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J Ruddy

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Everything posted by J Ruddy

  1. I completely disagree. As Tom pointed out, it's just 2 vehicles. Not at all every single frikin' piece of armor the USSR ever exported. Secondly, from a pure gameplay standpoint these would make the difficult job of balancing out QBs and scenarios somewhat less difficult. Hardly a waste of time IMO. And most telling is the fact that tom and I almost never agree on anything. That fact that we are in lockstep with each other on this is a little disturbing I admit. </font>
  2. OK - you're articulate argument has swayed me over to the dark side.
  3. I think that is exactly "why not". They looked back at the amount of work they did to model every single fricking piece of armour that was ever in battle in WWII and realized, while totally cool, it is also totally a waste of their time.
  4. but you are going to allow us to re-skin the models... right? Even if we can't tweek the TO&E to make the troops act like Canadians, we can make them dress like Canadians? How about exposing the audio files so we can make them sound like Canadians too? The big salami would be to have an override directory (Kind of like NWN) so that we could use our own models in the game as well... or would that step on the toes of Module sales?
  5. IBM PC 486 DX2-66MHz IBM Compatible PC, 8 Megabytes of RAM, MSDOS 5.0 and higher, 6MB Uncompressed Disk Space, VGA or SVGA video, MS Compatible Mouse. [ October 11, 2005, 11:34 AM: Message edited by: J Ruddy ]
  6. Steve, Charles et al - first of all thanks a ton for CMAK & CMBB. Secondly, I think any wargamer who isn't one of those gamers who focus in on a single timeframe, arena of operations or even battle (no insult intended to the legion of Waterloo grogs) will probably get their money's worth from CMSF. I don't play any table top modern stuff. I have played some cold war bookcase games that failed to give me a grog-on for the whole era. But - I have spent around a hundred hours playing the US Army's free FPS (Yes I swallowed my Canadian pride and actually played as an American) and this may have been a good prep for CMSF. The bottom line is I'm with a lot of the unhappy-ish folks who've said - "erm.. well I guess its ok - not my cup-o-tea, but I'll try the demo." I just hope I can wrap my head around how the MGS is supposed to be used. Finally - your level of asskickedness on this board when posters get 'stupid' / 'out of hand' is not only hilarious but also refreshing. I don't think I've ever seen anyone from Microsoft post "I haven't seen an episode of self induced public idiocy in a while." It made my whole day just a little bit brighter... Keep on kicking! [Edit - Bah! AGS - MGS what the hell is the American Goat Society doing in Syria?] [ October 11, 2005, 10:35 AM: Message edited by: J Ruddy ]
  7. How about a 1:6 scale Challenger 2 R/C tank? Big Tanks!
  8. That reminds me of a story my father told me. He was a firecontrolman on an Iroquois Tribal class destroyer in the early 60's. They were doing a torpedo drill which required unlocking the 4 retraints on the Torpedo tube. Unfortunately the other sailor missed one and when the torpedo was fired out of the tube, it dove strait down into the water and popped up on the other side of the ship, punching a hole in the side, well above the water line. No one was killed, the other soldier was injured by shrapnel created when the torpedo ripped itself out of the tube. All in all - not a good day for the RCN. [Edited - there was too much class... "Iroquois Class Tibal Class"] [ October 07, 2005, 10:15 AM: Message edited by: J Ruddy ]
  9. So what Dorosh & fytinghellfish are telling me is it isn't that the 60mm is a useless weapon, but rather that how it is deployed (mainly due to logistics) in the modern American army marginalizes its role on the battlefield? I read a report regarding the PPCLI's experience in Operation Athena and it seemed to suggest they made good use of the old 60mm - deploying it at the platoon level and using it to 'saturate enemy positions with HE'. Of course the report did go on to also praise it for its smoke and illumination capabilities.
