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J Ruddy

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Everything posted by J Ruddy

  1. Wow, followed he T to template mD's a T.
  2. [Delayed double post?] Things are getting strange around here...
  3. Wow, he followed mD's template to a T.
  4. A six word obervation. A four word declaration. And an extra word at the end. Steve </font>
  5. Thank you for this - I'm sure by posting this in the public forum, instead of sending mD a private email, you are being at least as, possibly more so, dickheadish as MD was when he quite dickheadedly slagged you publicly over the email you sent him. I am so glad you felt we all needed in on this personal soap opera - and in fact - it needs a new thread for all of us to see because the voices in my head don't have enough fuel to feed off of from all the asinine arguments that are threatening to turn this Forum into one big Peng thread...! [ October 14, 2005, 12:01 PM: Message edited by: J Ruddy ]
  6. ^ Man that was a horrible post. I shouldn't come here sober.
  7. What to my wondering eyes did I see at the cesspool today? A visit by the powers that be, and God forbid, he's asking these pengthreadians for advice. Steve - as far as the unwashed masses who are contaminating your forum with the Plague of stupidity, all you need to do is ask yourself: What Would BlackAdder Do? (WWBAD) [Edited to reduce post suckage factor] [ October 14, 2005, 11:32 AM: Message edited by: J Ruddy ]
  8. I guess you don't go to the kinds of bars that I frequent. There's nothing pretty about bouncing a drunk or stopping a bar fight, and there's nothing pretty about putting idiots in their places... :mad:
  9. Waaaah! The mean ole BFC meanies hurt my feelings! Boo friking hoo. Wargamers aren't exactly the most pleasant (smelling) bunch of guys you'd ever meet, sometimes we need a good cuff behind the ear. It kind of reminds me of that idiot who tried to sue to LAPD when they 'yelled' at her. gmafb!
  10. Stephen Hawking would be proud, but MadMatt, but you forgot to mention the black hole that sucks up most of the idea's that come from this forum. And how does Imaginary Time come in to play on this. I don't recall reading anything in "A Brief History of Time" about how time moves slower when you are trying to load that second RPG round while the Abrams you just scratched is slewing in your general direction. Finally, if the universe is indeed saddle shaped, then why the hell don't we have mounted infantry in CMSF!!!! The last time I checked there are camels in Syria!!!! :mad:
  11. Actually, I believe you are allowed to state how you think or feel, what you are not allowed to do is act like a complete dickhead. I could be wrong though, I have gotten away with being a complete dickhead in the past, so maybe it is just you afterall. [in fact - I've reread this post and I think I'm being a dickhead right now - lets see if this thread gets locked, or I get B7'd]
  12. Actually, I believe you are allowed to state how you think or feel, what you are not allowed to do is act like a complete dickhead. I could be wrong though, I have gotten away with being a complete dickhead in the past, so maybe it is just you afterall. [in fact - I've reread this post and I think I'm being a dickhead right now - lets see if this thread gets locked, or I get B7'd]
  13. Actually, I believe you are allowed to state how you think or feel, what you are not allowed to do is act like a complete dickhead. I could be wrong though, I have gotten away with being a complete dickhead in the past, so maybe it is just you afterall. [in fact - I've reread this post and I think I'm being a dickhead right now - lets see if this thread gets locked, or I get B7'd]
  14. If any of you silly bitches think you're good enough to take me on, send me a setup and I'll try not to humiliate you. Axis, Allies whatever whenever, but ye can keep yer stupid 900,000 point 150 turn 10km x 20km maps. (CMAK & CMBB only, children - I don't do B-O!)
  15. The short answer is maybe. They 'hope' to include it but it is too early to tell. Personally, I think they are worried about the file size.
  16. That's odd, he doesn't look a day over 74.
  17. It's really quite simple. Do you remember when you were in grade school? Imagine that all of the world's politicians and senior military officers are 12 year olds on the playground. Every once in a while a mild skirmish breaks out, sometimes even between ex-friends, or maybe one of the party was just using the other because his dad owns the ice cream shop. When things get really bad all the kids join sides in a giant rumble, or at least a red rover game. This is known as a world war. (Please ignore the swiss kid in the corner counting all the lunch money that's fallen out of the other kids' pockets.) So if George wants to beat up Alfie, but he needs Jordan's help, he gives Jordan a choice between a can of pop and a wedgie. Jordan agree's to help George, although he really doesn't like George too much he really hates Alfie. But a week later, George hears that Jordan kissed his sister, Angie, so George gives Jordan the wedgie afterall. When you are the biggest and strongest on the playground and you can manipulate the other kids to do what you want, you have a sphere of control over the playground. It's all about power.
  18. Oli is funny but I prefer Stan... BTW - don't you guys learn any French in Alberta? Are you too busy pumping crude and seeing how many head of cattle you can cram into a feed lot or something?
  19. Im not interested in your anatomical nicknames </font>
  20. Really? I thought that Walmart already bought up the rights to the next war? "Before you send your son off to die in a foreign land, stop in at Walmart and buy him some new skivvies."
  21. I guess you've never heard of Little Bighorn?
  22. John Lee Hooker: Boom Boom Pink Floyd: One of These Days Guess Who: American Woman ich bin ein auslander: PWEI (FUN-da-MENTAL remix) And for the Canadian expansion pack: The War of 1812: Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie
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