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J Ruddy

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Everything posted by J Ruddy

  1. I can never decide where the blurry line starts and ends. Do any of these statements qualify as violating the no politics rule: - Capitalism sucks, Democratic-Socialism rocks! - Rock the Vote! - 3 Purple Hearts > Wimpy Mamma's Boy - Down with greed! Billionaires suck! - WTO = NFG WMF = WTF WMD = MIA - The Iraq war was about extending US power and securing middle east oil reserves. - Strykers suck - Allah wants peace - Chomsky > G.W.B. - Proportional representation now! - Clinton > G.W.B. - Canadian Liberal Politicians are all a bunch of stupid pigs! - Canadian Conservative Politicians are all a bunch of rejects from the Refooooooooorm party. - Siddhartha Gautama > G.W.B. - Strykers suck - Stop driving SUV's! - Bombing for peace is like [censored]-ing for viginity! - Censorship sucks! - Strykers suck - Pee Wee Herman > G.W.B. Are any of those statements over the line?
  2. What? :mad: Where am I? Where the hell are the angry smilies and the cheery waffles...? Oh Gods.. I've stumbled into the Peng thread... Cripes! My eyes! What the hell is that smell? Must.. stay.. on.. target.. follow the trail of bread crumbs out of here... oh Jeebus, the trail's ended - Dammit! Boo's eaten my bread crumbs..! :mad: Bad hamster! Wait.. what's this.. fresh air, blowing from the west... the sun.. oh cripes no, it's a true blue Utah blue angel.. awgh! Consciousness fading... I see a bright light.. pa, is that you..? That's amazing, my pa isn't even dead yet... Dear God, is that a 1986 Skoda? With none other than Mr Peng at the wheel? WTH? Wait! An idea! Must climb uphill... past the bitching moaning and griping threads... back to... yes.. this is it, the waffle thread - oh thanks be to God! Smell ya later cesspool! :mad:
  3. Don't laugh, I knew a guy who needed 3 stiches from a slide rule accident! :mad: or was it a utility knife.. :confused: meh - never mind... :mad:
  4. Welcome to the Forum! You are correct. Your questions have all been answered before. Actually they've been answered around 487 times before. Syrian Campaign seems very limited in scope Yes it is limited. BFC has indicated they are no longer going to make massive Combat Mission games like CMBO CMBB & CMAK, instead you can expect more titles of the limited scope variety. A repeat of Beyond Overlord for the first WWII game? It won't be a repeat of the first WWII game, it will be a much smaller scope game. They don't want to have to put 7 different nations with their individual uniforms, kit and vehicles into a single game anymore. So you'll see CM WWII Battle of the Bulge (for example) with US vs Germans. Then maybe a closing the "Falaise Pocket" Module, a Sword Beach Module etc... There's a lot of grumbling about this, but what the hey, it's their business, they can do what they want. If it makes/breaks them, it's their time & dime...
  5. Well, I didn't have much of a choice. The troops that weren't running away were well into a case of 1921 Blue Nun that they found in an attic, debating whether the war would be over in time for Oktoberfest. That's what I get for using Bavarians... :mad: :mad:
  6. Forgot how to use Google, noob? :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  7. That we live in a sham 'democracy' where the acting President has never lost a re-election since day immemorial? </font>
  8. Bah - we've got a whole Infantry Regiment of Moose Diddlers , they served with honour in dubya dubya one and two! I personally served with the Army Cadets as a member of this regiment when I was a kid (A stupid kid, I didn't know being a grunt was for Eejits and Moose Sodomizers, I did smarten up a bit later - in my brief service as a disgruntled part time radio technician ). Meh - show me a Fin that hasn't diddled a Reindeer and I'll show you a Swede disguised as a Fin!
  9. That was tres nice - thanks for the laugh... I can't say I disagree, can't say I wouldn't prefer a game set in WWII, can't say I wouldn't prefer a world that didn't have a WWII or a GWB, but who cares? I'm not on a band wagon. My political views are my own, and not for sharing with people whom I know would attack me for them. I believe CM:SF will be a decent game and a good warm up for the upcoming WWII title. If that makes me a suck up or a sheep, then dammit, get me a garden hose and a golf ball, cause I'm a goin to town baby!!!
