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J Ruddy

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Everything posted by J Ruddy

  1. Look, you bunch of septic hobo's, I don't like the tone of this place much recently. You'd best buck up and post something of value to the world of TNT chucking. :mad: :mad: Wait, what was I spouting on about? bleh!
  2. I beg to differ, your dedication to eating drinking and fire-working needs a slight adjustment if you're going to live in Canada... :mad: :mad: :mad:
  3. No turns - long week-end - drink and food - back at work now - someone get me a bucket. :mad:
  4. Oh geez, not this again! Something historical or hysterical... Space Lobsters versus the Third Reich!
  5. It's a pleasure to meet a Finn who isn't obsessed on private parts and God knows what else! Now where the hell is the Finnish word of the day?! GGRGAGARG AGRGARG RGAGRGARGGR AGRAGRGARGGRAGR!!!!!
  6. "Hillbilly" is a state of mind. No turns for anyone! :mad: Bwaaahaarggharghharghhargh
  7. That's just because the air is in such a hurry to get to magnificent Manitoba!
  8. There's something about that shirt that I like, I just can't put my fingers on it.
  9. Boy the last file Abbott sent me was a hoot. The video ran for 32,000 seconds and most of my troops marched right off the board. My one tank stayed still and it's turret spun like a top. The tank commander looked a wee bit dizzy. Hopefully the next file will work a bit better. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  10. I don't like the sound of that... and no I haven't opened the file yet. I'm sitting in a box trying to look important (and busy) while wasting company time and electricity. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  11. Bleh - no turns out lately. The treadmill I call life has gone nuts. Maybe turns out tonight - maybe not. Tomorrow I'll be gone for 4 days - turns maybe on Tuesday... :mad: :mad: . :mad: .
  12. I played my first WWII board game (Panzerblitz) in 1982. I played my first 'real' WWII tactical computer game in 1995 (Steel Panthers) I still play WWII based board games and computer games. My COD2 dvd is wearing out and I've logged more multiplayer time on it than any other game. My copy of BF2142 is collecting dust. Why? Why do cows moo?
  13. I remember 1977 when my family drove to BC. It might have taken 2 days to get out of Ontario, but it felt like a month crossing the prairies. I will not repeat that mistake with my kids, it's a good thing God invented West Jet and rental cars....
  14. Bwaharahaahaaraahaaraghraaghraa You're joking right? I thought the only people going to Saskatchewan were people going through Saskatchewan? Still, it's one step closer to converting you to a democratic socialist so I can't complain. God bless the Saskatchewan Telecommunications Holding Corporation Act. :mad: :mad: . :mad: .
  15. Ahh... English politics, my favourite! Bully!!!! For Shame!!! Sir Humphrey!!! :mad: :mad: . :mad: .
  16. It doesn't help that we chased off Pranzing Eunich the token (toking?) Finlander... and his reportedly "giant black todger" (cocktail weenie?)... :mad: :mad: . :mad: .
  17. And you're not drunk enough to be called a wino. :mad: :mad: . :mad: .
  18. oy! - I sent a turn on Friday - check your inbox! :mad: :mad: . :mad: .
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