGS and buy Leos. *meh* I'd like to see a time when 'military' is only a word in a dictionary, but I think, as a species, we're too selfish and blood-thirsty for that to ever happen. I guess we'll always have Paris, eh kid?
  15. <font size = 1>Yes, I would very much like to play German, Dutch and Canadians in CMSF regardless of the perceived or real inability of Canada to send troops to Syria in the event of a Nato based war against Syria.
  16. UNITAF / UNISOM - I'm a little backwards on that one http://www.dnd.ca/somalia/vol3/v3c24be.htm
  17. Grog - one more thing, how many troops did we send to support UNPROFOR & UNITAF in 1992-1993? I think UNPROFOR was around 1600 and UNITAF was 1250. So why, in 1991, did we physically not have enough troops to send to Iraq? [Edit] ok your last message makes it a bit clearer. I could almost believe politics was the lesser reason, but... *meh* I'm too cynical for that!!!! Bring on CMSF!
  18. http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/reports/Fraser/totalforce_e.asp Not the whole story, but it does hint at the limited resources available. Individual augmentees did go over; actually, a Supply Tech who later served in our regiment served attached to the Desert Rats, but come to think of it, I believe he was a Regular Force soldier at the time. I'm not sure how he came to be posted to a British unit but he was. Hmm, should we lead the charge for international liaison and exchange officers in CMX2? There was quite a bit of ink spilled over the number of Canadians in staff positions in the invasion of Iraq, some very highly placed (ie second in command of a division IIRC?) I can't recall if any Canadian junior officers were permitted in US Army/USMC troop command positions or not during the fighting. </font>
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