  10. Maybe, what I'm worried about is the declining quality of SPAM mail. It used to be you could learn a thing or two about pron marketing or at least have a good chuckle. Now the junk I get is either that nonsense spam filter beating crap or even worse: :confused: Whatever happened to the "Hey J Ruddy, looking for a good time?" or "How to get a stripper to dance for free!" or "Please send me $500 and I will give you $1000 in two months time..." :mad: CMBB & CMAK aren't the cool awesome games they used to be, but IMHO they are still fun when played against a new opponant - so that's why I came to this thread, Abbott is killing me softly with his TNT and I couldn't be happier. Mind you I'm also playing COD2 online, working 40 hours a week, keeping a wife and kid as well as my regular gaming buddies happy, so if I'm awol for more than a couple of days, send beer, I probably need it... :mad:
  11. Hey no_one I'm still here - first my kid was spewing like a geyser and now I'm sick as a dog and twice as ugly so I'm keepin' my posts to myself until I can remember what it is I wanted to post. :mad: :confused: And yes, Abbott smacked me with a stick-O-TNT twice now (The turns left in game #2 are just a formality, my superior national socialists are now just a bunch of wimpering children)... but being kicked in the groin ain't no reason to stop fighting dammit!!! :mad: [ November 18, 2005, 12:29 PM: Message edited by: J Ruddy ]
  12. Pseudo Are you still living next to the city formerly known as Berlin? No wonder yer a Lederhosen wearing Walter Ostanek listening Teutonic shandy drinking maggot! Looks good on ye! Head over to Moo U, then go south on the Darwin Awards Road from Hell, around four oh three, head east, then take a trip down the queens viagara bound highway, continue past the creek where we kicked the Americans in the family jewels on June 6, 1813, and you'll find an exit for some ED Smith character, peach trees, vinyards and my little piece of paradise... Hope ya freeze yer butt off this winter, I'll be sunbathing in my viagara micro-climate... :mad:
  13. It's 65 and sunny again today here in the Great White North..! I gots a sinkin' feelin' that Ole Man Winter be planning an ambush fer me :mad:
  14. Mr Abbot I just resent turn 19 (I sent on Friday)- I haven't received anything from you since Wednesday, figured you either chickened out or were in a drunken stupor... I've been buzzing on muscle relaxants all weekend (for the train wreck that occasionally passes for my back) and this is the first time I thought to check the bb to see if you had won the powerball or something... :mad: What can I say, mr's & vodka don't mix.. er maybe they mix a little too well.. :mad: I now see in a message above that you sent a turn on the 28th - it must be lost in the stickyweb again... my ISP blew it's nose on Friday night just after I sent you the turn, I wouldn't be surprised if the idiots at Bell Sympatico killed my access just as Outlook was trying to d/l your email... :mad: Lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz... I gotta crash now - I apologize for this snafu... :mad:
  15. [hanging head in shame] Turn sent - sorry for delay - the official excuse was that my wife tied me up... :mad: (...although there may have been a little bit of COD2 playing that got in the way too...) I feel so dirty :mad: :mad: :mad:
  16. bah - I obviously didn't strike you hard enough! :mad: Now in preparation for the CM:SF train wreck that hopefully will ship sometime before WWIII, it's time for some urban combat - turn sent, sir! You'd best keep that scrap you call armour away from my AT guns! :mad: Bwa ha ha ha :mad:
  17. It wasn't all in vain - I'm glad someone saw the humour in my Space Lobster Org & Equip post. I figured air burst shrimps would have tipped off the most gullable reader to the tone of the post but I guess I was wrong... Thanks! Jim
  18. Where is it written that all members of a section need to ride in the same vehicle? Isn't that like putting all your eggs in one basket, especially in an Urban Environment? Is it time to go to 2 smaller, heavier armoured 5 man carriers per section? I prefer treads to tires, but I know in Canada the powers that be are determined to go to a wheeled force... so keeping it wheeled is required if you're a Canuck... Maybe kit one with a TOW system and the other with a remote operate .50? Keep them as small a target as possible with less overall area and considerably more protection than a LAV/Stryker? There would only be room for a 2 Man Crew and 4 or 5 passengers max. I'm thinking of something like a Ferret on Steroids with a small passanger compartment, a Tow or Remote .50 system and bolt on composite armour, a bit bigger than a Humvee. As usual I could be totally out to lunch, but I think it's a pretty logical concept. (Now where did I put that tel# for NDHQ)