  10. I think that is a slight.. er.. what's the opposite of exaggeration? With a 20 Round Per minute sustained firing rate and a range of about 1000m (MD will correct me on these numbers I'm sure) these little puppies are the cats ass for light infantry who need to reach out and suppress someone.
  11. Hey Dorosh, don't you watch CNN? The US won the war in Iraq on May 1 2003! What's been going on since then is simply 'civil unrest' by a small group of militants who are determined to undermine freedom and democracy! idjit! [Edit - oh crap, I think the CIA mind control rays are operational again]
  12. You'd probably think the same about a python eating an alligator. After Dinner Mint?
  13. hmmm.. Combat Mission: Harry Turtledove?
  14. If there's one thing us Canucks know it's winter warfare. I remember when I was a kid, there were always joint manouevers going on in my area. One year whomever was in charge decided the US should do a winter airborne assault. Unfortunately it was -30C at ground level and God knows how cold at their jump altitude. That was the year that the US Army learned what happens to jumpers' "leather gloved" fingers and "wrong socks for the weather" toes in -30C weather. A friend of mine ended up having a platoon bivvied in his heated barn - I think only 2 didn't have frostbite and a few had to be evacuated. But I digress - I think if they can have multiple states for building hexes, they may be able to have multiple states for road and soft ground hexes. But then I am still thinking in the abstract cmx1 style. I haven't seen CMx2 yet, so this idea could be as doable as taking Moscow before Christmas.
  15. I recall there was a post a while back about deforming terrain, but I don't remember whether deteriorating terrain was discussed or not. For example, you have a creek which a company of men decide to cross. If the banks by the creek are soft the first few men might have a much easier time than the last few men who will possibly have a lot of mud and loose ground to deal with. The flip side is snow. If you have a platoon in column formation moving through deep snow, anyone following up behind them will likely have an easier time as the snow is already trampled down. To stay with the snow topic - will all roads be considered clear of snow, or will there be various conditions for roads and paths. Is this sort of dynamic terrain modelling within the scope of CMX2?
  16. Geez - I'd hate to see what other sites he impersonates you on...
  17. Dang! I guess that rules out the 'War of the Roses... '
  18. Ah yes - but you have never seen the CM: Circus Wars demo have you? Plates balanced on sticks, tumblers balanced in assault pyramid formations, elephants balanced on platforms, its a really good example of completely balanced gameplay... </font>
  19. Pfftt!What does a Canucki college student know about RAGE? :mad: :mad: Btw,the leafs suck so bad that we should kick them out of our league.That's right,OUR league :mad: </font>
  20. It's pandoras box in here, baby!
  21. Ah yes - but you have never seen the CM: Circus Wars demo have you? Plates balanced on sticks, tumblers balanced in assault pyramid formations, elephants balanced on platforms, its a really good example of completely balanced gameplay...
  22. All I know is I'm stuck with lousy industrial lighting, a Brain Tumor 4000 monitor and 2 PC's with noise master hard drives that are on the verge of total CATO - which no doubt will end with the firing of aluminum shards into the horrible soundproofing that passes for a ceiling. While reflecting on how much better my old job was (minus the 3 hour commute) I take a moment out of my crappy day to read your posts and they help me to remember that I should probably be drunk. An object at rest needs to drink. An object in motion also needs to drink. An object that approaches the speed of light, requires exponentially more drink as it approaches light speed. The quantum nature of drink dictates that strange bottles of swill will mysteriously appear in your liquor cabinet while your prize single malt whisky and fine polish vodka will cease to exist. (Kind of like how any cassette tape left in a car eventually evolves into Queens Greatest Hits) Tonight, while watching the Blue and White get there arses kicked all over the ice, I hope you'll join me in a drink to the memory of Father Ted, or as his family knew him, Dermot Morgan, may the funny bastard rest in peace. Feck Arse Drink! </font>
  23. Pfftt!What does a Canucki college student know about RAGE? :mad: :mad: Btw,the leafs suck so bad that we should kick them out of our league.That's right,OUR league :mad: </font>
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