  19. That's the problem with the Scots, a lousy sense of humour! They didn't even realise bagpipes were supposed to be a gag gift when the Irish gave them to 'em! [Edit] OK I'll try to add something semi-constructinve to the thread, - If, in the next 100 years, war-like aliens ever come across planet earth looking for whatever we have that they want, we're screwed. It only takes a simple biological program to wipe out the entire human race, hell, I've often wondered why we haven't killed ourselves already. The whole concept of a 'realistic' sci fi war with near future humans vs advanced creature X is a dead end for this very reason. Far future wars? Or Long time ago in a galaxy far far away? Parallel Dimensions? All these options might as well be "Middle Earth" or WH40K because there is no data with which you can predict what the TO&E of such a conflict would even look like. All of our knowledge of War is based on a few thousand years of human conflict. So if you want a realistic example of war 50, 500 or 50,000 years from now, you'd better first build yourself a time machine, visit the era in question and report back to us. [Edit #2] Oh Crap - I forgot to tell you what I would like - seriously. umm.. OK - A post apocalyptic world where clean water is money, days are scorchingly hot, humans have blown themselves back to the Iron Age. A rag-tag mixture of Medieval, Near Future and Current weaponry, clans of warring peoples all fighting over clean water and prime real estate. The living conditions are horrible, people are desperate, small scale conflicts constant. God it sounds like one of Turtledove's awful books... never mind..! [ October 25, 2005, 10:49 AM: Message edited by: J Ruddy ]
  20. Come on mods - are you going to let me get away with trolling like that? Gimme a warning! Slap my wrist! Ban me! Praise me! Kick me arse! bah!
  21. Dear Peter Bite me fecking arse I was joking for Gods sake. You wouldn't know satire if it came along and slapped you with a WWII clone wrapped in a far future skin and spanked your bottom with fermented sea weed, [edit]. Sincerely Jim p.s. The whole idea of a sci-fi game is juvenile. I sincerely hope that Steve, Charles et al realise this and focus on getting the historical games made. p.p.s. thanks for caring, [edit]. {Edited to remove personal attacks based on Peter's resemblance to a Male Donkey.} [ October 25, 2005, 10:16 AM: Message edited by: J Ruddy ]
  22. Space Lobsters of Doom Company, circa year 2587 First you must realize that the Space Crabs are subservient to the Space Lobsters. They are faster, stronger and more able of technical or delicate work, but they lack the spine to stand up to their oppressors. (groan) (As put into human terms) Company Commander: Mean Green Lobster Queen - A Large Green Space Lobster, her massive antennae allow her to communicate telepathically with the rest of her space Lobster Army. Her Command section includes two (2) Lobster Brutes. Lobster Brutes are hulking eunuchs, not too bright, and each carries an LPG (Light Pearl Gun) as well as a Shell Repair Kit. Standard Company: Consists of 3 Standard Lobster Platoons and a Crab Support Platoon Platoon Commander: Green Lobster - Smaller female lobsters who receive orders from the Queen telepathically. Only female lobsters can read the Queens mind (this is a universal truth) and so only Green Lobsters can accept commands from the Queen. Standard Platoon: Consists of 3 Lobster Brute Sections and a Medium Space Shrimp Support Section Lobster Brute Section: Consists of 4 LPG Lobster Brutes, 2 LRPG (Long Range Pearl Gun) Brutes and a Space Tick Launcher (STL) Team made up of Two Small Space Crabs. Medium Space Shrimp Section: Consists of 2 Medium Space Shrimp Launchers (SSL), each 'manned' by three Small Space Crabs Crab Support Platoon (Led by a Platoon Commander: Green Lobster) Various Company Support and repair roles are filled by the Crab Support Platoon. These platoons are equipped according to the specific needs of the company as dicated by the tactical and strategic situation. Space Crabs are extremely well trained and can expertly fill a number of roles including combat, repair and engineering. ------------------------------------- A Light Recon Company Consists of 4 Light Crab Platoons Platoon Commander: Green Lobster riding a Large Fast Crab Brute Light Crab Platoon: Consists of 4 Rapid Attack Space Crab Sections Rapid Attack Space Crab Section: Consists of 8 Small Rapid Attack Space Crabs, (each mounting an LPG) and a Space Tick Launcher Team made up of Two Small Space Crabs. ------------------------------------- A Heavy Assault Company Consists of 4 Heavy Assault Platoons Platoon Commander:Green Lobster riding a Massive Assault Crab Assault Crab Platoon: Consists of 4 Assault Crab Sections Assault Crab Section: Consists of 4 Massive Assault Crabs, each armed with multiple LPGs, STL's and SSL's ------------------------------------- Acid Spitting Clam Support Team: Medium, Large or Giant Acid Spitting Clam (ASC), manned by 4 Small Space Crabs. Space Shrimp Support Team: Medium, Large or Giant Space Shrimp Launchers (SSL), each 'manned' by three Small Space Crabs ------------------------------------- Technology: LPG: 12mm Light Pearl Gun. The standard issue personal weapon of the Space Lobster Army, this weapon has an effective range of 300 meters and a 800 ppm rate of fire. The LPG can penetrate modern body armour but also provides a shrapnel area effect when hitting a hardened surface, such as the side of an AFV for example. LRPG: 12mm Long Range Pearl Gun. The Long Range Pearl gun is essentially a longer barrelled LPG with an increased velocity, power and range (800 Meters). A reduced rate of fire of 300 ppm is the sacrifice made to achieve these increases. STL: Space Tick Launchers: Space Ticks are nasty little creatures that burrow into the first object they contact, be it a Metal Vehicle, a rock wall, or human flesh. If a space tick penetrates a vehicle's armour it will wreak havoc on the internal systems, devouring equipment and laying its eggs. SSL: Space Shrimp Launchers: Medium, Large and Giant. Space Shrimps have only one redeeming quality, they explode when they touch anything metal. There are three basic sizes of Space Shrimp Launchers, Medium, Large and Giant. Clever Crab Crews will coat a small fragment of steel in wax and feed it to the shrimp. When the shrimp's stomach acids finish eating the wax, the metal is exposed and the shrimp explodes. This is fundamental to the tactic of 'Air Burst Shrimps'. ASC: Acid Spitting Clam: This is just as it sounds. The team feeds the clam fermented Seaweed, the clam's saliva turns the fermented Seaweed into a very nasty acid, the clam spits it out. Clams may be aimed for direct or indirect fire. ------------------------------------- Soldiers: Every member of the Space Lobster Army has an external skeleton or shell. These shells vary in thickness from very light (Rapid Attack Space Crabs) to Extremely Heavy (Massive Assault Crabs) and give the creatures some defence against shrapnel and direct fire. Although their innards are very soft and mushy, their biological makeup make them difficult to stop, very few things short of outright killing will stop them. Although well trained, the troops must remain in the command radius of a Green Lobster. This is especially true for the Space Crabs, as they have been known to scuttle away at inopportune times. Anyone care to Add - Edit - Improve or perhaps tackle the org for the human side Circa 2587...?
  23. Grrr :mad: only wimps play yanks in modern combat, my money was with the 'skinnies' in Soumalia and my money is on the Syrians - I'm going Red on Blue baby! :mad: Where, sir, would you suggest Abbott Crams it? I don't know if he has the imagination, or experience requried to find a suitable place! :mad: Damn GOP-Groupies! They wouldn't know a bleeding heart if it hit them up side the head! :mad: Can't we all just kill eachother on the battlefield like civilized folk? :confused:
  24. Bah! Why don't you go and cheeze off some more pseudo-left-winger (it's socialism or nothing baby!) TNT chuckers with your awful right wing blatherings about public showers, soddomy and soaps on ropes ya Reagan loving elitist GOP supporter :mad: ... oh ya, turn is sent... have fun turning my Italians into fertilizer... they seem to have forgotten their rifles again... :mad: :mad: :mad:
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